Some positive news on the treatment front

Aside from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and maybe Michigan have there been other states where we’ve seen thousands of deaths in those facilities ?

I don’t care if the Governor is a Pub, Dem or Ind. Intentionally brining covid-19 infected people into areas where the elderly live is an act which should be called out. It’s pure negligence.

Something I wasn't aware of when I said that....apparently NY isn't counting them as nursing home deaths if they get sick in the nursing home and then later die in a hospital. Other states are counting these as nursing home deaths. Their numbers are likely significantly higher than reported.
So on this belief system, I can ignore anything that says a single thing against my bias.
You question the particular application.

Depending on the sample set you choose

3 out of 4 doctors recomend

3 out 10 doctors recomend

4 out of 100 ...
You question the particular application.

Depending on the sample set you choose

3 out of 4 doctors recomend

3 out 10 doctors recomend

4 out of 100 ...
Bias excuse, you haven't got the brains to interpret whether their 'recomendation' is valid.
lets say you own a company and pay yourself $1,000,000.00/yr. You have four employees and pay each $50,000.00/yr. That's a payroll of $1,200,000.00/yr. so the average employee salary is $240,000.00/yr. NICE! I want to work there.
lets say you own a company and pay yourself $1,000,000.00/yr. You have four employees and pay each $50,000.00/yr. That's a payroll of $1,200,000.00/yr. so the average employee salary is $240,000.00/yr. NICE! I want to work there.
How many jackasses traveling to work for this company on a Wednesday take the train to work? How long does it take 3 of them to get halfway to work.
Btw after the last batch released by Oklahoma postive test % stayed low at 2.6%
Based on today’s numbers:

Total new cases

4-20 to 4-27 600
4-13 to 4-20 611

Total new hospitalizations

4-20 to 4-27 95
4-13 to 4-20 104

The drop in new cases tie into a drop in hospitalizations. Which provides further support for the validity of that number. Considering the ramp up in testing these are very good numbers imo and further indicate an R of below 1.

Weekend reporting is still crap but it’s consistent crap which is why the comparison works.

In the 7 days from last Friday to yesterday there were only 53 new hospitalizations. There seems to have been a pretty rapid improvement over the last 3 weeks. Confirmed cases are slightly up due to more testing.
In the 7 days from last Friday to yesterday there were only 53 new hospitalizations. There seems to have been a pretty rapid improvement over the last 3 weeks. Confirmed cases are slightly up due to more testing.

Confirmed cases also up due to the outbreak at the meat processing plant in Guymon. Guymon now has only 75 less cases than Tulsa :eek:
This is the kind of article that scares me if it's wrong.

They're a big time company. Hoping their correct Still needs to clear a number of hoops before they are ready for mass distribution.

Why does it scare you if it's wrong? Wouldn't we just be in the same place we are now?
They're a big time company. Hoping their correct Still needs to clear a number of hoops before they are ready for mass distribution.

Why does it scare you if it's wrong? Wouldn't we just be in the same place we are now?
Because misinformation has societal consequences. Their CEO has had pushback from investors in the past for shady business practices, so excuse me if I'm skeptical about him hyping his product so unabashedly . If something that can help then I support it of course, but I need to see scientific results before I go ga-ga.
Because misinformation has societal consequences. Their CEO has had pushback from investors in the past for shady business practices, so excuse me if I'm skeptical about him hyping his product so unabashedly . If something that can help then I support it of course, but I need to see scientific results before I go ga-ga.

Of all the things that scare or annoy me with this virus and the misinformation associated with the same this is pretty far down the list. I think most people understand there is a ways to go before we can say we have a valid treatment which can be mass produced and given to millions. People need to come to grips with the fact that this virus is likely going to be around for months and months to come and figure out ways to live with the same. Especially those of us at very low risk.
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This is what I was talking about with Guymon:

