Is their a right person to fix the damage done, and is it a little to late to the party?


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Jul 4, 2007
I am speaking about our election process, and am referring to Barr being the right party and/or him being too late to the party. I believe he is way, way too late. But am questioning if he can repair the damage that should have never been done to our election process.
Oh and this "isn't privy to" thing that Trump is saying, is BS.
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I am speaking about our election process, and am referring to Barr being the right party and/or him being too late to the party. I believe he is way, way too late. But am questioning if he can repair the damage that should have never been done to our election process.
He’s been an enabler for a couple years now. He’s not a solution. Heck, Biden’s not a solution. I don’t know who can be.
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He’s been an enabler for a couple years now. He’s not a solution. Heck, Biden’s not a solution. I don’t know who can be.
You don't get what I'm saying. Of course he's been an enabler.

I'm speaking about him because he has been an enabler.

It is the far right conspiracy followers that we need to convince about the sanctity of our electoral process.(Biden is by far no solution to this specific problem.) It is them that need to be dissuaded of the suspicions of corruption, cyberwars, voting irregularities, dead voters, illegal immigrant voters, etc, etc. He is one of the Trump acolytes forever. That's the kind of person who would be the right person to convince this select group of Trump's base. But alas, the right wing media abandons anyone who says otherwise. He has already within a day, been thrown to the wolves. Lou Dobbs threw the first volley. It doesn't take much from the 'truth telling' media.(OAN, select Fox personalities, that other upstart network)

The conspiracy followers fall back to their position with utter ease at the least little suspicion. It would take primary figures supporting somebody like Bill Barr for it to succeed. And once again, they did not. This group has fallen back into their belief system almost as soon as Lou Dobbs uttered those words. And many more celebrity Trump acolytes are reinforcing those beliefs. Once again they consider the electoral process is utterly and completely corrupt and to have nothing but disbelieving contempt for it. For like three seconds they probably wavered.

I honestly think if Don Jr admitted there was no significant election fraud, he would be called compromised and accused of switching to these radical dems side.
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I try to take in both sides opinions, listen, and learn as an independent bc I do see some good in both. That being said, I believe you have failed to identify the root of the problem. The last four yrs one side has been outrageously demonized and for the most part, they have just taken it bc they knew if they stayed silent and just endured, their guy would do all the talking for them. This became known as the silent majority.

The more one side was demonized, the more they chose to disengage from the media psyop. The constant media bias and outright lies pushed one side completely away and they began to insulate themselves in their own networks and alternative media outlets to rid themselves of the media assault. This demonization of one side directly led that group to form an unbreakable bond bc they were the outcast and literally believe that sticking together is the only solution for self preservation.

When the other side makes threats, degrades, riots, loots, and engages in outright bullying behavior, the other side has intentionally stood down. Why? The silent majority had steadfast and unwavering faith in the American system and their leaders and groups like Q and Alex Jones stressed not to fight back.

Any human on this planet can see there were serious irregularities in this election. Going the extra mile to appease someones request to investigate cost nothing, yet that request to investigate is scoffed at, called conspiracy theorist, and ignored. Every American SHOULD want to be shown without a shadow of a doubt that the elections were fair but instead the other side agitates even more. They believe the system is about to be controlled by the bully. The perceived bullies keep poking and pushing harder bc they smell blood. We know the human psyche is either fight or flight. You know what comes next!
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I try to take in both sides opinions, listen, and learn as an independent bc I do see some good in both. That being said, I believe you have failed to identify the root of the problem. The last four yrs one side has been outrageously demonized and for the most part, they have just taken it bc they knew if they stayed silent and just endured, their guy would do all the talking for them. This became known as the silent majority.

The more one side was demonized, the more they chose to disengage from the media psyop. The constant media bias and outright lies pushed one side completely away and they began to insulate themselves in their own networks and alternative media outlets to rid themselves of the media assault. This demonization of one side directly led that group to form an unbreakable bond bc they were the outcast and literally believe that sticking together is the only solution for self preservation.

When the other side makes threats, degrades, riots, loots, and engages in outright bullying behavior, the other side has intentionally stood down. Why? The silent majority had steadfast and unwavering faith in the American system and their leaders and groups like Q and Alex Jones stressed not to fight back.

