This is the Republican Party

Sure. What elected Pubs are on the author line? Like I said, not a single of my conservative friends have even mentioned it. Not sure they would even be aware of 2025 but for posts by the left.
  • Rick Dearborn - Trump's Deputy Chief of Staff - Authored Ch. 1 on the White House Office
  • Russ Vought - Trump's Director of the OMB - Authored Ch. 2 on the Office of the President
  • Donald Devine - Reagan's Director of the Office of Personnel - Coauthored Ch 3. on Central Personnel Agencies. His coauthors were a mid level Trump administration appointee and the Director of the Heritage Foundation.
  • Christopher Miller - Trump's loyalist stooge who was assigned to be the Acting Secretary of Defense at the defense department during his last 4 months in office . Authored the part on the DOD
  • Ken Cuccinelli - Trump's Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security - Authored the chapter on DHS
  • Kirron Skinner - Director of Policy planning for Trump - Authored the chapter on the State Dept.
  • Dustin Karmack - A key Ron Desantis Aide - Authored the chapter on the Intell Community....

I can keep going on.... the other highlights that I saw were former presidential candidate Ben Carson authoring the part about HUD, William Perry Pendley who directed a horrible Dept of the Interior authoring the part about the DOI. Wacko Trump influencer Pete Navarro authoring the bit about fair trade.

This wasn't authored by a bunch of nobodies. It was authored by influential Republicans who will probably be put in a position to do the misguided things they're talking suggesting.

Trump saying "I don't know who these people are" is like him pointing at Ivanka and going "I've never met that woman in my life"
  • Rick Dearborn - Trump's Deputy Chief of Staff - Authored Ch. 1 on the White House Office
  • Russ Vought - Trump's Director of the OMB - Authored Ch. 2 on the Office of the President
  • Donald Devine - Reagan's Director of the Office of Personnel - Coauthored Ch 3. on Central Personnel Agencies. His coauthors were a mid level Trump administration appointee and the Director of the Heritage Foundation.
  • Christopher Miller - Trump's loyalist stooge who was assigned to be the Acting Secretary of Defense at the defense department during his last 4 months in office . Authored the part on the DOD
  • Ken Cuccinelli - Trump's Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security - Authored the chapter on DHS
  • Kirron Skinner - Director of Policy planning for Trump - Authored the chapter on the State Dept.
  • Dustin Karmack - A key Ron Desantis Aide - Authored the chapter on the Intell Community....

I can keep going on.... the other highlights that I saw were former presidential candidate Ben Carson authoring the part about HUD, William Perry Pendley who directed a horrible Dept of the Interior authoring the part about the DOI. Wacko Trump influencer Pete Navarro authoring the bit about fair trade.

This wasn't authored by a bunch of nobodies. It was authored by influential Republicans who will probably be put in a position to do the misguided things they're talking suggesting.

Trump saying "I don't know who these people are" is like him pointing at Ivanka and going "I've never met that woman in my life"
I asked for elected Pubs who have endorsed it. You gave me none. Hell…I would even take Pubs currently running for major elected offices. Can we try this again?
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I asked for elected Pubs who have endorsed it. You gave me none. Hell…I would even take Pubs currently running for major elected offices. Can we try this again?
Apologies. Never saw the "elected" line item. Although that doesn't really matter. I have never seen any of those elected officials come out against any of these policies.... and in fact in one-off occasions I hear them make similar (if not the same) proposals all the time. The same people who are suggesting these policies are the same ones who ran through policies during the previous Trump administration, with the subservience of a Republican dominated legislature.

Finally, many of the proposals don't require congressional approval.
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Apologies. Never saw the "elected" line. Although that doesn't really matter. I have never seen any of them come out against any of these policies.... and in fact in one-off occasions I hear them make similar proposals all the time.

Finally, many of the proposals don't require congressional approval.
Looks like Trump has published his agenda. Still unsure why we’re not talking about that instead of a policy paper not one prominent elected Pub has publicly supported. Agenda 47 is absolutely relevant and should be attacked when warranted. As I said above, I’ve yet to see a single one of my conservative friends or even elected officials mention 2025 much less support the same. Why are libs focusing on 2025 and not Trumps stated agenda for 47?

Apologies. Never saw the "elected" line item. Although that doesn't really matter. I have never seen any of those elected officials come out against any of these policies.... and in fact in one-off occasions I hear them make similar (if not the same) proposals all the time. The same people who are suggesting these policies are the same ones who ran through policies during the previous Trump administration, with the subservience of a Republican dominated legislature.
Does this count as coming out against these policies ?

