Tulsa MAGA Winning

Everything just changed. OKSC says Trump can still come here and P.T. Barnum says no curfew.
Everything just changed. OKSC says Trump can still come here and P.T. Barnum says no curfew.
Why do I think that was BS intel being given for the curfew 'request'. I doubt the intel changed one iota from when they advised the curfew to when they didn't. It was somebody thinking they didn't want to inhibit their fans/supporters.
Why do I think that was BS intel being given for the curfew 'request'. I doubt the intel changed one iota from when they advised the curfew to when they didn't. It was somebody thinking they didn't want to inhibit their fans/supporters.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
im not saying it’s right or wrong although I do have my own personal opinion but the majority of people I know don’t fear COVID. Credit it to whatever you want but I think unless the national death rate from the virus increases exponentially from its current dismal rate of less than 1% of total population people will continue to live normal lives.
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So the unwashed mob has been camping out on the street now for days. Stores and buildings are boarded up and closed. Are all these people just urinating on the streets like they do at home? It ought to be quite a ripe event and odor in the BOK during and afterwards.
So the unwashed mob has been camping out on the street now for days. Stores and buildings are boarded up and closed. Are all these people just urinating on the streets like they do at home? It ought to be quite a ripe event and odor in the BOK during and afterwards.
Some stores are open and allowing people to use the facilities. Additionally, portapodies have been placed in the area. Others are staying in hotels in the commuting area and going there to take care of business.
How does it feel to be in the center of the political universe?

If any trump suporter riots, burns or goes home with a flat screen I want him procecuted. Also the same for the Anti-trumpers.

Lets be better than Seattle.

Please do not destroy my city.
We all know it’s not the Trump supporters about whom we should worry.
Why do I think that was BS intel being given for the curfew 'request'. I doubt the intel changed one iota from when they advised the curfew to when they didn't. It was somebody thinking they didn't want to inhibit their fans/supporters.
The intel isn’t BS. The reality is that the OK Nat’l Guard, Feds & Tulsa Police realized they can handle the protesters.
So the unwashed mob has been camping out on the street now for days. Stores and buildings are boarded up and closed. Are all these people just urinating on the streets like they do at home? It ought to be quite a ripe event and odor in the BOK during and afterwards.
LOL! The hatred & vitriol from the Left continues! Y’all Terminal TDS is still showing... unfortunately, Ira not going away until 2024.

Here’s a fact: Trump’s base is as strong as ever & that’s the base that got him elected in 2016. By the way, his base has grown by AT LEAST 50% since then. So... you’re telling me Biden is going to win? Surely, y’all saw his “campaign” event. Even with the social distancing circles, there were empty seats. Think about that - at 45% capacity bc of social distancing IT STILL WASN’T FULL!!!

Babylon Bee: Biden mysteriously dies, Hillary accepts DNC Nomination.
im not saying it’s right or wrong although I do have my own personal opinion but the majority of people I know don’t fear COVID. Credit it to whatever you want but I think unless the national death rate from the virus increases exponentially from its current dismal rate of less than 1% of total population people will continue to live normal lives.
57 days after full reopening of the state & only 211 people in the entire state hospitalized. They want to tell you that there is a spike in COVID in OK but in reality OVERALL Deaths, as in TOTAL DEATHS regardless of COVID or cancer or whatever, overall total deaths ARE DOWN SUBSTANTIALLY!

