Tulsa MAGA Winning


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Over 800,000 tickets requested for this event. That is an incredible amount of tickets no matter who the candidate is. I’m sure there will be non Trump supports present but this would seem to go against the narrative that support for Trump is down. I think the more social unrest there is coupled with the intentional resistance to act in defiance of Trump by the Left this only pushes the people toward Trump. People don’t want to live in fear! When the Cops in Minneapolis walk right before the election and BLM and ANTIFA riot and target Caucasian like after the Rodney King trial, this will be the final straw pushing many Caucasian who are currently on the fence people to Trump! Sad times!
Over 800,000 tickets requested for this event. That is an incredible amount of tickets no matter who the candidate is. I’m sure there will be non Trump supports present but this would seem to go against the narrative that support for Trump is down. I think the more social unrest there is coupled with the intentional resistance to act in defiance of Trump by the Left this only pushes the people toward Trump. People don’t want to live in fear! When the Cops in Minneapolis walk right before the election and BLM and ANTIFA riot and target Caucasian like after the Rodney King trial, this will be the final straw pushing many Caucasian who are currently on the fence people to Trump! Sad times!
That's also a crap number. It's almost more than the entire Tulsa Metro. So, unless there's a ton of people from Arkansas / OKC / Kansas planning on attending then I'd be skeptical. Moreso, it's a number from a rally being held in one of the most conservative states in the country.
That's also a crap number. It's almost more than the entire Tulsa Metro. So, unless there's a ton of people from Arkansas / OKC / Kansas planning on attending then I'd be skeptical. Moreso, it's a number from a rally being held in one of the most conservative states in the country.
IMHO people coming from all over the region to a rally is a sign that there is a significant support for him in the heartland.
So here is how I have it figured:
1. 800,000 coming and a temperature in the upper 90's
2. I buy 33,300 packages of water with 24 to the pack.
3. $6 a pack at Dollar General. $200,000 throw in 12 jars of salted nuts.
4. I sell water for what they charge at football games. Say $6 bottle.
5. I make $24 x 6 minus the 6 what I paid at Dollar General. $18 a case.
6. Profit over $14,000,000.
7. I can't afford to deliver though so they have to walk up. Maybe a half way sales point. With 6 foot spacing for health. Wait that's 880 per mile! 900 miles? Wait, this is getting harder. I'll get back with you.
IMHO people coming from all over the region to a rally is a sign that there is a significant support for him in the heartland.
Something we already knew. Though, I'm still tremendously skeptical of that number.
So here is how I have it figured:
1. 800,000 coming and a temperature in the upper 90's
2. I buy 33,300 packages of water with 24 to the pack.
3. $6 a pack at Dollar General. $200,000 throw in 12 jars of salted nuts.
4. I sell water for what they charge at football games. Say $6 bottle.
5. I make $24 x 6 minus the 6 what I paid at Dollar General. $18 a case.
6. Profit over $14,000,000.
7. I can't afford to deliver though so they have to walk up. Maybe a half way sales point. With 6 foot spacing for health. Wait that's 880 per mile! 900 miles? Wait, this is getting harder. I'll get back with you.
Sposed to be at the BOK.

General comment not neccesarily to TUME: All kinds of people are reserving a seat from across the entire US. Doesn't mean that many really had intentions of being there. But you are drawing on the entire Regional population and the populace of die-hard fans from across the US. They don't really reserve a seat for you at an event like this, it will be first come, first served.
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Sposed to be at the BOK.

General comment not neccesarily to TUME: All kinds of people are reserving a seat from across the entire US. Doesn't mean that many really had intentions of being there. But you are drawing on the entire Regional population and the populace of die-hard fans from across the US. They don't really reserve a seat for you at an event like this, it will be first come, first served.
Sometimes when stuff like this gets silly, I join in and get silly too. Probably the most would be about 13,000 people. I doubt that they allow seating behind his back. Probably cordoned off or VIP or people from Central Casting.
Sometimes when stuff like this gets silly, I join in and get silly too. Probably the most would be about 13,000 people. I doubt that they allow seating behind his back. Probably cordoned off or VIP or people from Central Casting.
I was just being silly back about BOK. What's more prevalent, paranoia or vanity. Does he want more fans, or does he want to keep his back to the wall.
IMHO people coming from all over the region to a rally is a sign that there is a significant support for him in the heartland.
Trump received ~950,000 votes in OK in the 2016 election. I'd be willing to bet that number does not rise significantly in 2020. That's an extraordinarily high percentage of his voters in the surrounding region. I know voters could also come from Kansas or Arkansas, but even so, it is a suspiciously large number and raises some red flags. Considering that anyone can "request" a ticket for any reason, I'd say that even if the actual number is accurate, that most of ticket requesters have no intention of actually being there and are just showing their virtual support for him to return to his rallies.

