Tulsa MAGA Winning

We have heard how irresponsible it would be to have so many people in one place

So now Trump is toast because he only had a resonable number attend
We have heard how irresponsible it would be to have so many people in one place

So now Trump is toast because he only had a resonable number attend
Oh it was still irresponsible. But it was just sad. It would have been like the stones playing to an audience of 1000 with a bunch a seats empty.
He could've had social distancing work out, if he had put half those people in the lower bowl, in the upper seats.

He was pushing Rip's 45% measure of the oppo, today at the BOK.
Paging Rippin and shon46 - please take your meds.
The racism from the Left continues... cool? I mean, I hate it but I guess it’s good y’all keep showing it? That way we know you’re racist? I don’t know. I’m not black but I’m certainly uncomfortable around racism. I’m not afraid to talk about race in any way, I will quickly tell anyone I am proud to be white & that they should be proud of whatever they are. It is interesting enough, though, that you’d rather be racist in some stupid post with a video & ad homonym attack while trying to actually calling other people wrong. Is that racist?
Oh it was still irresponsible. But it was just sad. It would have been like the stones playing to an audience of 1000 with a bunch a seats empty.
Y’all wanted some to pop off so bad last night. It didn’t. We just got Tesla. Be happy. For once.

Oh, wait - y’all can’t because y’all still suffering from that Terminal TDS.
Oh it was still irresponsible. But it was just sad. It would have been like the stones playing to an audience of 1000 with a bunch a seats empty.
Still waiting for Biden to draw any near that number. He can’t.
Oh it was still irresponsible. But it was just sad. It would have been like the stones playing to an audience of 1000 with a bunch a seats empty.
“It was so embarrassing that there weren’t as many people there as we thought would be.”

Response: “YEAH! But it’s still so bad that they were not being responsible with social distancing!”

Y’all are such losers. I think that’s what the USA needs to for real consider teaching people how to do again: LOSE. Y’ALL DO NOT KNOW HOW TO LOSE! Y’ALL CAN’T JUST WALK OFF THE COURT Y’ALL GOTTA TAKE THE BALL HOME & RUIN THE GAME FOR EVERYONE!

I know about those kind of sore losers, by the way. One of my friends was KILLED, as in SHOT IN THE HEAD, for winning a basketball game at the park. Literally, the guy lost a game of hoops & went & got a gun. Then he shot my friend dead. His name was Marcus Lewis. If only you fake idiots cared the slightest about him compared to how much you care about Arbery, Brooks & Floyd ... you don’t. It’s sickening.

When/if y’all get your race war (& at this rate you will) it will be such a crushingly devastating loss, you will question everything you ever believed. You will see whites with blacks fights whites with blacks & Asians & Hispanics etc you’ll see two groups that look essentially the same. The difference is one of those groups includes over 95% of all former special forces/combat vets. Enjoy your time because this is for what you’ve been waiting to arrive.
By the way, they’re still not returning calls in Atlanta. The police have checked out from their oaths as their DA has sold them out over a joke. Code 69 is person with a gun - no response on the scanner last night in ATL. Y’all don’t realize what you’re asking for & what you’ll get if you vote blue.
The racism from the Left continues... cool? I mean, I hate it but I guess it’s good y’all keep showing it? That way we know you’re racist? I don’t know. I’m not black but I’m certainly uncomfortable around racism. I’m not afraid to talk about race in any way, I will quickly tell anyone I am proud to be white & that they should be proud of whatever they are. It is interesting enough, though, that you’d rather be racist in some stupid post with a video & ad homonym attack while trying to actually calling other people wrong. Is that racist?
Amy k stepped aside so biden could pick a woman of color. Not necessarily the best or most qualified.

Rings of tokenism and pandering.
“It was so embarrassing that there weren’t as many people there as we thought would be.”

Response: “YEAH! But it’s still so bad that they were not being responsible with social distancing!”

Y’all are such losers. I think that’s what the USA needs to for real consider teaching people how to do again: LOSE. Y’ALL DO NOT KNOW HOW TO LOSE! Y’ALL CAN’T JUST WALK OFF THE COURT Y’ALL GOTTA TAKE THE BALL HOME & RUIN THE GAME FOR EVERYONE!

I know about those kind of sore losers, by the way. One of my friends was KILLED, as in SHOT IN THE HEAD, for winning a basketball game at the park. Literally, the guy lost a game of hoops & went & got a gun. Then he shot my friend dead. His name was Marcus Lewis. If only you fake idiots cared the slightest about him compared to how much you care about Arbery, Brooks & Floyd ... you don’t. It’s sickening.

