Question for Eastcane.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
First, glad to see you back. We don't usually agree but damn, Eastcane, you have a beautiful location from the pictures.

After that lead in, are there any polls about gun control laws that are available for the 2nd District?

Have a good day.
It was not an answer, if you need help with composing a question, please get help with an English professor. Thanks in advance.
You must be an educator, you answer a question with a question. But, hey, I think Socrates started that.

I believe you are, or were, active in Democratic Party politics. My question about gun control was because we are going through the various deer seasons. I would guess both deer and hunters are more numerous in that area than say Manhattan. [New York not Kansas or any other Manhattan.] The 2nd Congressional District of Oklahoma is currently in Republican hands. Is gun control a good issue for the Democratic Party there?