So many positives, despite sadness over being so close and death of Dennis Byrd by a 17-yr old driver. 1.only 4 or 5 penalties after 17 last week. Glad that's fixed.
2.You just knew Keenan Johnson would be a star from the git-go
3.Speaking of stars-give several to Uhles & Pagonis for shoring up right side of O-line.
Dare I say it: they may be better than Wright & Belcher.
4.Will this help recruiting in South Texas? Is the Pope Argentinian?
5.On the road, 13th ranked team, loudest of any crowd this year, lose 1st team RB
early and Flanders steps up big time.
6.Still hate all things Houston. I said it last year & I'll say it again: without Ward, UH wins
7 games. Of course, count Oliver on D as another superhuman freak.
7.Their coach kisses on the cheek each coach & player as they leave the locker room.
Alrighty then. After last night, he better start giving Ward a full-frontal juicy one, with
8.Speaking of Herman, he leaves and he better inherit a Gary Ward, Jr. or he will suck as a coach. Almost choked on complementing TU & just gushed over how his great team
had all the blah,blah,blah to win( 13th ranked, at home over a 3TD underdog).
9.Feel free to add to this list, I'm going to take a nap. TU Football:1st,last,always!