This is the Democratic Party.

It’s a set up.

The law says all these millions of people must be “detained” prior to their asylum hearing. Something both parties have ignored out of convenience and resource management. The “bi-partisan” bill took that requirement away. That’s why nearly all of the Republicans opposed it.

At least most of them realize that we ought to hold people long enough to figure out whether they masterminded the Benghazi attacks or are Liberian war criminals or Chinese spies, instead of what the bill provided for, which is all of the aforementioned examples traveling on fake documents get to be released into the interior while we figure out over the course of months why they had fake papers and where they are now.

It’s aimed at low information voters who see the executive doing something while the legislature lets problems persist. It’s a set up for him to exert even broader executive action after he wins. Even though he spent the last three years claiming he had no legal authority to do what he ended up doing.
Bull crap.
I have zero issues with the EO. Granted it was done solely based on Biden’s bad polling but was nevertheless needed. Two years ago would have been ideal but we weren’t in the middle of an election then. The number of EOs per President is largely irrelevant. What they are used for should be the focus. In the past their use was for mostly mundane items as well as emergency response. See 9-11, Covid, etc…. Obama amped up the legislative use of EOs. Trump and Biden have followed that lead. It is what it is. To be fair, I’m not sure anyone believes this guy is directing US policy at this point.

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I have zero issues with the EO. Granted it was done solely based on Biden’s bad polling but was nevertheless needed. Two years ago would have been ideal but we weren’t in the middle of an election then. The number of EOs per President is largely irrelevant. What they are used for should be the focus. In the past their use was for mostly mundane items as well as emergency response. See 9-11, Covid, etc…. Obama amped up the legislative use of EOs. Trump and Biden have followed that lead. It is what it is. To be fair, I’m not sure anyone believes this guy is directing US policy at this point.

if you break a plate worth thousands, and the glue it back together; do you really get credit for saving it and is it still worth the same?
Biden wants to eliminate our reliance on fosel fuels and use electric by 20xx..

how many batteries will be needed to make planes all electric, and the get off the ground?
291 EO Bush 2 Terms
277 EO Obama 2 Terms
220 EO Trump 1 Term
138 EO Biden .84 Term
It’s not how many in raw number, it’s the numbers with huge impacts that should be passed by Congress instead. Nixon’s pardon was an executive order and counts towards that raw score tally you cite. Totally different than hundreds of billions borrowed and spent to keep campaign promises.
The number of EOs per President is largely irrelevant. What they are used for should be the focus. In the past their use was for mostly mundane items as well as emergency response. See 9-11, Covid, etc…. Obama amped up the legislative use of EOs. Trump and Biden have followed that lead. It is what it is.
It’s not how many in raw number, it’s the numbers with huge impacts that should be passed by Congress instead. Nixon’s pardon was an executive order and counts towards that raw score tally you cite. Totally different than hundreds of billions borrowed and spent to keep campaign promises.
Edit: I'm really tired of repeatedly being interrupted with the site giving me problems. It kept going to a Awww Snap Reload screen every 15 or 20s. I'd have to hit the back arrow, then the front arrow, then the refresh circle every time it did this. I had to copy it over and over to make sure I did have to redo large sections of it. Then I went to MS Word to compose. Between the problems it was having, and me having to adapt, I'm not sure if the site did it or I did it, but there were several former edits of paragraphs with present edits of paragraphs repeated. If you don't mind, reread this from the start. My apologies with the hassle._____________________________

I'm tired of writing, tired of editing. I'm gonna leave this at one proofread/edit.(I figure you'll get the gist of most of what I'm trying to say.)

Of course it doesn't analyze all of a President's EO's for constitutional validity. That # only gives you an idea about whether that president is going crazy with EO's. Bush did a few things that seemed to step slightly outside the constitutional bounds of his presidency, depending on the analyst who was looking at his actions. A number of those things were based on emergency needs, and related to warrants for terrorists. Those Fisa regulations could be abused for normal citizens was one of the arguments.

Bush broke some of those boundaries. Then congress began blocking every action President Obama wanted to put through, because Republican congressmen became obstinate to his wishes, because that suited their desires, and the public seemed more open to letting them get away with that.(A lot of that was based on the increasing popularity and divisiveness of Fox news. That popularity, to the networks lack of a bipartisan nature of compromise in their broadcasts, showed the public's approval of that type of action or inaction by congress on the Republican side.)

