Tulsa MAGA Winning

I understand but now every time a group associated with the left protests anything, Trump admin says it's ANTIFA and deemed violent. (I know there was the threat of officially declaring ANTIFA as a terrorist org...if/when that happens, all it will take is one politician to say it's ANTIFA and it can be shut down).
And the Neo-Nazis and KKK are still out running around unabated. It's despicable. Liberty dies when good men are falsely accused of being enemies of the state and deplorable men are upheld as model citizens.
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I understand but now every time a group associated with the left protests anything, Trump admin says it's ANTIFA and deemed violent. (I know there was the threat of officially declaring ANTIFA as a terrorist org...if/when that happens, all it will take is one politician to say it's ANTIFA and it can be shut down).
the left declares any gathering of pro-trumpers as KKK, Nazis, racists, and facists.
the left declares any gathering of pro-trumpers as KKK, Nazis, racists, and facists.
No. Just the ones wearing the robes or waving the swastikas. (And maybe the ones who refuse to denounce them when asked to).

I'll denounce the violent actions of "antifa" (though there's not much of an organization to them) all day long. As well as any looters.
This is surely winning:

The increase in COVID infections in Tulsa is currently in an exponential growth model. EXPONENTIAL. Actually, the current rate is actually faster than exponential.
This is surely winning:

The increase in COVID infections in Tulsa is currently in an exponential growth model. EXPONENTIAL. Actually, the current rate is actually faster than exponential.
How can something be faster than exponential. It can be squared,(2,4,16) to the power of 10,(10,100,1000) to the power of 42(the meaning of life, the universe, and everything)...
You guys really should let the lawyers talk about the law first then weigh in.

The law in question, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act, mostly recently updated under President Obama is designed to protect the orderly conduct of federal business, including the areas around persons under federal protection. The law arises from all the occupations of federal buildings by hippies and protestors from 1968-1971. It also permits the declaration of a National Special Security Event for sensitive areas where federal business or federal interests may be disrupted or the Secret Service is performing official duties. It doesn’t have to be for National security reasons, though that is typically one of the main justifications. The Super Bowl is an NSSE whether or not the First and Second Families and past presidents are there.

Prior to the events of last week, large NSSE were a legitimate focus of civil libertarians because the risk of disruption to federal business or Secret Service was relatively low compared to the compelling government interest in permitting meaningful lawful protest. But today, I don’t think anyone can argue that there isn’t a legitimate threat of widespread violence disrupting the event, altering the security protocols needed to protect the President or even legitimate threats to the President. So the large NSSE makes perfect sense.
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You guys really should let the lawyers talk about the law first then weigh in.

The law in question, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act, mostly recently updated under President Obama is designed to protect the orderly conduct of federal business, including the areas around persons under federal protection. The law arises from all the occupations of federal buildings by hippies and protestors from 1968-1971. It also permits the declaration of a National Special Security Event for sensitive areas where federal business or federal interests may be disrupted or the Secret Service is performing official duties. It doesn’t have to be for National security reasons, though that is typically one of the main justifications. The Super Bowl is an NSSE whether the First and Second Families and past presidents are there.

Prior to the events of last week, large NSSE were a legitimate focus of civil libertarians because the risk of disruption to federal business or Secret Service was relatively low compared to the compelling government interest in permitting meaningful lawful protest. But today, I don’t think anyone can argue that there isn’t a legitimate threat of widespread violence disrupting the event, altering the security protocols needed to protect the President or even legitimate threats to the President. So the large NSSE makes perfect sense.
In Aston's civil society, Presidential assassinations would have a higher success rate.
How can something be faster than exponential. It can be squared,(2,4,16) to the power of 10,(10,100,1000) to the power of 42(the meaning of life, the universe, and everything)...
Look at the graph. The rate of increase is almost straight up and done, as it is increasing without time passing. They plotted what an exponential, linear, and one other rate of growth based on initial timeline. The rate in Tulsa is currently increasing faster than the exponential plot. (The actual graph line of cases is to the left and more vertical than the exponential plot prediction).