Does this count as coming out against these policies ?

Sure. What elected Pubs are on the author line? Like I said, not a single of my conservative friends have even mentioned it. Not sure they would even be aware of 2025 but for posts by the left.
Once again, mainstream pubs aren't who it was written for. It was written for the base, and as a plan of action for the new administration. He is an extremist. You're buying the bs he's dropping about not being for it, or knowing about it? That's a remark for your mainstream republicans.
Looks like Trump has published his agenda. Still unsure why we’re not talking about that instead of a policy paper not one prominent elected Pub has publicly supported. Agenda 47 is absolutely relevant and should be attacked when warranted. As I said above, I’ve yet to see a single one of my conservative friends or even elected officials mention 2025 much less support the same. Why are libs focusing on 2025 and not Trumps stated agenda for 47?

Because the agenda we are talking about has the support of about half of Trump's administration. The Republicans (including Trump) know they can't run on it because it's so unpopular with independents.

That doesn't mean they aren't intending on using the agenda that the likely heads of a bunch of their departments are suggesting.
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Does this count as coming out against these policies ?

Do you think that he may be..... and you probably want to sit down for this.... LYING?

The people he's calling extremists WERE THE HEADS OF MOST OF HIS DEPARTMENTS. You honestly think they're not going to be involved moving forward?

Moreover many of the policies in the document, he and other elected Republican politicians have come out and supported while not pointing directly to the document as a reference.

The fact that you believe him is so tragically funny to me.

Like the person who is writing the tax policy suggestions (Stephen Moore) is the same person that co-wrote the Trump Tax Cuts & Jobs act with Larry Kudlow and who Trump nom'd to be a fed president. He's an extremist, yea, but if you haven't followed.... the Republican party is now dominated by extremists.
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He obviously could be lying. I was simply responding to you and your statement that Trump and Pubs haven’t come out against it. His stated agenda is fairly moderate. We all have our doubts as to whether he would govern as a moderate or extremist. Presidential candidates have long found the middle during the campaign only to govern on the extremes. Something which makes Biden’s latest jump to the left puzzling. Have to assume he has poll numbers showing his base is wavering.
Do you think that he may be..... and you probably want to sit down for this.... LYING?

The people he's calling extremists WERE THE HEADS OF MOST OF HIS DEPARTMENTS. You honestly think they're not going to be involved moving forward?

Moreover many of the policies in the document, he and other elected Republican politicians have come out and supported while not pointing directly to the document as a reference.

The fact that you believe him is so tragically funny to me.

Like the person who is writing the tax policy suggestions (Stephen Moore) is the same person that co-wrote the Trump Tax Cuts & Jobs act with Larry Kudlow and who Trump nom'd to be a fed president. He's an extremist, yea, but if you haven't followed.... the Republican party is now dominated by extremists.
Please point out where I said I believed him? I don’t mind being called out. I only ask that my statements be represented factually.

As I said above, I only posted the clip as a response to your statement that you haven’t heard Trump or any Pubs come out against 2025.

To hear Trump come out this forcefully against the far right factions of the party is an interesting twist. I don’t recall hearing that from him before
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Please point out where I said I believed him? I don’t mind being called out. I only ask that my statements be represented factually.

As I said above, I only posted the clip as a response to your statement that you haven’t heard Trump or any Pubs come out against 2025.
nor have they supported it.
Please point out where I said I believed him? I don’t mind being called out. I only ask that my statements be represented factually.

As I said above, I only posted the clip as a response to your statement that you haven’t heard Trump or any Pubs come out against 2025.

To hear Trump come out this forcefully against the far right factions of the party is an interesting twist. I don’t recall hearing that from him before
He did something similar in 2016, I recall people calling about him pivoting toward the middle. He can't win if he doesn't.
He did something similar in 2016, I recall people calling about him pivoting toward the middle. He can't win if he doesn't.
Pivoting to the middle is one thing. Calling out the right wing of the party as extremist is far beyond a middle pivot. Would be like Biden calling the AOC crew extremist. Trumps language surprised me. It’s a risky move imo.
Pivoting to the middle is one thing. Calling out the right wing of the party as extremist is far beyond a middle pivot. Would be like Biden calling the AOC crew extremist. Trumps language surprised me. It’s a risky move imo.
Let me know when he's not appointing those people to the SC, or using them to storm the capitol, or pandering to them at his golf courses....

