Some positive news on the treatment front

100% agree. Like ive said. The lefts hypocrisy knows no limits. Also, where is the left outrage for cultural appropriation for all the dems that wore the african attire while kneeling the other day?
I would stop talking about hypocrisy unless you want me to start listing the hypocrisy that I've seen from you and your ilk. We're all hypocrites at times. But some people seem to be able to make it an olympic event.

Donald Trump is the Michael Jordan of hypocrites.
I would stop talking about hypocrisy unless you want me to start listing the hypocrisy that I've seen from you and your ilk. We're all hypocrites at times. But some people seem to be able to make it an olympic event.

Donald Trump is the Michael Jordan of hypocrites.
Agree. Don't like trump. Didnt vote for him. But step up and slam pelosi and her ilk for cultural appropriation then.
Agree. Don't like trump. Didnt vote for him. But step up and slam pelosi and her ilk for cultural appropriation then.
I'll start doing that when R's start stepping up and chastising their own party for appropriating the Evangelical Christian church.
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I didn't think the large protests were smart from a COVID standpoint, but there are things in the world you choose to do because something that occurred goes so egregiously against the norms of human decency.

BTW, this thread is interesting and clearly shows we're at the beginning of a 2nd peak. Most # of active cases in Tulsa County since this began

These people need to show total of number of tests reported and have it overlaid on these charts. I do believe we’ve seen an increase but the extent depends on the test numbers. If we’ve doubled the test numbers in the past week then that graph doesn’t look near as bad as if numbers remained constant. Just need more info for any type of meaningful analysis.
I would stop talking about hypocrisy unless you want me to start listing the hypocrisy that I've seen from you and your ilk. We're all hypocrites at times. But some people seem to be able to make it an olympic event.

Donald Trump is the Michael Jordan of hypocrites.
No, hrc, bho, pelosi, shiff, shuller, nadler, coumo, aoc, feinstein, mueller etal, flinns jury forman, come in way higher.
Looks like there has been a small bump in new hospitalizations for Oklahoma this week. Positive test % is up from 2% to 3-4% as well. Something to keep an eye on

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Looks like there has been a small bump in new hospitalizations for Oklahoma this week. Positive test % is up from 2% to 3-4% as well. Something to keep an eye on


Unfortunately both positive cases and hospitalizations are going up for OK. Doesn't bode well for a particular large upcoming event.

Yesterday total new hospitalizations for the week: 78 (1117 to date)
Last Monday's new hospitalizations for the week: 53 (1039 to date as of 6/8)
The week before that's new hospitalizations: 48 (986 to date as of 6/1)

That's a 75% increase in the hospitalization rate in the last two weeks. Some increases due to recent openings is expected, and the numbers are still relatively manageable, but it is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

I don't know what OK is doing, but here they are attempting to figure out the new R0 value after every staged opening. If it stays below 1.xx, they can proceed with the next phase regardless if cases are on the rise. Remember the goal is not to stop the spread entirely via total lockdown, but to slow it down so that it stays manageable in the hospital system. So far that has largely been working in most places, although AZ is showing some worrisome trends and has ICUs running at ~85% capacity now.

Source :

And just FYI, that site give OK an A+ on their data quality and transparency.
Unfortunately both positive cases and hospitalizations are going up for OK. Doesn't bode well for a particular large upcoming event.

Yesterday total new hospitalizations for the week: 78 (1117 to date)
Last Monday's new hospitalizations for the week: 53 (1039 to date as of 6/8)
The week before that's new hospitalizations: 48 (986 to date as of 6/1)

That's a 75% increase in the hospitalization rate in the last two weeks. Some increases due to recent openings is expected, and the numbers are still relatively manageable, but it is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

I don't know what OK is doing, but here they are attempting to figure out the new R0 value after every staged opening. If it stays below 1.xx, they can proceed with the next phase regardless if cases are on the rise. Remember the goal is not to stop the spread entirely via total lockdown, but to slow it down so that it stays manageable in the hospital system. So far that has largely been working in most places, although AZ is showing some worrisome trends and has ICUs running at ~85% capacity now.

Source :

And just FYI, that site give OK an A+ on their data quality and transparency.
My opinion is that, Oklahoma has been good up to now, all of their numbers have been low even for other low population states. Now the 78 is large compared to 48 but many states have much higher numbers...even per thousand population.