The other possibility is that supporters from around the country have been waiting and waiting for his rallies to start again and are so excited that people from all over the country are planning on being there. I can't dismiss that possibility. I highly doubt it is 800k, but it could be a lot more than the BoK can handle. I am sure Trump would be excited if 250k people really want to see him, and you are right that it bodes well for his campaign. But on the flipside, if 250k excited Trump supporters descend on the city, I don't see any way that doesn't end in total disaster.
but the dems can stuff a ballot box.
Ha. You spouting the party line again without checking actual facts. The incidence of voter fraud is rather low. The incidence of disenfranchisement is actually pretty high. I'm all for making sure there is no voter fraud, but the claims being made to push through policy actually have no basis of physical evidence, just conjecture.
And just in time for MAGAt rally central, the State Dept. of Health website is unable to post today's COVID numbers for whatever reason...and just after another report has OK as #1 in the nation at Rate of Infection at 1.10 (R-naught). Again, OK is #1 in a category you don't want to be #1 in and I bet #Stittiot is declaring a victory and having a trophy made to commemorate the milestone.
The states that are seeing upticks now are ones that had basically no outbreak at all before. Not surprising in that there are more people still susceptible to infection. It could be just that it's their turn, or it could be a blip. The good thing is that the age profile of who is getting infected now is much lower, which should mean much fewer deaths as a percentage of cases.

But one thing's for sure: there will be no second lock down. People will not comply. The response to the protests by public health officials have destroyed their credibility and no one will listen to them now.
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That's also a crap number. It's almost more than the entire Tulsa Metro. So, unless there's a ton of people from Arkansas / OKC / Kansas planning on attending then I'd be skeptical. Moreso, it's a number from a rally being held in one of the most conservative states in the country.
lol over 50% of the people all I know (95% of whom are black) all requested entradas. I’m sorry, tickets.
That's also a crap number. It's almost more than the entire Tulsa Metro. So, unless there's a ton of people from Arkansas / OKC / Kansas planning on attending then I'd be skeptical. Moreso, it's a number from a rally being held in one of the most conservative states in the country.
Bro, TDS is terminal. You know this, right? You need to speak about this with your psychiatrist (I’m sure you’ve already mentioned Trump countless times to your therapist or psychiatrist).
But one thing's for sure: there will be no second lock down. People will not comply. The response to the protests by public health officials have destroyed their credibility and no one will listen to them now.
And that's one of the problems...the stubborn selfishness of people. Of course let's not blame President Pumpkin and his VP who have both claimed this is gone and under control...when it is clearly not. Oklahoma HAD a good grasp and control of the situation and then decided to reopen too early. It's like taking don't stop taking them when you feel better, you stop taking them when you've taken the full course of the prescription. Why? To make sure the infection is really gone. Oklahoma needed 2-3 more weeks of stay at home and I do believe we'd just be seeing more sporadic cases. But we've let it take hold again, in greater force just so people could get their hair done and eat in a sit down restaurant and now it's going to be even harder to get it back under control. You know what happens if you don't get rid of an infection the first time...they prescribe harsher antibiotics that usually don't play well with the rest of your bodies systems. Our stubbornness and selfishness in a rush to be back to normal is going to result in severe severe after effects on society.
And that's one of the problems...the stubborn selfishness of people. Of course let's not blame President Pumpkin and his VP who have both claimed this is gone and under control...when it is clearly not. Oklahoma HAD a good grasp and control of the situation and then decided to reopen too early. It's like taking don't stop taking them when you feel better, you stop taking them when you've taken the full course of the prescription. Why? To make sure the infection is really gone. Oklahoma needed 2-3 more weeks of stay at home and I do believe we'd just be seeing more sporadic cases. But we've let it take hold again, in greater force just so people could get their hair done and eat in a sit down restaurant and now it's going to be even harder to get it back under control. You know what happens if you don't get rid of an infection the first time...they prescribe harsher antibiotics that usually don't play well with the rest of your bodies systems. Our stubbornness and selfishness in a rush to be back to normal is going to result in severe severe after effects on society.
LOL ... it’s actually ppl like you who want to prevent people from working toward generational wealth with gov restrictions just so you can virtue signal that are selfish
Oklahoma needed 2-3 more weeks of stay at home and I do believe we'd just be seeing more sporadic cases.

