Rush Limbaugh


I.T.S. Hall of Famer
Apr 17, 2012
The guy deserves a medal of freedom as much as Bill Maher or Michael Moore do LMAO.... so dumb.
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Love him or hate him... he has definitely driven more public engagement in govt policy and politics than probably any other public figure.
Love him or hate him... he has definitely driven more public engagement in govt policy and politics than probably any other public figure.
Never have I ever.... been inspired to engage in public policy due to Rush Limbaugh's opinion. Your turn to drink i guess.

Also, inspiring the ignorant throughout outright lies on a daily basis shouldn't be a thing we reward. (Not saying everyone else that got the award was always truthful in their beliefs, but Limbaugh is on another level)
Combo of a Ronco commercial and Queen For A Day. Only thing missing was giving away a washer/dryer. As for Melania pinning a medal on a drug addict as dishonest as himself.....Trump’s version of the Bachelor’s rose. On to the next episode....
And his economic claims were BS as well.

"Inflation-adjusted median income rose $1,400 in the past two years, or 2.3% from 2016 to 2018, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the government agency that tracks and compiles incomes. That compares with a 5% gain under former President Barack Obama, who took office during the last recession, and a decline of 4.2% under George W. Bush, which included the start of the 2008 financial crisis.

...estimates on the benefit from the Republican tax cuts, income gains still don’t rise to the level that Trump highlighted. The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center estimates that middle-income earners received a $930 reduction in taxes on average for the overhaul passed in late 2017. But Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods all but wiped out those benefits, according to research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York."
You’re comparing income gains from a two year period (Trump) of 2.3% to an eight year period (Obama) of 5%. You do understand the fallacy of this comparison...correct? If you extrapolate the growth over the last two years to a eight year window the result is a 9.2% increase.
[QUOTE="lawpoke87, post: 286487, member:] You doYou do understand the fallacy of this comparison...correct? If you extrapolate the growth over the last two years to a eight year window the result is a 9.2% increase.[/QUOTE]

Some pie in the sky. Like his 4% growth.

Here is reality. The labor market has been expanding for a record 111 months. About 6.7 million jobs have been created since Trump took office in 2017. In the 36 months before the 2016 election, the US economy added more than 8 million jobs. Apples to apples.

Meanwhile manufacturing is in a recession. While Trump claimed that 12,000 new factories had been built during his term, Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that most of those consist of five or fewer people. The US had a bump in 2017 but not since thanks to tariff wars and trade fights. In December, about 12,000 factory jobs were lost.

There is not a reputable organization that has fact checked Trump’s claims that hasn’t debunked his claims...including his health insurance ones about lower premiums and pre-existing conditions.

Giving Rush the same award as Regan gave Mother Teresa is the cherry on top.
If we’re gonna fact check politicians’ claims about health insurance, can we start in 2008?
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If my post or numbers weren’t accurate please break down the erroneous portions.

As far as jobs added you must factor the effect of a limited labor pool on job growth as well as the Fed’s raising interest rates. Both have a negative effect on job growth. The latter is part of the objective. Plenty of articles on the effects of record low unemployment on job growth. Suppose a better discussion would be how do those job creation numbers compare historically to other periods with sub 4% unemployment ?
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Never said they didn't. I took exception to your comparison of growth over a 2 year period to an 8 year time frame. Just bad math there. What I said was that extremely low unemployment acts as a drag on job growth due to lack of applicants to fill said jobs. Job growth also is less and less important with a 3.5% unemployment rate for obvious reasons. What is important at such a low number is wage growth. While record employment tends to hinder job growth it does tend to assist in increasing wages. Which is why we're seeing wage increases year to year now over 3%. As long as unemployment stays in the 3.5% range the wage number is the important economic stat in the jobs report.

Not sure what any of this has to do with Rush btw.

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