That opened that up to congressional actions towards seemingly all future presidents in retaliation for the president before them. It called out boundaries of any bipartisan efforts with any sense of compromise, to be thrown out with the bathwater, by members of congress on both sides. You did it with approval in the past, so now as a member of congress, I'm going to do it with my approval from the public. And every body including the media, including members of governance at all levels, and regrettably the majority o the general public is now in a tit for tat mode that seemingly cannot be broken.

So now congress' passing of anything has slowed down to a snail's pace over the past several decades. Trump refused to let a bill pass, and 'ordered' congressional Republicans to not let it pass, not because it wasn't needed. All because he didn't want to let Biden pass anything that would make him look good in his reelection campaign against Trump in the next election cycle. If stupid self serving politicians like Trump are going to pull BS like this, then how can the media and congressional parties complain about this or that being something they cannot stand for. The public has given permission for this. If they as a congress would not sit down at the moment it was needed, and talk about compromise, in order to get a bill that didn't piss either party off terribly, then what can they expect.

The presidency is being pushed in one direction by Congress' inaction, EO's. Whether they are constitutional has to then be pushed by a party that is irritated enough by the seeming unconstitutionality of the EO, must take it to the courts, and even file a writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court, to ask that they look at the issue if necessary.(Like Trump's ban on Muslims entry into this country.) Is it proper? Regardless of your answer this is where it is.

Yes, Biden pulled this when he needed it electorally. But he did this when Trump just blocked congress, for Trump's own personal needs, at the moment that the Democratic president and all it's members of congress are willing to give up more ground than they have in a long time, if ever. What can you expect out of a President who needs this personally and knows that the public needs this. The president will act on that self serving need every time, and let the opposing party decide if it is worth taking it to the courts.

And anybody who doesn't agree with this post generally, just pisses me off. That means you are part of the problem. You are letting media influence, peer pressure, obstinance, congressional and political influence, etc., etc., continue to mold you as it has for several years now into part of a public that gives permission to our government for its state of being. It’s hard as heck to enact any kind of change as an individual. But the very first step is recognizing the problem. If you can’t see this, then that’s step 1 of you continuing to be one of those people. Those people that allow from the very start, lack of compromise and congressional obstinance, to be the words of the last two or three decades. That is where large # of these EO's get their genesis, lack of compromise/action in congress.
I have zero issues with the EO. Granted it was done solely based on Biden’s bad polling but was nevertheless needed. Two years ago would have been ideal but we weren’t in the middle of an election then. The number of EOs per President is largely irrelevant. What they are used for should be the focus. In the past their use was for mostly mundane items as well as emergency response. See 9-11, Covid, etc…. Obama amped up the legislative use of EOs. Trump and Biden have followed that lead. It is what it is. To be fair, I’m not sure anyone believes this guy is directing US policy at this point.

Didn't vote for him to direct US policy. (The guy always had the public policy appeal of tapioca pudding). Voted for him to sit in a chair while his staff took the lead and Trump sat in Florida, as far away from the White House as I could possibly have influence on.
Edit: I'm really tired of repeatedly being interrupted with the site giving me problems. It kept going to a Awww Snap Reload screen every 15 or 20s. I'd have to hit the back arrow, then the front arrow, then the refresh circle every time it did this. I had to copy it over and over to make sure I did have to redo large sections of it. Then I went to MS Word to compose. Between the problems it was having, and me having to adapt, I'm not sure if the site did it or I did it, but there were several former edits of paragraphs with present edits of paragraphs repeated. If you don't mind, reread this from the start. My apologies with the hassle._____________________________

I'm tired of writing, tired of editing. I'm gonna leave this at one proofread/edit.(I figure you'll get the gist of most of what I'm trying to say.)

Of course it doesn't analyze all of a President's EO's for constitutional validity. That # only gives you an idea about whether that president is going crazy with EO's. Bush did a few things that seemed to step slightly outside the constitutional bounds of his presidency, depending on the analyst who was looking at his actions. A number of those things were based on emergency needs, and related to warrants for terrorists. Those Fisa regulations could be abused for normal citizens was one of the arguments.

