There's a reason almost every school who has in person classes this Fall is ending that with Thanksgiving break. Everything after Thanksgiving through the end of the semester will be virtual, including final exams. Even TCC, a commuter school, is worried about people travelling for Thanksgiving and what they might bring back from family gatherings. Hell, there's a documented contact trace of 7 people dying due to a wedding in Maine. None of the 7 people actually attended the wedding and caught COVID from someone who did.Since those football players are being tested multiple times a week the people they’re around during Xmas break will be infinitely safer than those around ordinary students. Yet another reason to support college football and the protocols they have in place.
I attended college in the “old” days but at least half of the 80 or so guys I lived with regularly did those activities which I listed. I personally fought and wrestled. Ran the least amount possible for those activities because a detest running.
The only way to do this safely is to create a bubble. You can do it for the NBA, NHL, and MLS where the number of players is somewhat limited, the number of REQUIRED support personnel and coaches is limited. Its not feasible to do it for college football when you have 100 players, 20 coaches, 15 athletic trainers and doctors, 10 equipment personnel, untold number of needed academic support personnel. TU is about to play a team that is down 20 or so players because of COVID. Does anyone think it's actually safe for TU to go to Jonesboro right now and play that game? Hell, I'm questioning the wisdom of going to Stilly and COVID Party Central and playing there.