I'm curious as to what evidence there is of this? Virtually every model I've seen assumes no matter when things open up infections rise again.

But we've let it take hold again, in greater force just so people could get their hair done and eat in a sit down restaurant and now it's going to be even harder to get it back under control.

I've seen this kind of trivializing of people's concerns about lock downs all over the media and it does not accurately reflect them at all. The media does this because they know there were real issues and pretending people just wanted to go eat at Fuddruckers is just their way of strawmanning the argument away. I'll assume better of you.

People were/are upset because they lost their jobs and lost their businesses. They're upset because they weren't able see their loved one as they were dying or have a funeral for them. They're upset because they weren't allowed to even hold an outdoor church service while 10s of thousands of people were *encouraged* to protest for a cause that members of the media and politicians agreed with. It may not bother you but that kind of bias in 1st amendment restriction is a real civil rights issue.

And no less trivial is the isolation many people have felt. We preach on and on in this country about how mental health is just as important as physical health and then pretend it's no big deal to isolate mentally ill and drug addicted people from their friends and family. These are public health issues too and there is nothing wrong with people saying they matter.
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The good thing is that the age profile of who is getting infected now is much lower, which should mean much fewer deaths as a percentage of cases.

This played out in Oklahoma's high numbers today. As of yesterday 58% of cases in Oklahoma since the beginning of the outbreak were under 50. With today's 450 (crazy high compared to last week) new cases that rose to 60%. That means virtually all of the new cases were under 50. This makes some sense to me since it's going to be mostly younger people going out to bars and gathering in other crowds. Remains to be seen if this results in younger people infecting elderly adults.

Looking at it again, the percentage under 35 actually rose from 33% to 36% which would mean the majority of cases were under 35.
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Ha. You spouting the party line again without checking actual facts. The incidence of voter fraud is rather low. The incidence of disenfranchisement is actually pretty high. I'm all for making sure there is no voter fraud, but the claims being made to push through policy actually have no basis of physical evidence, just conjecture.
how many people speed on a street if there are no police there; so they dont get caught. but you know they do
I'm curious as to what evidence there is of this? Virtually every model I've seen assumes no matter when things open up infections rise again.

I've seen this kind of trivializing of people's concerns about lock downs all over the media and it does not accurately reflect them at all. The media does this because they know there were real issues and pretending people just wanted to go eat at Fuddruckers is just their way of strawmanning the argument away. I'll assume better of you.

People were/are upset because they lost their jobs and lost their businesses. They're upset because they weren't able see their loved one as they were dying or have a funeral for them. They're upset because they weren't allowed to even hold an outdoor church service while 10s of thousands of people were *encouraged* to protest for a cause that members of the media and politicians agreed with. It may not bother you but that kind of bias in 1st amendment restriction is a real civil rights issue.

And no less trivial is the isolation many people have felt. We preach on and on in this country about how mental health is just as important as physical health and then pretend it's no big deal to isolate mentally ill and drug addicted people from their friends and family. These are public health issues too and there is nothing wrong with people saying they matter.
Say it with me now, “Chuhh, Chuhh, CHINA!”
This played out in Oklahoma's high numbers today. As of yesterday 58% of cases in Oklahoma since the beginning of the outbreak were under 50. With today's 450 (crazy high compared to last week) new cases that rose to 60%. That means virtually all of the new cases were under 50. This makes some sense to me since it's going to be mostly younger people going out to bars and gathering in other crowds. Remains to be seen if this results in younger people infecting elderly adults.

Looking at it again, the percentage under 35 actually rose from 33% to 36% which would mean the majority of cases were under 35.
Everyone thinks they’re the smartest person in the room when in reality the smartest person usually remains silent until OR when they know there is someone smarter.