Bush broke some of those boundaries. Then congress began blocking every action President Obama wanted to put through, because Republican congressmen became obstinate to his wishes, because that suited their desires, and the public seemed more open to letting them get away with that.(A lot of that was based on the increasing popularity and divisiveness of Fox news. That popularity, to the networks lack of a bipartisan nature of compromise in their broadcasts, showed the public's approval of that type of action or inaction by congress on the Republican side.)

That opened that up to congressional actions towards seemingly all future presidents in retaliation for the president before them. It called out boundaries of any bipartisan efforts with any sense of compromise, to be thrown out with the bathwater, by members of congress on both sides. You did it with approval in the past, so now as a member of congress, I'm going to do it with my approval from the public. And every body including the media, including members of governance at all levels, and regrettably the majority o the general public is now in a tit for tat mode that seemingly cannot be broken.

So now congress' passing of anything has slowed down to a snail's pace over the past several decades. Trump refused to let a bill pass, and 'ordered' congressional Republicans to not let it pass, not because it wasn't needed. All because he didn't want to let Biden pass anything that would make him look good in his reelection campaign against Trump in the next election cycle. If stupid self serving politicians like Trump are going to pull BS like this, then how can the media and congressional parties complain about this or that being something they cannot stand for. The public has given permission for this. If they as a congress would not sit down at the moment it was needed, and talk about compromise, in order to get a bill that didn't piss either party off terribly, then what can they expect.

The presidency is being pushed in one direction by Congress' inaction, EO's. Whether they are constitutional has to then be pushed by a party that is irritated enough by the seeming unconstitutionality of the EO, must take it to the courts, and even file a writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court, to ask that they look at the issue if necessary.(Like Trump's ban on Muslims entry into this country.) Is it proper? Regardless of your answer this is where it is.

Yes, Biden pulled this when he needed it electorally. But he did this when Trump just blocked congress, for Trump's own personal needs, at the moment that the Democratic president and all it's members of congress are willing to give up more ground than they have in a long time, if ever. What can you expect out of a President who needs this personally and knows that the public needs this. The president will act on that self serving need every time, and let the opposing party decide if it is worth taking it to the courts.

And anybody who doesn't agree with this post generally, just pisses me off. That means you are part of the problem. You are letting media influence, peer pressure, obstinance, congressional and political influence, etc., etc., continue to mold you as it has for several years now into part of a public that gives permission to our government for its state of being. It’s hard as heck to enact any kind of change as an individual. But the very first step is recognizing the problem. If you can’t see this, then that’s step 1 of you continuing to be one of those people. Those people that allow from the very start, lack of compromise and congressional obstinance, to be the words of the last two or three decades. That is where large # of these EO's get their genesis, lack of compromise/action in congress.
Having the same problem with the stupid loads on iphone / safari. Doesn't happen so much on Chrome for some reason.
Was just looking back at some history and I have firmly decided that maybe the greatest member of the Democratic Party, was never truly a Democrat at all..... though he did win a few Democratic Primaries.....

Earl Warren. Ran for Governor of California and won 3 times as a progressive "liberal conservative". He entered his name in both the Republican and Democratic primaries and a both once or twice. Initially campaigned against New Deal policy, but became increasingly open to it. Steered California through the beginnings of Civil Rights and benefitted from the post WWII economic prosperity boom.

Hated Nixon since way back in their shared California days. Had the complete correct opinion on the guy being a crook.

Ran on the presidential ticket with Dewey, suffering that upset to Truman.

Was assigned the courts by Eisenhower as payback for tossing his California delegation behind him instead of behind the more fundamentally conservative Taft in the 50's.

Many conservatives will criticize the lengths to which the Warren courts ruled, but there were so many rights that we have come to feel grateful for today that were delivered by that court. Right to an attorney. Miranda Rights. Upheld Rights to Privacy. Affirmed One Man-One Vote & Properly Apportioned Districts. Court Unanimous School Desegregation. Private Business Desegregation. Upheld Voting Rights Act & Civil Rights Act. Ended McCarthyism. Opposed Flag Burning & Draft Card Burning while Affirming rights of contentious objectors. Incorporated the Bill of Rights to the States. Affirmed the Separation of Church and State, Limiting prayer in schools. Got rid of religious / political tests necessary for holding public office in ultra-conservative states. Made contraceptives available and set the groundwork for Roe. Limited unreasonable searches and seizures but upheld the ability of cops to frisk upon suspicion of imminent crimes. Laid the framework for thoughtful limits to free speech in the case of inciting riots. "Legalized" Interracial Marriage. Removed a compromised fellow justice when he found out about his conflict of interest.