I still don’t know anyone personally who has got the COVID, and I know a lot of people. I know only ONE person who knows someone (2 degrees of separation technically speaking) that has caught it & that person is in New Jersey. My friend in China still doesn’t know anyone who’s caught it!
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That’s the myth. The Trump base isn’t strong. He won the election only because the opposing candidate under performed in three states. Voter turnout for Rs in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, was constant over the previous two cycles. In PA the D vote was down 64,000. And Trump won by 44,000 votes. The votes he did win came by over performing his favorables. IOW, the Ds might still have won despite poor turnout if Trump had not benefited from people who didn’t want to vote for him, but voted for him because of the alternative. Predictions of a Trump victory are largely based on continued voter apathy in six key states and the same dynamic. Which may very well hold. But that doesn’t mean his “base” is strong.
The intel isn’t BS. The reality is that the OK Nat’l Guard, Feds & Tulsa Police realized they can handle the protesters.
You are ill informed, meaning you aren't informed at all. Standard fare for you. The Secret Service changed the intel, and advised them to lift the curfew, the one they advised them to place a day or two earlier. This BS about Tulsa Police being the bestest force in the world is laughable. I suppose our national guard is the bestest in the world too. What a joke you are, even if you were a troller, you would still be a joke.
That’s the myth. The Trump base isn’t strong. He won the election only because the opposing candidate under performed in three states. Voter turnout for Rs in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, was constant over the previous two cycles. In PA the D vote was down 64,000. And Trump won by 44,000 votes. The votes he did win came by over performing his favorables. IOW, the Ds might still have won despite poor turnout if Trump had not benefited from people who didn’t want to vote for him, but voted for him because of the alternative. Predictions of a Trump victory are largely based on continued voter apathy in six key states and the same dynamic. Which may very well hold. But that doesn’t mean his “base” is strong.
LMAO! Please, I beg of you. Tell me one POTENTIAL Democrat Nominee that could even try to match Trump’s base! Hell, name one that could sell out the Barclay’s center! We know it won’t be Biden (he wouldn’t sellout the Barclay’s center even at his 45% capacity due to social distancing bc they have to keep you afraid so you’ll vote for them to come & save you - which as we’ve seen, they won’t they haven’t even saved the bleeps after 50+ years of their vote literally they’ve done nothing but hurt the black community) because they’re keeping him away from debating Trump.

We are familiar with this tactic, it’s called STALLING! They, being the democrats, are stalling & praying there is more COVID cases (overall deaths are down) so they can not only scare people into voting them into power but also to keep Biden from being on a stage with Trump. In a debate. Biden would not get destroyed by Trump. It would be worse than total destruction. It would be total, brutal, gruesome annihilation. A MASSACRE (a real massacre, not like what they’re calling the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot in which 300 people died)!!!
You are ill informed, meaning you aren't informed at all. Standard fare for you. The Secret Service changed the intel, and advised them to lift the curfew, the one they advised them to place a day or two earlier. This BS about Tulsa Police being the bestest force in the world is laughable. I suppose our national guard is the bestest in the world too. What a joke you are, even if you were a troller, you would still be a joke.
Thus, I leave your scary, hyperventilating ass with some real entertainment. And by real entertainment I mean rap. Actually, forget that. I’m going to leave you with some real education. By “real education” I mean UNCLE F’ing DEVON!!!! GET SOME!!! WATCH IT, CRY, BE BOTH INTIMIDATED, SCARED & OFFENDED!! Wait, that’s 3.., just WATCH IT!!
Thus, I leave your scary, hyperventilating ass with some real entertainment. And by real entertainment I mean rap. Actually, forget that. I’m going to leave you with some real education. By “real education” I mean UNCLE F’ing DEVON!!!! GET SOME!!! WATCH IT, CRY, BE BOTH INTIMIDATED, SCARED & OFFENDED!! Wait, that’s 3.., just WATCH IT!!
What he really wanted to post but couldn't bring himself to do it.

And by the way, yes, these protesters entering the Trump area (6 block radius surrounding the area east & south of the BoK Center) need to be arrested. They are blatantly trying to start something. They can go sit down across the street all day.

They need to sit down and read a magazine. And by magazine I mean a real magazine, not one of mine. I have too many for anyone to read in a 24 hour period. Actually, they probably wouldn’t be able to read them because the print on them is so small. They would have to count what’s in my magazines. That would still take at least 48 hours. Just go read an actual book, protesters!
What he really wanted to post but couldn't bring himself to do it.