The point is these numbers mean nothing. This virus was an attack on an already fractured country.

Here’s the truth: overall hospital # of patients AND DEATHS ARE DOWN ACROSS THE BOARD!

EXPLAIN THAT, EXPERT! By the way you can’t say staying at home explains it because that does nothing but weaken your immune system & that is fact.
This played out in Oklahoma's high numbers today. As of yesterday 58% of cases in Oklahoma since the beginning of the outbreak were under 50. With today's 450 (crazy high compared to last week) new cases that rose to 60%. That means virtually all of the new cases were under 50. This makes some sense to me since it's going to be mostly younger people going out to bars and gathering in other crowds. Remains to be seen if this results in younger people infecting elderly adults.

Looking at it again, the percentage under 35 actually rose from 33% to 36% which would mean the majority of cases were under 35.
It’s 3rd and 15 & you’re misreading not only the defense but also the down & yardage. You’re also misreading the scoreboard. You’re not calling a draw (though you might as well be), you’re calling a take a knee in the Win formation.
I'm curious as to what evidence there is of this? Virtually every model I've seen assumes no matter when things open up infections rise again.

I've seen this kind of trivializing of people's concerns about lock downs all over the media and it does not accurately reflect them at all. The media does this because they know there were real issues and pretending people just wanted to go eat at Fuddruckers is just their way of strawmanning the argument away. I'll assume better of you.

People were/are upset because they lost their jobs and lost their businesses. They're upset because they weren't able see their loved one as they were dying or have a funeral for them. They're upset because they weren't allowed to even hold an outdoor church service while 10s of thousands of people were *encouraged* to protest for a cause that members of the media and politicians agreed with. It may not bother you but that kind of bias in 1st amendment restriction is a real civil rights issue.

And no less trivial is the isolation many people have felt. We preach on and on in this country about how mental health is just as important as physical health and then pretend it's no big deal to isolate mentally ill and drug addicted people from their friends and family. These are public health issues too and there is nothing wrong with people saying they matter.
It’s seriously people like you that currently think Law & Order is just a TV show. “Amazing! *Jesse Lee Peterson Voice*”
how many people speed on a street if there are no police there; so they dont get caught. but you know they do
This guy & others of his ilk have no reason to look at the facts. They’d prefer to watch news that is fake & tell you China isn’t a threat. He talks numbers but doesn’t look at the total numbers of deaths last 60 days vs last year. They’re super down this year, by the way (had to say it twice).

It is official. Trump Derangement Syndrome is terminal.
Trump’s COVID party will sling feces all over Stitt, Bynum and all the locals who bent over to have his neonazis in town. Putting nearly 20,000 maskless mouth breathers shoulder to shoulder in the BOK will be a great aerosolized way of spreading the bug around. And both Trump and Pence will be there to receive it! Good luck!
Trump’s COVID party will sling feces all over Stitt, Bynum and all the locals who bent over to have his neonazis in town. Putting nearly 20,000 maskless mouth breathers shoulder to shoulder in the BOK will be a great aerosolized way of spreading the bug around. And both Trump and Pence will be there to receive it! Good luck!
I wouldn't actually be surprised if Trump gets it after this rally. The BOK is going to be like a giant incubation chamber.
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He's drinking bleach like a true patriot.
One can only hope.

In other news, the city has put a curfew on the downtown area around the arena that's effective tonight as well as after the rally tomorrow. And Trump tweeted out that protesters won't "be treated so nicely" as they were in other cities. Sounds like some threats to the 1st amendment rights of a large amount of people to me. Seems like Republicans are quite content to take away your arguably most important civil liberty when it's convenient to them and then whine about "muh guns" when people talk about regulating gun ownership.
One can only hope.

In other news, the city has put a curfew on the downtown area around the arena that's effective tonight as well as after the rally tomorrow. And Trump tweeted out that protesters won't "be treated so nicely" as they were in other cities. Sounds like some threats to the 1st amendment rights of a large amount of people to me. Seems like Republicans are quite content to take away your arguably most important civil liberty when it's convenient to them and then whine about "muh guns" when people talk about regulating gun ownership.
My wife has never been so thankful her office is no longer anywhere near downtown. She was pissed that the QT at 23rd and SW Blvd got shut down yesterday as that was usually her go to place for lunch when she is doing sampling out at Holly, where she's been for the past week.