Makes me want to name a child after the guy. Best Republican of all time????

Just a couple of weeks ago the administration committed to releasing a million+ bbls of gasoline in NE to lower gas prices... now they are going to tighten the oil supply by restocking the reserve...

No real thought process..

Looks like prices have been muted due to moderate demand this season. Signaling a reserve sale was a move that I would make strategically to influence public sentiment.
It’s a set up.

The law says all these millions of people must be “detained” prior to their asylum hearing. Something both parties have ignored out of convenience and resource management. The “bi-partisan” bill took that requirement away. That’s why nearly all of the Republicans opposed it.

At least most of them realize that we ought to hold people long enough to figure out whether they masterminded the Benghazi attacks or are Liberian war criminals or Chinese spies, instead of what the bill provided for, which is all of the aforementioned examples traveling on fake documents get to be released into the interior while we figure out over the course of months why they had fake papers and where they are now.

Bull crap.
“ABC News has learned the suspects were initially allowed to enter the U.S. after being vetted and no national security issues were uncovered.

But sources say in recent weeks, authorities uncovered information indicating ties or affiliation with ISIS.”

“ABC News has learned the suspects were initially allowed to enter the U.S. after being vetted and no national security issues were uncovered.

But sources say in recent weeks, authorities uncovered information indicating ties or affiliation with ISIS.”

My bull crap was in reference to you saying “that’s why Republicans opposed it (the bill)”
My bull crap was in reference to you saying “that’s why Republicans opposed it (the bill)”
Well I guess you agree then maybe letting millions of people roam the country without truly vetting them is a bad idea that will eventually catch up with us. Your belated support for closing the southern border is appreciated.
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I don’t pay much attention to polls in June but the latest out of Iowa is rather shocking with Trump up 18 points. He won Iowa by 8 points in 2020. Doesn’t bode well for Biden in the Midwest if these numbers hold.

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I don’t pay much attention to polls in June but the latest out of Iowa is rather shocking with Trump up 18 points. He won Iowa by 8 points in 2020. Doesn’t bode well for Biden in the Midwest if these numbers hold.

Certainly disheartening. Iowa doesn’t quite understand how much of a boost Biden vs Trump gives them in relation to their existing adoption of wind power.

The phrase. “Cut off one’s nose to spite their face” comes to mind.
Agree that’s a pretty shocking number. Thats Bible Country which hurts Trump but it’s also family country. Trump has the divorce and Stormy issues but all of his kids are well adjusted and all work for the family business. They married accomplished people. Thats relatable on farms outside Ames. Meanwhile Hunter is blowing millions on hookers and cocaine at age 50 that he got from crooked Chinese communists and Ukrainian gangsters. Folks in Clear Lake and Dubuque notice stuff like that. And have concerns about it. The impotence on inflation and the border is driving it. If Biden has lost meat country with these prices you wonder if he can get it back.

The good news is it doesn’t matter except it specific precincts in Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

The lead is narrowing there but still outside the margin in favor of Trump.
Agree that’s a pretty shocking number. Thats Bible Country which hurts Trump but it’s also family country. Trump has the divorce and Stormy issues but all of his kids are well adjusted and all work for the family business. They married accomplished people. Thats relatable on farms outside Ames. Meanwhile Hunter is blowing millions on hookers and cocaine at age 50 that he got from crooked Chinese communists. Folks in Clear Lake and Dubuque notice stuff like that. And have concerns about it. The impotence on inflation and the border is driving it. If Biden has lost meat country with these prices you wonder if he can get it back.

The good news is it doesn’t matter except it specific precincts in Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

The lead is narrowing there but still outside the margin in favor of Trump.
If Trump wins Iowa by 18 he will win Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. State results aren’t completely contained in a vacuum based on state lines.
I don’t pay much attention to polls in June but the latest out of Iowa is rather shocking with Trump up 18 points. He won Iowa by 8 points in 2020. Doesn’t bode well for Biden in the Midwest if these numbers hold.

Five to six states win elections. No one cares about Iowa None. Zero.

There is polling showing that the conviction is moving the needle in favour of Biden. The fervent Trump voters are already that, so they jump up and down and scream louder on Twitter, which maybe 5% of America uses, and then they go on Fox and scream real loud. It is absurd. Ben Shapiro, who is supposed to be some kind of intellectual warrior, proves not to be when it comes to the trial.