When/if y’all get your race war (& at this rate you will) it will be such a crushingly devastating loss, you will question everything you ever believed. You will see whites with blacks fights whites with blacks & Asians & Hispanics etc you’ll see two groups that look essentially the same. The difference is one of those groups includes over 95% of all former special forces/combat vets. Enjoy your time because this is for what you’ve been waiting to arrive.
The left did a good job supressing free speach by stealing tickets from people who would have attended
According to the Tulsa Fired Department the President of the United States got outdrawn by a Tulsa-Wichita State basketball game in the state where he had one of his highest margins of victory in his previous elections.


A) People were afraid to come out because of the virus.
B) People are REALLY upset with his performance.
According to the Tulsa Fired Department the President of the United States got outdrawn by a Tulsa-Wichita State basketball game in the state where he had one of his highest margins of victory in his previous elections.


A) People were afraid to come out because of the virus.
B) People are REALLY upset with his performance.

Anecdotally, I have a few Trumpy friends that registered for it and wanted to go but decided against it because they didn’t want to deal with any craziness downtown. My guess is most people, especially Trump voters that trend older, are just a little timid with large crowds still with the virus still spreading.
Anecdotally, I have a few Trumpy friends that registered for it and wanted to go but decided against it because they didn’t want to deal with any craziness downtown. My guess is most people, especially Trump voters that trend older, are just a little timid with large crowds still with the virus still spreading.
I would tend to agree. It just shows that people are more concerned with their health than he and his staff realizes. Being tested so frequently probably tends to make you underestimate the degree of concern amongst people who aren’t being tested.
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Y’all wanted some to pop off so bad last night. It didn’t. We just got Tesla. Be happy. For once.

Oh, wait - y’all can’t because y’all still suffering from that Terminal TDS.
You know, I don’t think you realize what TDS really is.

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Amy k stepped aside so biden could pick a woman of color. Not necessarily the best or most qualified.

Rings of tokenism and pandering.
No, it’s for Hillary.

It will not be that obese, ugly, already proven loser b1tch from Atlanta.

By the way, Atlanta is dying right now. It’s actually going up in flames. Even cringe worthy white girls who are down with the cause are finding out the cause is not down with them. She got shot. In the leg. To her credit, she took it like a G & got a tourniquet on it with pretty impressive quickness.

What is a ring of tokenism? Is it a ring of blacc people putting $1b behind white Democrat politicians’ campaigns? I’d say that’s both pandering & trickery & tokenism. Wait, I messed up - once again, that’s 3.

I have to take a serious look in the mirror about my use of the word “both.” Oh well, that’s neither here nor there. Actually it is here, right now, on this board. I’m wrong again! Lol

The blaccs that have learned about why Trump supporters are so nice to everyone, why republicans are better for the blacc communities & why they should consider the switch to voting red & for Trump - they are AWAKE. They KNOW. They are now HIP to y’all’s TRICKS! They do not have this inferiority complex that is pushed upon them by the media & democrats. They know they can kick ass just like the whites. And they do. They are OFF THE PLANTATION that is the DEMOCRAT party!
Jesus Rippin,
Get some help.
As someone who has met me multiple times, I’m disappointed. I mean, you know my personality on here is in no way representative of who I am irl... whatever, though. I still have LOVE for everyone on this board. I still pray for all y’all. I try not to use ad honeybun (sic intended) type attacks, I do my best not to engage in those attacks. I prefer facts. But whatever. I still got mad love for you Damon (n0h0m0) & I would step in without hesitation to protect your life &/or the lives of your family.
Holy Fuccn blutty Hell... talk about a runaround circus what in all things Holy did I have to send that to someone via text to copy the same damn link to get it to paste on here & allow me to post it.

Proof they are actively trying to suppress the speech of us silent majority!

Watch that, or I can pose some more uncle Devon if you’d prefer.
Holy Fuccn blutty Hell... talk about a runaround circus what in all things Holy did I have to send that to someone via text to copy the same damn link to get it to paste on here & allow me to post it.

Proof they are actively trying to suppress the speech of us silent majority!