Actually, yes. White people are awesome. History thanks us. Notice those girls aren’t twerking or riding a “wrecking ball” in that video. You know who else is awesome? Most blacks & Hispanics. The Asians are on probation for obvious reasons *cough* KungFlu *cough* loyal to communist China *cough*... the middle easterners are on permanent probations as they want to blow themselves up in a crowd of anyone - it can be Americans or their own Muslims - they don’t care. They just want to blow up & in the midst of spreading their body parts & insides all over everyone KILL EVERYONE possible.
You are ill informed, meaning you aren't informed at all. Standard fare for you. The Secret Service changed the intel, and advised them to lift the curfew, the one they advised them to place a day or two earlier. This BS about Tulsa Police being the bestest force in the world is laughable. I suppose our national guard is the bestest in the world too. What a joke you are, even if you were a troller, you would still be a joke.
@Gmoney4WW is correct. The Secret Service and FBI are tasked with providing The threat assessment to the state and local Government. It’s still up to the State and local authorities to relax the restrictions if the assessment says they should but they are not required to do so. On the flip side, if the Secret Service and FBI assessments require more restrictions, the state and local authorities cannot relax those requirements.
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@Gmoney4WW is correct. The Secret Service and FBI are tasked with providing The threat assessment to the state and local Government. It’s still up to the State and local authorities to relax the restrictions if the assessment says they should but they are not required to do so. On the flip side, if the Secret Service and FBI assessments require more restrictions, the state and local authorities cannot relax those requirements.
And shon46 is correct. Again. That IS how it works. HOWEVER, PLZ Don’t get mad because THE AUTHORITIES DO THEIR JOBS!

This is why I bring up Ragshard Brooks. That’s literally one of his aliases listed in the database. RAGSHARD BROOKS!! Ragshard CHOSE TO TEST THE COPS IN THE STREETS OVER GOING BACC TO PRISON!!! HE MADE THAT CHOICE & LOST!!

Do you know who else would’ve probably made that choice. I mean, we don’t know how if he would have balls the size of Ragshard’s, but he said he would have - one of the best poets ever, possibly the best blacc poet ever - TUPAC!

There are laws. Even the Bible states that you must follow the law of the land. If you break those laws, you go to jail - including cops (even though Chauvin & those other 3 MN cops are gonna walk - you can blame Keith Ellison for that).

Do you know why we have the “bestest” police department in the country? It’s because we brought in a lady from Arkansas by the name of Jane Duke & she largely ridded our TPD of corrupt police. Some were allowed to stay on the job even though they were named as “unindicted co-conspirators,” like sticks (sean larkin & he gets no caps for a reason) who is now worth millions. TPD is the best, by FAR, IN THE COUNTRY! If you disagree, please find me a city of comparable size, with a comparable murder rate that has ever solved 99% in a record high year of homicides. I dare you/and/or ANYONE. Please.

Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
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That’s the myth. The Trump base isn’t strong. He won the election only because the opposing candidate under performed in three states. Voter turnout for Rs in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, was constant over the previous two cycles. In PA the D vote was down 64,000. And Trump won by 44,000 votes. The votes he did win came by over performing his favorables. IOW, the Ds might still have won despite poor turnout if Trump had not benefited from people who didn’t want to vote for him, but voted for him because of the alternative. Predictions of a Trump victory are largely based on continued voter apathy in six key states and the same dynamic. Which may very well hold. But that doesn’t mean his “base” is strong.
Still waiting on whether Biden could or couldn’t fill the Barclay’s center in Brooklyn at 45% capacity due to social distancing (remember, they have to keep you scared so they can frighten you into voting for them) tomorrow. And don’t worry, I’m sure DeBlasio would lift all restrictions for him.

Of course, this hypothetical is complete fantasyland as we know that if Biden were to do that he wouldn’t be able to refuse getting onstage with Trump in a debate, which is the goal of every Democrat as everyone knows Trump would absolutely annihilate him.
Biden can’t even speak properly much less remember his thought throughout an entire sentence. We all know it. We all see it. Why do you think Klobuchar took her name out of the running? It’s going to be Hillary...
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I can explain the leftist victim hood mentality in one simple analogy:

I’m saying we lost the Houston basketball game because Houston rigged the game. It is THEIR fault we lost the game!

No... even though that’s somewhat true, they won because they played better. The first game (which we won), we played better. It’s that simple.

And Fucc Houston High
TPD is awesome. Popsey Floyd is awesome. Jahleel Wheeler is awesome.

Anyone who b1tches & whines about cops is not.
I can explain the leftist victim hood mentality in one simple analogy:

I’m saying we lost the Houston basketball game because Houston rigged the game. It is THEIR fault we lost the game!

No... even though that’s somewhat true, they won because they played better. The first game (which we won), we played better. It’s that simple.