I get what you're saying...and I understand enough math to know what I said was ridiculous but if you look at the actual plot, you'll understand what my point was.
In Aston's civil society, Presidential assassinations would have a higher success rate.
Honestly? That's probably true. But, that's why they have the secret service, armored cars, etc...

We've lost some good presidents to that and maybe some mediocre to bad ones... but the country didn't fall to shambles. I just think it might make Presidents a little more civil to both sides if they actually had to be accountable to both sides on a day to day basis. It's really easy for a POTUS (dem or pub) to just stick to their chosen people these days and shun the other 50% of the country. That shouldn't be the case.
Look at the graph. The rate of increase is almost straight up and done, as it is increasing without time passing. They plotted what an exponential, linear, and one other rate of growth based on initial timeline. The rate in Tulsa is currently increasing faster than the exponential plot. (The actual graph line of cases is to the left and more vertical than the exponential plot prediction).

I get what you're saying...and I understand enough math to know what I said was ridiculous but if you look at the actual plot, you'll understand what my point was.
I was just giving you a hard time.:) I understood what you meant.
The mayor of Tulsa has declared a "Civil Emergency."
The mayor of Tulsa has declared a "Civil Emergency."
That's not a nice thing to call Donald Trump. :)

Soon he'll be calling for "police action". In the immortal words of Robin Williams....

What do they mean, "police action"? Sounds like a couple of cops in Brooklyn going, "You know, she looks pretty to me."
With the exception of Kennedy (who was quite conservative on many issues), the pipe bomb mailed to Obama last year and the Zionist terror cell who plotted to kill Truman, the overwhelming number of plots are against Republicans. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley all successful. Reagan, Hoover, Roosevelt all nearly successful. Ford, Nixon, the grenade attack on W, the Saddam plot on HW, all very close calls. People forgot UBL was inspired by the Bojinka plot of Ramzi Yousef to use planes to crash into federal buildings. Yousef took his idea from an actual attempt to do so to kill Nixon.
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I don't wish death on anyone. I mean, you would have to be a pretty bad dictator for me to want you dead.
Yeah, I get it. It's interesting that we find it bad taste for other countries to celebrate killing Americans and we see the video, yet don't expect other countries to be appalled when we announce highly positioned officials' deaths when we carry out a covert operation.

Trump's got bigger problems. The military is starting to turn on him. I'm not saying there is going to be an all out armed coup, but military personnel and vets have always been a pretty consistent voting bloc for the GOP....I am expecting that gap t be significantly narrowed if not erased come November.

Do you ever wonder if anyone on POTUS' secret service detail has ever entertained the thought that he could just end this nonsense right now?
Voter suppression is a much worse problem than actual voter fraud.
You literally just implied that minorities can’t get driver’s licenses or voter ID cards. Do you realize how racist that is?
Another myth
It’s scary he doesn’t realize how racist it is to claim that voter suppression is real. He’s implying minorities can’t get a state issued ID. It’s so racist but not shocking considering the history of the Democrats.
Yeah, I get it. It's interesting that we find it bad taste for other countries to celebrate killing Americans and we see the video, yet don't expect other countries to be appalled when we announce highly positioned officials' deaths when we carry out a covert operation.

Trump's got bigger problems. The military is starting to turn on him. I'm not saying there is going to be an all out armed coup, but military personnel and vets have always been a pretty consistent voting bloc for the GOP....I am expecting that gap t be significantly narrowed if not erased come November.