As the trump conviction thread has proven out, even Huffy Cane and lawpoke87, usually pretty in tune, didn't even pay attention to the details. They think he got a raw deal falsifying his business records to pay off a pornstar and a Playboy model to the tune of 400k. I mean, everyone does, right?

The guy still has THREE more trials, which are probably much more severe. It will be hard to argue he is getting a raw deal over those. What took place in GA cannot go on. That is actual Banana Rep basic stuff, and the Republicans who run the state in GA know it. That wasn't the only thing that went on. AZ, MI, and WI are also starting to see indictments now. This wasn't asking for a friggin' recount.

His VP says he won't support him. When does that happen? Ever.

Five to six states win elections. No one cares about Iowa None. Zero.

There is polling showing that the conviction is moving the needle in favour of Biden. The fervent Trump voters are already that, so they jump up and down and scream louder on Twitter, which maybe 5% of America uses, and then they go on Fox and scream real loud. It is absurd. Ben Shapiro, who is supposed to be some kind of intellectual warrior, proves not to be when it comes to the trial.

As the trump conviction thread has proven out, even Huffy Cane and lawpoke87, usually pretty in tune, didn't even pay attention to the details. They think he got a raw deal falsifying his business records to pay off a pornstar and a Playboy model to the tune of 400k. I mean, everyone does, right?

The guy still has THREE more trials, which are probably much more severe. It will be hard to argue he is getting a raw deal over those. What took place in GA cannot go on. That is actual Banana Rep basic stuff, and the Republicans who run the state in GA know it. That wasn't the only thing that went on. AZ, MI, and WI are also starting to see indictments now. This wasn't asking for a friggin' recount.

His VP says he won't support him. When does that happen? Ever.

Trump won’t lose those midwestern states mentioned if he wins Iowa by 18. Those states will likely decide the election. Trump being ahead in Iowa by ten points more than he won the state in 2020 should be setting off alarm bells at the DNC. It’s a really bad sign. Maybe bad enough to get Biden replaced as the Dem nominee
Agree that’s a pretty shocking number. Thats Bible Country which hurts Trump but it’s also family country. Trump has the divorce and Stormy issues but all of his kids are well adjusted and all work for the family business. They married accomplished people. Thats relatable on farms outside Ames. Meanwhile Hunter is blowing millions on hookers and cocaine at age 50 that he got from crooked Chinese communists and Ukrainian gangsters. Folks in Clear Lake and Dubuque notice stuff like that. And have concerns about it. The impotence on inflation and the border is driving it. If Biden has lost meat country with these prices you wonder if he can get it back.

The good news is it doesn’t matter except it specific precincts in Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

The lead is narrowing there but still outside the margin in favor of Trump.
Calling Trump’s children “well adjusted” is rather rich to anyone who has ever heard any of his children speak.
If Trump wins Iowa by 18 he will win Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. State results aren’t completely contained in a vacuum based on state lines.
You might be surprised what a half dozen preachers can get you in Iowa that you won’t get in Michigan.

That said, I’m just relating internal polling the Trump people have allowed to leak. It’s getting closer in states they’ve identified as critical and Biden is out raising him. And more tight in the individual districts and precincts they watch like hawks.
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You might be surprised what a half dozen preachers can get you in Iowa that you won’t get in Michigan.

That said, I’m just relating internal polling the Trump people have allowed to leak. It’s getting closer in states they’ve identified as critical and Biden is out raising him. And more tight in the individual districts and precincts they watch like hawks.
I find watching states and their national politics over time fascinating. Colorado has gone from red to purple to now solidly blue. Georgia has gone from red to purple. Ohio, Iowa and Florida have gone from purple to fairly reliable red. Texas is still red but trending purple.

That said, if Trump win Iowa by 18 then I would be shocked to see him lose those other midwestern states. Long time to go though
  • Like
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I find watching states and their national politics over time fascinating. Colorado has gone from red to purple to now solidly blue. Georgia has gone from red to purple. Ohio, Iowa and Florida have gone from purple to fairly reliable red. Texas is still red but trending purple.