And Fucc Houston High
Lmao it’s actually hilarious I used that as an analogy because I caught the conference doing that. I accused the AAC of biased ref’ing in both Fball & Bball & guess what? It changed after they realized I was hip to the rigging of the football games.

You’re all welcome, by the way.

But that was me accusing the conference & its refs of rigging games (which was blatant) - NOT THE OPPONENTS! It’s not like it was some NE Patriot Spygate nonsense! No, it was the actual conference pulling for teams in/with larger markets/fan bases over little TU. The AAC noticed when I called them out on it (I actually physically picked up the phone, found numbers & called until I got someone on the phone & waited on hold for hours to call them out on it. I even had to change my reason for calling - LIE - JUST TO GET SOMEONE ON THE PHONE, but I did & it worked). Y’all didn’t know that.

If I wasn’t right on that, why did they change the way they were calling our football games?


Here’s another video in case you’re not down with the previous, amazingly entertaining video provided (for free) by both yours truly & (primarily) Uncle Devon:

By the way, why are they protesting over George Floyd/Ragshard in Europe? Neither of them ever left the country (Floyd almost did going from H Town to Minneapolis - that’s crazy & unheard of/basically leaving the country for him culturally/temporally/climate wise) & you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Europe that knew him & basically no one in Europe is familiar with US culture.

They are paid. I’ve witnessed it right here in Tulsa. I went to 4 QTs & they were all sold out of what we wanted & not only that but each one of them had a charter bus outside & the stores were full of almost 50 ppl (mostly young blaccs & some skinny soy boy Antifa looking whites - I say soy boys bc you seriously can’t tell their gender & would probably be attacked for trying to have a guess at it) & THEY WERE ALL PAYING WITH THE SAME LOOKING CARD!!

I know I already posted this info but it must be stressed because it is TRUE!!!

This is why the police are getting so serious with arresting protesters. That’s why they arrested the white woman who sat down at ONEOK building - she was told she could go across the street K she didn’t! She knew darn well what she was doing is how the trouble making starts - the riots, the attacks on Trump supporters, the looting!

I dare y’all - ANYONE - to find a single video from Tulsa where a group of Trump supporters attack a soy boy Antifa/BLM person. You won’t. I promise y’all, it’s not happening.
Biden can’t even speak properly much less remember his thought throughout an entire sentence. We all know it. We all see it. Why do you think Klobuchar took her name out of the running? It’s going to be Hillary...
I can’t believe Biden is the person the Dems truly want. I keep trying to play out all scenarios in my head how they try to get her in office and the only scenario I see is if they declare Biden unfit and he is replaced.
By the way, why are they protesting over George Floyd/Ragshard in Europe? Neither of them ever left the country (Floyd almost did going from H Town to Minneapolis - that’s crazy & unheard of/basically leaving the country for him culturally/temporally/climate wise) & you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Europe that knew him & basically no one in Europe is familiar with US culture.

They are paid. I’ve witnessed it right here in Tulsa. I went to 4 QTs & they were all sold out of what we wanted & not only that but each one of them had a charter bus outside & the stores were full of almost 50 ppl (mostly young blaccs & some skinny soy boy Antifa looking whites - I say soy boys bc you seriously can’t tell their gender & would probably be attacked for trying to have a guess at it) & THEY WERE ALL PAYING WITH THE SAME LOOKING CARD!!

I know I already posted this info but it must be stressed because it is TRUE!!!

This is why the police are getting so serious with arresting protesters. That’s why they arrested the white woman who sat down at ONEOK building - she was told she could go across the street K she didn’t! She knew darn well what she was doing is how the trouble making starts - the riots, the attacks on Trump supporters, the looting!

I dare y’all - ANYONE - to find a single video from Tulsa where a group of Trump supporters attack a soy boy Antifa/BLM person. You won’t. I promise y’all, it’s not happening.
I dare y’all - ANYONE - to find a single video from Tulsa where a group of Trump supporters attack a soy boy Antifa/BLM person. You won’t. I promise y’all, it’s not happening.

This reminds me of a scene from It's Always Sunny

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And shon46 is correct. Again. That IS how it works.
Actually it was me that pointed out u were wrong, Shon just gave me an attaboy. Still glossing over the fact that u were wrong/refusing to admit it.