Do you ever wonder if anyone on POTUS' secret service detail has ever entertained the thought that he could just end this nonsense right now?
No. There’s a very robust routine psychological screening for those guys.
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With the exception of Kennedy (who was quite conservative on many issues), the pipe bomb mailed to Obama last year and the Zionist terror cell who plotted to kill Truman, the overwhelming number of plots are against Republicans. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley all successful. Reagan, Hoover, Roosevelt all nearly successful. Ford, Nixon, the grenade attack on W, the Saddam plot on HW, all very close calls. People forgot UBL was inspired by the Bojinka plot of Ramzi Yousef to use planes to crash into federal buildings. Yousef took his idea from an actual attempt to do so to kill Nixon.
This is ridiculous. Every president in any of our lifetimes has had a plot against them at some point. Roosevelt wasn't a Republican when he was shot. You left out plots against Andrew Jackson, FDR, Bobby Kennedy (Presidential Candidate) Clinton, and Jimmy Carter who was almost shot by Hinkley during Carter's reelection campaign. Hoover's plot was by somebody in another country and HW was after he left office.
With the exception of Kennedy (who was quite conservative on many issues), the pipe bomb mailed to Obama last year and the Zionist terror cell who plotted to kill Truman, the overwhelming number of plots are against Republicans. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley all successful. Reagan, Hoover, Roosevelt all nearly successful. Ford, Nixon, the grenade attack on W, the Saddam plot on HW, all very close calls. People forgot UBL was inspired by the Bojinka plot of Ramzi Yousef to use planes to crash into federal buildings. Yousef took his idea from an actual attempt to do so to kill Nixon.

Don’t forget the countless foiled plots against President Trump.
No. There’s a very robust routine psychological screening for those guys.

What he just suggested should be reported to the secret service. I’m not going to because I don’t think he’s serious but I actually think he is. He wants someone in secret service to kill the President. That’s what he’s saying. What a pos
That's not a nice thing to call Donald Trump. :)

Soon he'll be calling for "police action". In the immortal words of Robin Williams....

What do they mean, "police action"? Sounds like a couple of cops in Brooklyn going, "You know, she looks pretty to me."
If I were going to call Trump something it would be more along the lines of an 'Uncivil Emergency".
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Nah. Trump's not an oxymoron. He's just a full moron.
My application of that sig wasn't about the subject, so much as the speaker. Oxymoron & sybil were meant as adjectives about Rippin. But your statement(full moron) is equally applicable to Rippen, as much as it is to Trump. So just change the subject of that sentence.
My application of that sig wasn't about the subject, so much as the speaker. Oxymoron & sybil were meant as adjectives about Rippin. But your statement(full moron) is equally applicable to Rippen, as much as it is to Trump. So just change the subject of that sentence.
Lol sorry.
This is ridiculous. Every president in any of our lifetimes has had a plot against them at some point. Roosevelt wasn't a Republican when he was shot. You left out plots against Andrew Jackson, FDR, Bobby Kennedy (Presidential Candidate) Clinton, and Jimmy Carter who was almost shot by Hinkley during Carter's reelection campaign. Hoover's plot was by somebody in another country and HW was after he left office.
Yeah. But the ones that have been successful or close to have been successful have been either Kennedy’s or Republicans. I’ll spot you the good call on RFK. Some guy driving by the White House and sweeping with an assault rifle while Clinton is inside isn’t anymore an attempt than Hillary was under sniper fire.
Yeah. But the ones that have been successful or close to have been successful have been either Kennedy’s or Republicans. I’ll spot you the good call on RFK. Some guy driving by the White House and sweeping with an assault rifle while Clinton is inside isn’t anymore an attempt than Hillary was under sniper fire.
Uh... maybe the Republicans are just worse at intercepting them? Clinton got lucky a couple times:

