You are right! It was fear world leaders had based on the Chinese obfuscation of statistical data, expulsion of non Chinese medical professionals from China (to include the Chinese controlled WHO), and the Chinese intentionally seeding the virus throughout the world via petitioning the UN to declare human rights violations against all countries that were barring Chinese citizens from traveling outside of China.
We weren’t too late. We were intentionally misled by China and then played through a well organized and sophisticated information warfare campaign designed to confuse the masses fueled under the auspice of racism to demonize the president for suspension of travel from China. Once we mobilized nationally (still based on Computer models simulations and not facts), we realized the federal cupboards containing medical protection supplies were dangerously low and inadequate. That falls squarely on the senior leadership in FEMA. Despite FEMA’s lack of preparation, states like Oklahoma, Florida, South Dakota, and Georgia were prepared at the state level and performed beautifully.
Over 100 + countries have pledged to investigate Chinas actions with many saying they will petition the world courts in pursuit of recouping financial losses. This virus is absolutely horrible but it still has only killed less than 1 percent of the total US population. Think about that! Less than one percent. Yet we continue to operate in some cases under a shutdown, cowering in fear, paranoid that everyone could have it and infect us, and been forced to be prisoners in our houses.
We have changed our whole way of life And given away our freedom for something that only effects less than one percent of our total population. In comparison to a real pandemic like the 1918 Spanish influenza that killed between 17-50 million people world wide, this is small and should be treated accordingly!