From what I can tell he hasn't even been offered to get back half the lands taken from his country ever, but you go on thinking he's cold on every peace deal that has been offered. When they aren't even offering half, then Zelensky has to set a line in the sand much over what he will take. That's just what you have to do when they aren't offering you anything reasonable. Otherwise they won'tever offer anything reasonable
I don't really give a damn whether this is anything new or not, it is the offer before him. It's the first real offer, and it's the only one that matters, because it is a real offer. Those other proposals weren't really offers. Trump offered him the land they took yesterday and that's probably most of, if not all of the land he would get back when the 'peace' deal is finished the way that Trump and Putin will demand it be finished.
"I guarantee you Trump is not in Zelensky's corner. unless he submits to free metal indefinitely. Trump wants it all, or he will give Putin 98% of what Putin wants. You excuse or ignore Trump's crap 96% of the time. But this is a country's land, form of government, and freedom at stake. Zelensky would probably start a conversation if offered 50% of the land and real protection. That is not even close to what is being offered. Trump is wanting him to bow down to Trump and at the same time have faith that Trump will act in his best interest. The only thing Trump has given him faith in, is that Trump will act in the best interest of Trump and Putin.