Or inviting them on stage at the RNC.
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It be interesting to see how the Republicans respond to Harris. So far it's been very personal and misoginist which won't play well with independents. One element that will likely be missing is any specifics about Republican plans to deliver on making America great again, other than retribution, tariffs, tax cuts, and exporting immigrants. There's no Republican platform. My guess is that the election will come down to whether independents and younger generations are tired of the Trump anger and self-promotion and want a younger, more positive leader.

Recent example.
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It be interesting to see how the Republicans respond to Harris. So far it's been very personal and misoginist which won't play well with independents. One element that will likely be missing is any specifics about Republican plans to deliver on making America great again, other than retribution, tariffs, tax cuts, and exporting immigrants. There's no Republican platform. My guess is that the election will come down to whether independents and younger generations are tired of the Trump anger and self-promotion and want a younger, more positive leader.
Election was always going to be about Trump. Pubs will try to drive up Kamala’s negative ratings by pointing out she was the most liberal Senator in the country. I assume they will also attack her intellect. The voter block who will vote against Trump is constant. Dems have to garner enough people who want to vote for Harris to win the election. Not sure Harris was the right candidate to attract moderate independents but we shall see. Maybe the “never Trump” vote will be enough.
Election was always going to be about Trump. Pubs will try to drive up Kamala’s negative ratings by pointing out she was the most liberal Senator in the country. I assume they will also attack her intellect. The voter block who will vote against Trump is constant. Dems have to garner enough people who want to vote for Harris to win the election. Not sure Harris was the right candidate to attract moderate independents but we shall see. Maybe the “never Trump” vote will be enough.
I'm sure she'll pull a lot of blacks back into the fold, and a lot of youth. She'll pull the rabble from the base that was threatening to vote for somebody else over Gaza, although I don't know who they would have voted for. That's some very small groups though. I don't think the independents will amass behind her.
I'm sure she'll pull a lot of blacks back into the fold, and a lot of youth. She'll pull the rabble from the base that was threatening to vote for somebody else over Gaza, although I don't know who they would have voted for. That's some very small groups though. I don't think the independents will amass behind her.
Black America wasn’t particularly behind her in the 2020 primary due to her record as a prosecutor. Now maybe that will change now she’s running for President.
All he is concerned with is himself. He doesn't give a crap about anybody else, or the system working. Our government would be in shambles if people like him were put in charge.
everybody already has ss Taken from their paycheck so what difference does it matter to the government if I have control over my retirement instead of the gov. All the gov does with the ss pool is alocate it for non ss purposes. get your hands off my retirement
everybody already has ss Taken from their paycheck so what difference does it matter to the government if I have control over my retirement instead of the gov. All the gov does with the ss pool is alocate it for non ss purposes. get your hands off my retirement
It's not your retirement, it's the nation's retirement and disability fund. The only thing that has been done improperly is using it for other purposes. If that had not been done, then it would be fine. Individuals having control over it doesn't resolve its problems. The fund left wholly to its proper purposes and dealt with the way the government has been dealing with it is what would fix the problem. LIke I said, you only care about yourself. You make that obvious in every post. Leave my money alone, let churches deal with that, etc, etc. Taxes and SS are not your money, they are all our money.
everybody already has ss Taken from their paycheck so what difference does it matter to the government if I have control over my retirement instead of the gov. All the gov does with the ss pool is alocate it for non ss purposes. get your hands off my retirement
Except people who are poor, disabled, etc….
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It's not your retirement, it's the nation's retirement and disability fund. The only thing that has been done improperly is using it for other purposes. If that had not been done, then it would be fine. Individuals having control over it doesn't resolve its problems. The fund left wholly to its proper purposes and dealt with the way the government has been dealing with it is what would fix the problem. LIke I said, you only care about yourself. You make that obvious in every post. Leave my money alone, let churches deal with that, etc, etc. Taxes and SS are not your money, they are all our money.
Well said. Would I have liked the option to place that money in an investment account…yes. Do I understand that sometimes we have an obligation to those who are less fortunate…absolutely. The latter at time trumps the former. Part of being a compassionate person. The government taking the money collected from us for the SS fund to take care of the less fortunate and spending it on other items to help conceal their budget deficits is a farce. Not necessarily the fact they took and spent the money but the accounting of the same. An accounting which would get anyone other than the federal government thrown in prison.
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