Philip Montgomery: Close to agreement; deal not done yet

Chris Harmon

ITS Publisher
Aug 15, 2002
Tulsa, OK
A source tells that Tulsa is close to an agreement with Baylor offensive coordinator Philip Montgomery, however, the deal is not yet completed.

More info:
TU close to a deal with Montgomery
We are totaling waiting on Pat Jones to give permission.
I just call them Big Al and the Munchkin...Sort of reminds me of the Smokey and the Bandit and Big Enos and Little Enos (Paul Williams). They are so full of themselves. On top of that, Big Al's protege at channel 2 just tweeted out that he bets Mike Stoops is happy to see Montgomery leaving as Baylor has run up 41 ppg the last 4. Sorry Cayden, TU plays OU next year and I'm sure TU's offense will be a little better against the Sooners than they were this past year.
Why all the negativity towards Jones? What, specifically, has he said that's not factually correct? Not trying to start a fight, just wondering.
It would amount to tampering or in more appropriate language, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He likes to think he's the real authority in these kinds of matters (even with TU where he has no connections whatever) and promotes himself as that. But in reality he was a failure at OSU who cheated to win, got the school in trouble with the NCAA and had a very questionable won/loss record that would have gotten him fired if he were running the program at OSU today..

Originally posted by sonofbird:

Why all the negativity towards Jones? What, specifically, has he said that's not factually correct? Not trying to start a fight, just wondering.
Originally posted by sonofbird:

Why all the negativity towards Jones? What, specifically, has he said that's not factually correct? Not trying to start a fight, just wondering.
If you've listened to Jones on the radio or read the multiple specific posts on these boards you'd have your answer.

Jones has been a horses rear for the last 2 weeks. He has been ripping TU constantly. Multiple TU radio guys : Plank, Pop, Rahal & Chadwick are very " pissed off " (Plank's own words on-air) @ Jones. They are also upset that others (read Big Al) are going along with Jones daily TU bashing.

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