I'm not sure the guys you went to college with but my buddies were running half marathons, fighting amateur and professionally, wrestling intramurals, rugby, soccer, etc.... Maybe not to the extent of D1 ball but still significant strenuous activities. What's worse is most college kids (except for football players being tested daily or multiple times a week) will never know they were infected. I'll take the kids being regularly tested and looked after 247 by medical professionals as being safer any day of the week.
I would be surprised if a D1 player died on the field or in practice as a result of covid. Keep in mind we have several athletes die every year during practices from various things such as enlarged hearts, etc... We're likely at the point now where well over 100,000 kids and young adults have been infected. Thousands upon thousands of these kids and young have participated in strenuous activities since April. To date we have had zero deaths due to such activities. More of these people have been killed driving to and from school, workouts, etc...than from working out post covid. The threat while not zero is hugely overblown. One look at the data thus far tells us as much.