SCOTUS Rulings


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Mar 9, 2012
Tulsa, OK
SCOTUS says that Congress must specifically act to undo treaties with tribes which includes the establishment of reservations. Vote 5-4. Neal Gorsuch sided with the more liberal members of the court and wrote the opinion.
In a nutshell, Oklahoma becoming a state didn't undo tribal reservation treaties created by Congress. Good thing for tribes bad thing for state government who wanted to expand not only their criminal jurisdiction but also their land grab by eminent domain. This ultimately doesn't allow the state to do that.

SCOTUS also ruled that a sitting President isn't immune from criminal investigations and must comply with legal subpoenas AND that Congress can also subpoena information in performance of their government oversight authority as detailed in the Constitution. Vote 7-2. John Roberts, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh all voted with the liberal members only Scalia's handpuppets Alito and Clarence Thomas voted against.
In a nutshell Trump's accountants and tax attorneys must turn over his accounting and tax filings for the period requested to both NY AG AND the House of Representatives.

I mention the Oklahoma ruling as a matter of local interest. The others are huge news. Deutsche Bank has already said it will release the information in light of the SCOTUS ruling. My guess is the Trump attorneys may be willing to go to jail for a bit on contempt charges knowing Trump will pardon them.

While they are important decisions for truth and justice, these are not the cases Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were appointed for. Those rulings will come with further 2A cases and Roe v Wade (although they've already struck down 1 of the abortion bills out of Louisiana saying it was an undue burden on the doctors as a matter of business).
A lot of people will say things about the McGirt case and a lot of people will be very wrong. It’s already impossible to read some of the idiots on social media. I suspect Congress will eventually enact something to clean this up. The tribes will get something they want in return. They don’t want the sort of police powers being given them and the federal government doesn’t want to supplant the Tulsa District Attorney’s office.

Not surprised on the subpoena cases. I think Alito has been proven senile. His dissents are nuts. He doesn’t know how subpoenas work.

I am also very critical of any decision that demands more process below. That’s partisan hackery here. If you are going to hear the case, then look at US v. Nixon and Clinton v. Jones and make a damn decision. No one is served by more process here other than Trump, who is clearly using process to defeat reasonable subpoenas.
The decision on the President not being immune to criminal investigations and having to submit to subpeonas relieves me a great deal. If Congress was less prone to partisan leaks I would want the decision over Trump vs Mazurs to have been the reverse. That decision would have loaded the gun for present and future partisan attacks.