It's not a 1st amendment issue in this instance since it was deemed a measure taken for national security, which essentially happens wherever POTUS travels. And the notice was given well in advance. Also, since most cities require permits for protests and assemblies, the city can also approve certain locations. I believe there is a permitted protest that will assemble near Guthrie Green/John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park.

There is some ambiguity with the order as it almost reads as thought the people who have been camping out for a week would be in violation of the curfew as they are congregated/camped on the sidewalk near the arena.
My wife has never been so thankful her office is no longer anywhere near downtown. She was pissed that the QT at 23rd and SW Blvd got shut down yesterday as that was usually her go to place for lunch when she is doing sampling out at Holly, where she's been for the past week.

It's not a 1st amendment issue in this instance since it was deemed a measure taken for national security, which essentially happens wherever POTUS travels. And the notice was given well in advance. Also, since most cities require permits for protests and assemblies, the city can also approve certain locations. I believe there is a permitted protest that will assemble near Guthrie Green/John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park.

There is some ambiguity with the order as it almost reads as thought the people who have been camping out for a week would be in violation of the curfew as they are congregated/camped on the sidewalk near the arena.
This is a problem to me. National Security (which a domestic curfew has little to do with) should have no bearing on the rights of people to peaceably assemble. It's the entire reason that it was put in the first amendment. If you can just label any peaceable assembly as a national security threat then you really can't peaceably assemble. For instance, Britain could have argued that the colonists were a threat to Britain's national (or imperial) security during the revolution and they would have been correct. But, that didn't mean that the founders shouldn't have been allowed to assemble.

It's incredibly ironic that you have to have a permit to stand in the street and hold a sign, but you don't have to have a permit to buy a weapon which you may or may not use to shoot an innocent person with.

I'm honestly tired of treating the POTUS (any POTUS, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, etc...) like they're the King of England and they're so far above the law that you can't even voice your displeasure to them where they might see it. Honestly, he and his staff work for me. They work for you. They work for all of us. We should be able to let them know that we're not pleased with their performance if we do so in a peaceable manner just like we should be able to cheer them on at a parade if we approve of the job they've done. And the constitution says our rights to do that should not be abridged.
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But, that didn't mean that the founders shouldn't have been allowed to assemble.
The founders weren't allowed the assemble, legally anyway, for the purpose of protesting the king. It would have been within the rights of the British troops stationed in the colonies to shoot anyone they deem acting in a treasonous manner or inciting an insurrection. Remember, the members of the Continental Congress usually traveled back roads and at night to get to the meetings for fear of being seen by Tories or British troops.

And I agree...they should not be allowed to close off the area around the BOK Center to protesters...or anyone else. If one side is allowed to gather in that area, then the other side should be allowed to do so as well, especially when we know the RNC is going to "dine and ditch" on the bill to the city. If I'm Biden and the RNC hasn't paid the invoice to the BOK in 30 days, I come to the city and say I want to hold a rally in the BOK Center for free like you've given the GOP candidate.
The founders weren't allowed the assemble, legally anyway, for the purpose of protesting the king. It would have been within the rights of the British troops stationed in the colonies to shoot anyone they deem acting in a treasonous manner or inciting an insurrection. Remember, the members of the Continental Congress usually traveled back roads and at night to get to the meetings for fear of being seen by Tories or British troops.

And I agree...they should not be allowed to close off the area around the BOK Center to protesters...or anyone else. If one side is allowed to gather in that area, then the other side should be allowed to do so as well, especially when we know the RNC is going to "dine and ditch" on the bill to the city. If I'm Biden and the RNC hasn't paid the invoice to the BOK in 30 days, I come to the city and say I want to hold a rally in the BOK Center for free like you've given the GOP candidate.

And that's why they wrote it into the constitution.
And that's why they wrote it into the constitution.
I understand but now every time a group associated with the left protests anything, Trump admin says it's ANTIFA and deemed violent. (I know there was the threat of officially declaring ANTIFA as a terrorist org...if/when that happens, all it will take is one politician to say it's ANTIFA and it can be shut down).