New Ebola Outbreak Reported!


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Right on schedule as planned, the arrival of the next Pandemic. Remember, Bill Gates the Great Oracle predicted this 😂

BREAKING: Guinea has officially declared its Ebola outbreak an epidemic
Three have died and four others have been infected -AP
God I wish he'd talk to himself more on this fantasy sujet.

Maybe someone else would respond to his 10th post.(He most definitely would get a response out of the 11th. )
Ignorance is bliss. If you don’t understand what your reading you should just ask instead of trying to make jokes
"How does Ebola cause hemorrhaging?
As the virus travels in the blood to new sites, other immune cells called macrophages eat it up. Once infected, they release proteins that trigger coagulation, forming small clots throughout the blood vessels and reducing blood supply to organs. They also produce other inflammatory signaling proteins and nitric oxide, which damage the lining of blood vessels, causing them to leak. Although this damage is one of the main symptoms of infection, not all patients exhibit external hemorrhaging—bleeding from the eyes, nose, or other orifices."
Sounds similar to the vaccine side effects - blood clots, low platelet levels, strokes 🤯😭

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