Why do you think Klobuchar took her name out of the running? It’s going to be Hillary...
The Democrats won't let Hillary get near the ticket, but then you'll have to quit raggin on Hillary and not look stupid. They didn't let her get near a presidential run this time, and they won't let her even smell the ticket as a VP. Wrong again. Kobluchar had other reasons for turning down the VP, maybe to save face when she found out she wasn't going to get it.

Lmao it’s actually hilarious I used that as an analogy because I caught the conference doing that. I accused the AAC of biased ref’ing in both Fball & Bball & guess what? It changed after they realized I was hip to the rigging of the football games.
Illustions of grandeur, part of your mental illness. You had nothing to do with 'fixing' that, it actually didn't get fixed. Football drunk boy getting kicked out of game, by beer lady w/ the aid of Tulsa's finest,(The best in the land.) He be hinkin he fixed the reffing scandal for TU. Yeah, right. Wrong again, on both counts. Thumbs up to Popsey and Wheeler.
Leaving Rippin slopping round in his spilt beer, and laying the mic on the stand.

Didn't need to drop it, cuz the noize of it hitting the floor echoed in everybody's heads, even though I didn't even have to drop it.
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Paging Rippin and shon46 - please take your meds.
LMAO... look at that pathetic crowd. It's pretty sad when the POTUS gets outdrawn by a TU vs. Rice Football game.
Yeah a couple of five day's ago they were trying to 'sell' me the 223,000th ticket cuz they knew it wasn't looking too positive on the audience that would ACTUALLY show up inside and outside the arena.

Then today at 1:00p, I got a join the Great American 'Comeback' Celebration, desperation message. Cuz they be worried bout the crowd. They actually admit 'COMEBACK' to the public! Ironic in itself.
20 mins later, and he's still defending walking down the ramp. Now he's saying he ran down the ramp.(instead of stumbled down it with to much uncontrolled momentum)

Shut up and let it lie, without admitting through your explanations, that you weren't able to gracefully traverse the ramp because of your age.

You let them win by going over it, over, and over, and over.
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This reminds me of a scene from It's Always Sunny

I can’t tell you how much we love it when y’all try to use our memes because y’all simply can’t meme... you have to use our memes because everything y’all do is unoriginal/predictable! It’s so sad, it really is.
Doesn't mention Bolton at all when mentioning China over and over. Smart move. Thought he was going to pull a Westpoint ramp job on Bolton.
20 mins later, and he's still defending walking down the ramp. Now he's saying he ran down the ramp.(instead of stumbled down it with to much uncontrolled momentum)

Shut up and let it lie, without admitting through your explanations, that you weren't able to gracefully traverse the ramp because of your age.

You let them win by going over it, over, and over, and over.

Terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL!!! You don’t see any photos of what’s going on inside the convention center, of course.

Please, seek help for your Terminal TDS. We’d hate to lose you. For real.
Doesn't mention Bolton at all when mentioning China over and over. Smart move. Thought he was going to pull a Westpoint ramp job on Bolton.

Bolton was fired because he was pushing for unnecessary war with Iran while at the same time saying China isn’t a threat! Don’t believe me? [Hussein] Obama admin went through every possible option they could find before forcing General Flynn out as NatSec Adviser days before Trump’s inauguration... Obama & then were willing to stop at nothing to make sure Gen Flynn wasn’t part of the Trump admin because he (Flynn) was aware of all the selling out of the US citizens the previous admins had done to China while feeding the military industrial complex.

General Flynn did nothing wrong!

By the way, 2002 called & they want their warmongering Bolton back to convince us all we need to go to war with... (name Middle East/Northern Africa here). Trust Bolton, if you want but I guarantee it takes less than a week or two for the Trump admin to come out with TRANSPARENT evidence disproving some stuff from that book, preferably “chapter 14,” as Bolton highlighted in his blatantly bitter presser...

I’m willing to bet all of y’all suffering from terminal TDS buy that book just to flip immediately to chapter 14 of it now that Bolton said that! Lmao
Trump had absolutely zero to do with the JHF reconciliation park or where it was located. You gotta be kiddin me.