Shirley this wasn't the only pub...

I have been told before that QT has been approached every single year for a partnership. Every single year they say no.

You also have to remember the completely different structures of a division one university and a minor league baseball team. A minor league baseball team has no true costs other than their facilities (isn’t ours still being paid for by the city?) and advertising. That means they can price tickets (or give them away free as they want). They can actually make more money by selling a sponsorship and then giving those tickets away at that sponsor’s location and then getting concessions and merchandise sales.

In college athletics, your sponsorship arm gives you a set amount of money each year as part of a contract. The sponsorship then tries to go out and make more money than they give the University and that’s how they sustain their business. So selling tickets to a sponsor for pennies on the dollar doesn’t do anything for TU. If I sell them for $.10/$1, I have to sell 10x as many to make back my money compared to selling them normal. TU makes money on actually selling tickets. That’s the key for Tulsa. You can’t just discount ticket prices and hope to make it back on concessions prices either because a third party (Sodexo, in TU’s case) takes at least 50% of the revenue from those products. So once again, selling tickets at a realistic price point continues to be the most important thing to the University.

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