I don't care what position he played. I've seen how disruptive he was. I didn't say Jeffries wouldn't be a good defender. I just said that he needs to focus (mentally) on defense if he's getting beaten on a few plays by a bad DII team. I think he'all be really good this year. But if he's getting beat like consistently that he's not going to be Coley. He will be very good, but not Coley.
As far as people liking me I don't give a crap. Also, it's funny for a lawyer to give anyone advice on people liking you. I appreciate you thinking you're hote with your northeast Oklahoma war stories. Maybe some day you will grow up. You don't impress me at all. Child.
The point is no one was even talking to you. BLA made the crazy comparison to Julius Peppers. I have three names that made more sense. Then you start talking about the holiest of Coleys and you never were in the building when he was, like most of the rest of us. I mean, good for you that you became a TU fan after that, but so much of what you say is misinformed and/or not informed by the experience of seeing how all that worked. It just seems like a good time to give it a break on your end.
I’m good at what I do. I’m not interested in affirmation from you. The war stories thread is fun. You can start your own war stories thread about Warcraft or whatever else it is that you do. But do that after you take a break from the board.