It’s interesting in an Upton Sinclair kind of way that the meat plants are where we doing the experimenting. Force people back to work (immigrants that the president racially exploits) and see what happens a couple of weeks later when most can go back.
Will be incredibly ironic if Trump has a heart attack on Hydroxychloroquine. That is if he has been honest about taking it as a preventative, instead of just trying to be a PR guy for it.
The last 3 days in Oklahoma yielded a positive test percentage of 1.6%. If this trend continues they may run out of people with symptoms to test.
Early results of Oklahoma antibody testing are now out. Roughly 3.3% are positive for antibodies so far. This would be around 23 times the number of confirmed cases, resulting in a fatality rate of around 0.22%
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Early results of Oklahoma antibody testing are now out. Roughly 3.3% are positive for antibodies so far. This would be around 23 times the number of confirmed cases, resulting in a fatality rate of around 0.22%
I will ask a dumb question. How do we know that either number is correct? On confirmed cases, a better term might be detected cases and you would expect that to be a minimum number. The antibody number is newer. Maybe I am being picky, but doing math on two different results, measuring different things by different methods might not hold up.
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Of all the things that scare or annoy me with this virus and the misinformation associated with the same this is pretty far down the list. I think most people understand there is a ways to go before we can say we have a valid treatment which can be mass produced and given to millions. People need to come to grips with the fact that this virus is likely going to be around for months and months to come and figure out ways to live with the same. Especially those of us at very low risk.

This is exactly what I was talking about in relation to this vaccine news. That company is shiesty.
I will ask a dumb question. How do we know that either number is correct? On confirmed cases, a better term might be detected cases and you would expect that to be a minimum number. The antibody number is newer. Maybe I am being picky, but doing math on two different results, measuring different things by different methods might not hold up.

Confirmed cases (people who have tested positive) is actually probably irrelevant. In theory, assuming non-biased sampling and a low false positive rate, anti-body testing would get you in the ballpark of the true number of people who have been infected. Using that you can get an estimate of the true fatality rate. But yeah there's no telling how much error there is in the anti-body testing and if they're over-sampling Tulsa/OKC then it will be incorrect.
Confirmed cases (people who have tested positive) is actually probably irrelevant. In theory, assuming non-biased sampling and a low false positive rate, anti-body testing would get you in the ballpark of the true number of people who have been infected. Using that you can get an estimate of the true fatality rate. But yeah there's no telling how much error there is in the anti-body testing and if they're over-sampling Tulsa/OKC then it will be incorrect.
The fatality rate is what the local medical examiners say it is. As we are starting to see in Florida where that information is an immediately releasable public record, the numbers are no where near what we were told to fear in a state with no public health infrastructure that essentially shrugged its shoulders at prevention except for those most vulnerable.
I'm unsure how any health official can calculate a fatality rate without knowing the denominator with any degree of certainty.
I'm unsure how any health official can calculate a fatality rate without knowing the denominator with any degree of certainty.

I think he means there's some subjectivity in determining the numerator, but the only place I've seen do anything to suggest that the death rate might be substantially lower is Colorado. They're now segregating "deaths with covid" and "deaths from covid"
This from the UK, if true, would raise some major questions about the shutdowns

"Government scientists have refused to break down the reproduction value, known as R0, into separate numbers for the community, hospitals and care homes during the numerous daily press conferences.

But previously secret documents show that in the community as a whole it was much closer to 0.5....

......The overall reproduction number, R, is in the range 0.5 to 0.9. If health and social care settings are excluded it is likely to be at the lower end of this range."
Italian scientists posted a paper today claiming like the SARS virus covid19 significantly weakens as its passes from person to person. Thus over time the virus becomes much less lethal and contagious.
Italian scientists posted a paper today claiming like the SARS virus covid19 significantly weakens as its passes from person to person. Thus over time the virus becomes much less lethal and contagious.
This happens with all diseases. The deadliest strains of the virus tends to kill its host and thereby tends to die off.
This happens with all diseases. The deadliest strains of the virus tends to kill its host and thereby tends to die off.

I understand. What I don’t understand is why the CDC’s leading model was predicting 3000 deaths a day in June a few weeks ago knowing what we know about viruses and what we’ve seen in the other countries?
The fatality rate is what the local medical examiners say it is. As we are starting to see in Florida where that information is an immediately releasable public record, the numbers are no where near what we were told to fear in a state with no public health infrastructure that essentially shrugged its shoulders at prevention except for those most vulnerable.
Florida also refused to count cases which were diagnosed by private testing. Only cases diagnosed in a state or county health dept. related facility counted towards their official number of cases.

BTW, within the last week Oklahoma FINALLY started releasing the % of positive cases per day based on number of tests administered. THIS number has finally shown a decreasing trend and leveling off. Along with some of the other info about the actual virus losing its foothold in some communities, losing its lethality as it is transmitted, or maybe the warmer weather boosting our immune systems while at the same time not allowing the virus to remain viable on surfaces, we will come out on the other side soon.
Italian scientists posted a paper today claiming like the SARS virus covid19 significantly weakens as its passes from person to person. Thus over time the virus becomes much less lethal and contagious.
Hey have you got a link to that paper?