The great dish washing scandal.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Okay, I can solve this problem. No federal employee should have to stand over a sink and wash dishes. They have an electric machine that does that for you. It is called a "Dishwasher." To start it you press a button that says "Start." Don't forget to add soap.

Now while the dog walking thing seems simple enough, there is a hidden problem. There are people that you can pay to walk the not at all. I see two problems. First, most dog walking firms probably do not have employees with a Top Secret Clearance or higher. Second you get into third party liability if the dog bites someone. Finally if the dog craps in someone else's yard you get into "Tird party liability."

The worst part though, is the damage to the victim's ego. There is a possibility of PTSD. Clearly "We are all in this together" does not apply to dogs.
Okay, I can solve this problem. No federal employee should have to stand over a sink and wash dishes. They have an electric machine that does that for you. It is called a "Dishwasher." To start it you press a button that says "Start." Don't forget to add soap.

Now while the dog walking thing seems simple enough, there is a hidden problem. There are people that you can pay to walk the not at all. I see two problems. First, most dog walking firms probably do not have employees with a Top Secret Clearance or higher. Second you get into third party liability if the dog bites someone. Finally if the dog craps in someone else's yard you get into "Tird party liability."

The worst part though, is the damage to the victim's ego. There is a possibility of PTSD. Clearly "We are all in this together" does not apply to dogs.
LOL agreed. I want to see the link from where this came lol this is gold! I wouldn’t trust anyone with my dog forget that