That said, if Trump win Iowa by 18 then I would be shocked to see him lose those other midwestern states. Long time to go though
People tune out during summer except the conventions. July 4th weekend through the first two football Saturdays is totally dead. I don’t even know why they buy ads. Game on in September though. Should be interesting.
I find it amusing that Huffy trying to turn the family argument in Trump's direction. Biden's first wife died, He's still married to his second wife after a long time. Trump has been in 3 marriages, and cheated with hookers, porn actresses, and probably strip dancers in every marriage. He has likely raped and molested quite a few women. He can't keep his pants up. But Huffy tries to turn that into his argument. Your political arguments are often pretzels Huffy.
I find it amusing that Huffy trying to turn the family argument in Trump's direction. Biden's first wife died, He's still married to his second wife after a long time. Trump has been in 3 marriages, and cheated with hookers, porn actresses, and probably strip dancers in every marriage. He has likely raped and molested quite a few women. He can't keep his pants up. But Huffy tries to turn that into his argument. Your political arguments are often pretzels Huffy.
Maybe Huffy is basing his argument on the fact the fact that Trump was a Democrat when he committed almost all of these transgressions :)
  • Haha
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Not a good look...

When in doubt listen to a Brit write up in Rupert Murdoch's Newspaper, hilarious.

What is too funny is when you actually Biden in action in a thing like the state of the union and smash on the republican's and then the story changes to he was all drugged up.

The weird part is now only one that drugged up is Trump junior. That dude is coked out of his mind on his insane twitter rants.

Maybe Huffy is basing his argument on the fact the fact that Trump was a Democrat when he committed almost all of these transgressions :)
Not with Stormy or McDougal. Don't kid your self, he has been doing it consistently throughout his entire life. He didn't slow down when he became a Republican. The only argument could be that he has been a Democrat longer, which is no argument at all.
Not with Stormy or McDougal. Don't kid your self, he has been doing it consistently throughout his entire life. He didn't slow down when he became a Republican. The only argument could be that he has been a Democrat longer, which is no argument at all.
I wasn’t serious with the comment. The affair with Storm allegedly took place in 2006. Trump became a Pub in 2009. Not that it matters. He is who he is regardless of party affiliation.
I wasn’t serious with the comment. The affair with Storm allegedly took place in 2006. Trump became a Pub in 2009. Not that it matters. He is who he is regardless of party affiliation.
I didn't think you were serious. I didn't pay attention to the dates on stormy, thought it was more recent, same with McDougal. But you know that didn't stop before or after that. If it did stop, it was only because he was planning on running for president. But I seriously doubt it stopped. I imagine there were pit stops on the campaign trail.
I didn't think you were serious. I didn't pay attention to the dates on stormy, thought it was more recent, same with McDougal. But you know that didn't stop before or after that. If it did stop, it was only because he was planning on running for president. But I seriously doubt it stopped. I imagine there were pit stops on the campaign trail.
I find it amusing that Huffy trying to turn the family argument in Trump's direction. Biden's first wife died, He's still married to his second wife after a long time. Trump has been in 3 marriages, and cheated with hookers, porn actresses, and probably strip dancers in every marriage. He has likely raped and molested quite a few women. He can't keep his pants up. But Huffy tries to turn that into his argument. Your political arguments are often pretzels Huffy.
I’m not trying to turn anything or advocate for the man. I’m just telling you they are focus grouping to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. And when they ask undecideds about their candidates kids, the feedback is much more strong in favor of Trump’s family. And that was before Biden’s kid got convicted of buying a gun and giving it to his girlfriend, the one he got addicted to crack, who threw it in a paper sack then left it in a dumpster waiting for kids to find it.

There’s a lot of people who vote for someone based on who they think they most resemble in terms of life experience. It’s how W got elected. People relate more to the Trump family than they do the Biden family notwithstanding the escapades of the father.
I’m not trying to turn anything or advocate for the man. I’m just telling you they are focus grouping to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. And when they ask undecideds about their candidates kids, the feedback is much more strong in favor of Trump’s family. And that was before Biden’s kid got convicted of buying a gun and giving it to his girlfriend, the one he got addicted to crack, who threw it in a paper sack then left it in a dumpster waiting for kids to find it.

There’s a lot of people who vote for someone based on who they think they most resemble in terms of life experience. It’s how W got elected. People relate more to the Trump family than they do the Biden family notwithstanding the escapades of the father.
Yes, many of the US electorate are infantile and stupid…. No one seems to have learned the “I could see myself having a beer with him” decision making process made for a bad president.