Im told this played a role. Nearly beating Virginia Tech raised a lot of eyebrows.Here's another thought: no one wants to play us. It's like the Self era all over again.
If memory serves, both Notre Dame and Georgia have turned down bowl trips, despite winning records, in the last few decades or so. There may be more.
And educators? Probably PUMPED to enjoy this on their first day of Christmas break.
Memphis is the only one I would be concerned about. I've watched SDSU play a couple of times and if Houston is healthy, and they should be, this game shouldn't even be close.Memphis, USF, and likely Houston will lose their bowl matchups. I wouldn't be talking trash about the conference tie-ins.
December 19th is a school day for all area schools. Christmas Break desn't start until 12/21.
I bet the players are excited. They would rather go to Miami than Ft.Worth, Annapolis or Birmingham. As others have said most Bowls are made for TV anyway.
Most on here think the MAC is bad and some think the American is a bad league for us, I respectfully disagree with both sentiments. This MAC has some good teams that beat schools from the B10, B12, etc... and CMU beat OSU on the score board and in reality gave them all they wanted. TU should not take the game lightly. Also those that think the AAC is bad for TU go look at C-USA and their bowls, TV deal, leadership, etc...
AAC is best of the "non-P5" conferences. Our teams need to prove it in this bowl season.
So the American went from 4 P-5 teams in the original tie-ins to 2 after selections were made? Looks like no one wants to play us. We need to sweep this bowl season and I see nothing in these matchups to prevent this. Monty needs to take a page from the Graham playbook and keep his foot on the gas. See if we can score 70.
There are a number of positives with this match up.
- Great location for the team
- It's impossible for me to make the trip so I won't drop a grand plus a week before Christmas
- I'll have a good reason to take a half day off work and drink multiple beers in the afternoon
- The local media is already familiar with CMU
- We should win the game
Players seem to be loving a trip to Miami
Completely unrelated but if you have a few minutes we should grab coffee while you're in town!Just awful. Plane artived just now in SFO and I wish I did not turn on my phone. Will but a damper on my evening.
Winning will fix thatThe AAC's bowl tie ins SUCK!!!!!!!!
I'll disagree on the venue and location being crap. Timing sucks for the average fan and we all hoped for a better higher profile opponent tot prove our mettle against, but the stadium is brand new and state of the art and it's freaking Miami. It'll be a great trip for the team and an excellent chance to work win a 10th game and to accomplish something never done in the history of football with the 3000-1000-1000-1000-1000Let's get a 10 win season and get outta there.
Crap opponent, crap venue, crap state to play in during holiday season. This has been the season of theft for the University of Tulsa... Officiating stole 1 for sure (Navy) and possibly 2 (might have tied and beat Houston) and now we get this dumpster fire of a bowl game against a university from a pansy conference with a mediocre record. Monty and the guys deserve better this season. It really is Tulsa vs. the world when it comes to football.
From the AAC Forum:
Houston vs. SDSU in the Las Vegas bowl
Memphis vs. WKU in the Boca bowl
UCF vs. Arkansas State in the Cure Bowl
Tulsa vs. CMU in the Miami Beach bowl
Navy vs. LA Tech in the Armed Forces Bowl
USF vs. South Carolina in the Birmingham Bowl
Temple vs. Wake Forest in the Military Bowl
Western Michigan is going to get run out of Dallas in that one.The MAC Bowl line up is about the same caliber.
CAMELIA BOWL (Dec. 17) — Toledo v Appalachian State
MIAMI BEACH BOWL (Dec. 19) — Central Michigan v. Tulsa
BAHAMAS BOWL (Dec. 23) — Eastern Michigan v Old Dominion
DOLLAR GENERAL BOWL (Dec. 23) — Ohio U v Troy
ST PETERSBURG BOWL (Dec. 26) — Miami-Ohio v Mississippi State
COTTON BOWL (Jan. 2) — Western Michigan v Wisconsin
Not so fast! Wisconsin doesn't have a great offense. It could happen. It's the best matchup WMU and all G5 fans could have hoped for.Western Michigan is going to get run out of Dallas in that one.
Our bowl on the 19th sucks for another big reason. Bowl teams get 15 extra practices, right? Coach Monty said we "might" get in 10 more before the game. TU Football: 1st,last,always!