Watch that, or I can pose some more uncle Devon if you’d prefer.
Oh yeah, they are are definitely tryin' to suppress the s***h of the silent majority. :sure: Just about like how you fixed that reffing situation against TU. Oh wow, look how they were trying to supress my s***h, when they asterisked my s***h three times. It's a conspiracy!!! Wouldn't have anything to do with you not knowing what you were doing technologically, to explain it.
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Oh yeah, they are are definitely tryin' to suppress the s***h of the silent majority. :sure: Just about like how you fixed that reffing situation against TU. Oh wow, look how they were trying to supress my s***h, when they asterisked my s***h three times. It's a conspiracy!!! Wouldn't have anything to do with you not knowing what you were doing technologically, to explain it.
Jokes not allowed.

“if you ain’t Hyphy wit a pistol you ain’t hyphy for real, yeah I knew Hyphy for real”

well, I knew him. He was funny. Then they killed him. For killing too many people. This story reminds me of it all & how an arrest would’ve at least saved his life for a bit longer, though he probably would’ve gotten the death sentence in Oklahoma for all the bodies he had racked up in less than a year.

read the stories, watch the videos.

This is all real. I lived through all of this. No one talks about this. The amount of people from this one group of stories that have died is countless. But George Floyd, he’s more important than all of them. That’s where we’ve gone wrong. Conservatives need to speak up & say “No!”
Oh yeah, they are are definitely tryin' to suppress the s***h of the silent majority. :sure: Just about like how you fixed that reffing situation against TU. Oh wow, look how they were trying to supress my s***h, when they asterisked my s***h three times. It's a conspiracy!!! Wouldn't have anything to do with you not knowing what you were doing technologically, to explain it.
Lmao by the way I said “jokes not allowed” as a joke BECAUSE I was joking about my speech being suppressed - that wasn’t only a joke but also bait for you to post this hilarious response.

well done! Another proper prediction by yours truly!
Wow and in the video after that first one about the 16 year old kid in dc they show a young black woman talk about the of “Black Lives Matter Plaza” as she says “why would they re-open ‘Black Lives Matter Plaza while fencing off St. John’s church? It’s just completely contradictory!”

WOW! No, the hypocrisy of the Left is completely contradictory, young lady! What in the blutty hell are they talking?! It makes total sense that the Church is fenced off because y’all have been tryna burn it down & tag it up just totaling F’ing it up while “peacefully protesting!”

Do you think she’s upset about the fencing because she’d like to attend the church?! NO! SHE WANTS TO BURN IT DOWN TO THE GROUND!

Here’s another example of hypocrisy: why do they care so much about George Floyd or RAGSHARD Brooks when they show no care for the victims of that 16 year old serial killer?! THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT VICTIMS IN THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS IF IT IS NOT DONE BY A WHITE MAN & OVER 98% OF THE TIME IT IS DONE BY ANOTHER BLACK!

Here’s some more hypocrisy: how, HOW & WHY is this “bishop” (it’s “rector”) OF ST JOHN’S A FRIGGIN BLATANT LEFTIST DYKE?! Is she going to marry another dyke & scissor out a child?! NO!!

Changing mascots & shyt... not just school names or street names but city names & mascots because someone is offended! Wrong side of history, Leftists!
mlk protesters sang, "we shall over come"

blm protesters chant, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now."
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mlk protesters sang, "we shall over come"

blm protesters chant, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now."
“Pigs in a blanket, fry me like bacon!”

What’s crazy is all these riots are still going on & the mainstream media isn’t covering it. What’s funny is that they think we will be tricked by their lack of coverage (which is by design, by the way) & it’s not gonna happen - we will not fall for this lack of coverage.

What’s NOT funny is how they’re planning on this to happen. They can’t wait until October when the Cops in Minneapolis/Atlanta walk, they want to wait until the police finally get fed up with being shot by pellet/paintball guns & respond accordingly with lethal force JUST SO THAT WHEN THAT HAPPENS THESE LEFT WING MAINSTREAM MEDIA “JOURNALISTS” (they’re not journalists they’re activists) CAN POINT IT OUT & SAY, “ SEE - LOOK! LOOK AT WHAT THEY (cops) DO! THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO ABOLISH/DEFUND THE POLICE!”

In other words, they’re so evil that they’re hoping a cop defends their self properly as is justified by law & someone dies (preferably a black person but anybody “peaceful protester”) so they can push this nonsense on us!

That is how little they care about You, Me, ALL OF US - conservative, Leftist ir Independent - they do not care about ANYONE! They are willing to do ANYTHING no matter how evil it is to gain power!

Unfortunately, they’ve spent over 3.5 years building everything toward this. They want a race war. It’s not a race war. It is a civil war. We are in it! Unfortunately, these people are mortally misguided. They have another thing coming that has nothing to do with what they want, unfortunately.