The problem will really appear next week. The combination of Trumps rally and Juneteenth are going to hit. And Sharpton will draw some people. I'm not knocking any of these group meetings. But this isn't a normal year. We'll just hold our breath and hope our numbers don't come up dramatically. These are all normal things, but this isn't a normal year.
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These people need to show total of number of tests reported and have it overlaid on these charts. I do believe we’ve seen an increase but the extent depends on the test numbers. If we’ve doubled the test numbers in the past week then that graph doesn’t look near as bad as if numbers remained constant. Just need more info for any type of meaningful analysis.
I saw the list of % of positive tests. OK is at 5.3% or something close to it which is up from roughly 3% at the start of June. # of hospitalizations is at its highest ever in Tulsa, as well as # of ICU beds occupied. Someone posted data from 14 states where increases were being seen. Only 3-4 had R-naughts under 1. Tulsa was among the highest in that figure. Texas, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina were all experiencing what would be considered statistically significant increases due to reopening. I wish I had copied the link to the info I saw. It was more national data but used individual state reporting. Oregon is another state seeing a high increase in infections as well.
My opinion is that, Oklahoma has been good up to now, all of their numbers have been low even for other low population states. Now the 78 is large compared to 48 but many states have much higher numbers...even per thousand population.

The problem will really appear next week. The combination of Trumps rally and Juneteenth are going to hit. And Sharpton will draw some people. I'm not knocking any of these group meetings. But this isn't a normal year. We'll just hold our breath and hope our number don't come up dramatically. These are all normal things, but this isn't a normal year.
OK's numbers are increasing rather sharply. Another figure I saw was infections per million people which looks better for OK when you compare that figure to Texas, Florida, and Georgia. I said back in March June 1 was the earliest things could realistically reopen. OK opened a couple of weeks before that...turns out I was closer to being right than the governor and mayor were.
OK's numbers are increasing rather sharply. Another figure I saw was infections per million people which looks better for OK when you compare that figure to Texas, Florida, and Georgia. I said back in March June 1 was the earliest things could realistically reopen. OK opened a couple of weeks before that...turns out I was closer to being right than the governor and mayor were.

I still would like to see some evidence that opening a month later wouldn’t just cause the same outbreak a month later.

This isn’t a red state thing. It’s the state’s that didn’t get hit initially. Oregon has been maybe the most cautious state in the whole country and I’m not sure if they’ve ever really totally opened up. They’re seeing a big increase in cases
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I still would like to see some evidence that opening a month later wouldn’t just cause the same outbreak a month later.

This isn’t a red state thing. Oregon has been maybe the most cautious state in the whole country and I’m not sure if they’ve ever really totally opened up. They’re seeing a big increase in cases
The problem wasn't the opening up. It was the lax implementation (requirement) of safety measures during the re-opening. Hence why places that saw similar spikes as the US (like Germany, UK, Spain, Italy) aren't all seeing bounces like we are. The only bump that I can find similar to the US in terms of daily cases is that of Iran.
The problem wasn't the opening up. It was the lax implementation (requirement) of safety measures during the re-opening. Hence why places that saw similar spikes as the US (like Germany, UK, Spain, Italy) aren't all seeing bounces like we are. The only bump that I can find similar to the US in terms of daily cases is that of Iran.

Sounds like you should be really upset with the protests we've had for the last 3 weeks then.

And the UK, Spain, and Italy had significantly worse outbreaks than we did, especially compared to a state like Oklahoma or Florida. Their never-infected population in cities is much smaller so there just may not be very many vulnerable people left for them. Germany has been an outlier and it remains to be seen what happens with them long term.
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looking back, i find it interesting in general how people reacted to the virus;
people in blue states and cities relied on he government to tell them what to do
while people in red states and cities just wanted to be presented with all the unvarnished data so they could make up their mind on how to act.
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looking back, i find it interesting in general how people reacted to the virus;
people in blue states and cities relied on he government to tell them what to do
while people in red states and cities just wanted to be presented with all the unvarnished data so they could make up their mind on how to act.
Because people in the red states (or blue states) are all intelligent enough to make medical and pandemic decisions on their own. I wouldn’t trust some of these people to not screw up my McDonald’s order but they should all be able to make the decision whether or not to wear a mask while they make my food based on complex regional and global statistics. Some of them don’t even know how to do algebra for god sakes.
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Because people in the red states (or blue states) are all intelligent enough to make medical and pandemic decisions on their own. I wouldn’t trust some of these people to not screw up my McDonald’s order but they should all be able to make the decision whether or not to wear a mask while they make my food based on complex regional and global statistics. Some of them don’t even know how to do algebra for god sakes.
Everbodi isn't as smart as aTUfan.
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Sounds like you should be really upset with the protests we've had for the last 3 weeks then.

And the UK, Spain, and Italy had significantly worse outbreaks than we did, especially compared to a state like Oklahoma or Florida. Their never-infected population in cities is much smaller so there just may not be very many vulnerable people left for them. Germany has been an outlier and it remains to be seen what happens with them long term.
Honestly? I would have rather people weren't out protesting. I'd also rather that they didn't have any need to be out protesting. At least in many cases people were wearing masks.

I don't disagree with you, but you would think that smaller regions would start to be effected more in places outside of major metropolises around the globe, but we're not really hearing about that. I guess we'll see if the US is an outlier or not.
Something that’s going to funny to contrast is the media’s total approval of large Juneteenth gatherings(gatherings I support) with their scolding of people for large July 4th gatherings(gatherings I also support). Politicians too.