I’m ready to board the Shumate train, elite athleticism.
When we watch Rachal and some of the other great players in the AAC, theyThere's a reason Haith has him deep down the bench. Don't jump on a moving train
yet !
make it all look so easy.....When we see a Shumate sitting on the end of the bench as
I.I. points out, and given the things he can do, we start to realize how large of a skill
set it actually takes to become part of a good college team's rotation.....With hard
work and a lot more learning, he, and some of those mentioned below, will obviously
get there....
This T.U. roster, with the likes of Shumate, Urbancic, Williams, Gendron, Richie, and
Earley, in the early phases of development, probably represents the best group of
young talent that Haith has had....It will be fun, and very interesting, to see the
progress this group makes going forward.....