  • January 21, 1994: Ronald Gene Barbour, a retired military officer and freelance writer, plotted to kill Clinton while the president was jogging. Barbour returned to Florida a week later without having fired the shots at the president, who was on a state visit to Russia.[93] Barbour was sentenced to five years in prison and was released in 1998.
  • October 29, 1994: Francisco Martin Duran fired at least 29 shots with a 7.62×39mm Type 56 semi-automatic rifle at the White House from a fence overlooking the North Lawn, thinking that Clinton was among the men in dark suits standing there (Clinton was inside). Three tourists, Harry Rakosky, Ken Davis and Robert Haines, tackled Duran before he could injure anyone. Found to have a suicide note in his pocket, Duran was sentenced to 40 years in prison.[95]
  • 1996: During his visit to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Manila, Clinton's motorcade was rerouted before it was to drive over a bridge. Service officers had intercepted a message suggesting that an attack was imminent, and Lewis Merletti, the director of the Secret Service, ordered the motorcade to be re-routed. An intelligence team later discovered a bomb under the bridge. Subsequent U.S. investigation "revealed that [the plot] was masterminded by a Saudi terrorist living in Afghanistan named Osama bin Laden".[96]
Because BLM/Out Now!/Refuse Fascism have all paid for a lot of people to come in from out of town! They want them to wreak havoc on our city because 99 years ago some guy may or may not have grabbed a girl’s a$$ in an elevator & sh!t got out of hand & one racist with a plane dropped a firebomb on a building in Greenwood!

Watch - the businesses that are in the area of Black Wall Street are all boarded up. Why? They didn’t board up their windows/doors for no reason. TPD/Secret Service/Trump’s prívate security teams have real intelligence.

I was at a QT last night that is off I-44 & it was packed with people from out of town. They were all asking questions about where whatever is located while spending money without care. Most of them were black, too.
Uh... maybe the Republicans are just worse at intercepting them? Clinton got lucky a couple times:

  • January 21, 1994: Ronald Gene Barbour, a retired military officer and freelance writer, plotted to kill Clinton while the president was jogging. Barbour returned to Florida a week later without having fired the shots at the president, who was on a state visit to Russia.[93] Barbour was sentenced to five years in prison and was released in 1998.
  • October 29, 1994: Francisco Martin Duran fired at least 29 shots with a 7.62×39mm Type 56 semi-automatic rifle at the White House from a fence overlooking the North Lawn, thinking that Clinton was among the men in dark suits standing there (Clinton was inside). Three tourists, Harry Rakosky, Ken Davis and Robert Haines, tackled Duran before he could injure anyone. Found to have a suicide note in his pocket, Duran was sentenced to 40 years in prison.[95]
  • 1996: During his visit to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Manila, Clinton's motorcade was rerouted before it was to drive over a bridge. Service officers had intercepted a message suggesting that an attack was imminent, and Lewis Merletti, the director of the Secret Service, ordered the motorcade to be re-routed. An intelligence team later discovered a bomb under the bridge. Subsequent U.S. investigation "revealed that [the plot] was masterminded by a Saudi terrorist living in Afghanistan named Osama bin Laden".[96]

We can no longer live with you. The Right, the general conservatives in society can no longer live with people on the Left (all of whom are suffering from terminal TDS) & if the Left doesn’t calm down, things will never be the same. Ever.
Funny thing about this is nutjobs on both the right and left thought this curfew was meant to unfairly target them rather than, ya know, just try to make sure Tulsa doesn't turn into Minneapolis
If I could do anything other than Pray & stay home to prevent Tulsa from having another Minneapolis type event, I would. I can’t control what the bussed in from out of state for the sole purpose of rioting & testing Tulsa police.

Luckily, we have the best Police Department in the country. By far. In the vernacular of the people being bussed in to cause chaos, “Tulsa Police don’t play that!” Neither do the citizens of this MSA, the entire state nor the Secret Service/Trump’s undercover security network.

I want you to think about this, seriously. What do they (those paying for people to bussed in to protest) want to happen??? I’m dead serious. They want someone to attack a cop or citizen & Ragshard Brooks (or Maud Arbery) themself!
The trouble will not be caused by trump supporters.
For once, thank you to the FBI for doing SOMETHING the right thing with the Uniform Crime Report statistics & including race - both interracial & intraracial crime stats. Look up table 43
How does it feel to be in the center of the political universe?

If any trump suporter riots, burns or goes home with a flat screen I want him procecuted. Also the same for the Anti-trumpers.

Lets be better than Seattle.

Please do not destroy my city.
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