Any human on this planet can see there were serious irregularities in this election. Going the extra mile to appease someones request to investigate cost nothing, yet that request to investigate is scoffed at, called conspiracy theorist, and ignored. Every American SHOULD want to be shown without a shadow of a doubt that the elections were fair but instead the other side agitates even more. They believe the system is about to be controlled by the bully. The perceived bullies keep poking and pushing harder bc they smell blood. We know the human psyche is either fight or flight. You know what comes next!
Except trumpers have not been silent (evidence his rallies) and they’re nowhere near a majority...

If anything the silent majority were the ones who supported Biden despite him not having turnout during his campaign... and then they voted for him by a multiple million vote majority.
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Except trumpers have not been silent (evidence his rallies) and they’re nowhere near a majority...

If anything the silent majority were the ones who supported Biden despite him not having turnout during his campaign... and then they voted for him by a multiple million vote majority.
The question was asked and the question was answered. The way this whole thing is being handled by fake media and politicians is only causing more divisions. You don’t want to know if the voting machines were spitting out accurate numbers? You don’t want the signatures matched with the database? If these things are done, and nothing is found, you immediately shut all the Trump supporters up FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! If the answer is NO, well.......
The question was asked and the question was answered. The way this whole thing is being handled by fake media and politicians is only causing more divisions. You don’t want to know if the voting machines were spitting out accurate numbers? You don’t want the signatures matched with the database? If these things are done, and nothing is found, you immediately shut all the Trump supporters up FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! If the answer is NO, well.......
It has been done & you(the general you) still won't shut up. Bill Barr saying as such was all that was necessary, but that doesn't put a dent in the 'movement'.

You portraying the the right as silent & submissive is laughable.

Neither side was silent and submissive. Insulating and in their own networks and media outlets is no different than what the 'liberal democrats' did. It was a tit for tat affair, and to say any different is hilarious. And it was Trump who titted and the left who tatted, not the other way around.(I am amused that I could throw in Trump titting.)

Oh & by the way, I am offended that you couldn't keep silent, cuz this was definitely an attack on me. It was 'MY' post topic.(Sarcasm if you couldn't tell.)
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It has been done & you(the general you) still won't shut up. Bill Barr saying as such was all that was necessary, but that doesn't put a dent in the 'movement'.

You portraying the the right as silent & submissive is laughable.

Neither side was silent and submissive. Insulating and in their own networks and media outlets is no different than what the 'liberal democrats' did. It was a tit for tat affair, and to say any different is hilarious. And it was Trump who titted and the left who tatted, not the other way around.(I am amused that I could throw in Trump titting.)

Oh & by the way, I am offended that you couldn't keep silent, cuz this was definitely an attack on me. It was 'MY' post topic.(Sarcasm if you couldn't tell.)
All that should have been done quietly, so as not to get the general public at arms over what could be false allegations. So far it has generally been false allegations. If anything of substance turned up in the investigation, then it could have been made public in a loud way. But we've already gone over this once or twice before.

The Trump administration is not finding anything, but won't let go of the investigation. Just like the democrats wouldn't let go of the investigation into Trump's Russia ties. Tit for tat, again. Trump has even said it is a vengeance tat.
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All that should have been done quietly, so as not to get the general public at arms over what could be false allegations. So far it has generally been false allegations. If anything of substance turned up in the investigation, then it could have been made public in a loud way. But we've already gone over this once or twice before.

The Trump administration is not finding anything, but won't let go of the investigation. Just like the democrats wouldn't let go of the investigation into Trump's Russia ties. Tit for tat, again. Trump has even said it is a vengeance tat.
Clearly you haven’t been paying attention or maybe your media source is keeping you in the dark from what’s being presented. Did you see POTUS speak today for nearly an hour? I wonder 😂
Clearly you haven’t been paying attention or maybe your media source is keeping you in the dark from what’s being presented. Did you see POTUS speak today for nearly an hour? I wonder 😂
What, his false claims about the election he lost. I don't need to hear that. I've seen enough of it struck down in court to know that it's false claims.
Donald Trump has followed through or at least attempted to do so with several campaign promises he made to his fans.

Donald Trump also happens to be a self absorbed manipulator who brainwashes a large proportion of followers into following fringe theories and rejecting any type of consensus of reality.

All I can say is "Thank God we do not have to listen to him for four more years." He is in many ways a cult leader and not a politician.

I say this as a 32 year Republican until 2016 and an Independent ever since.

And no, Trump's true believers will not care what Barr says.
We need to return integrity to our voting system.

Verify the person registering is legal to vote where he is registered and only where he is registering.

Purge existing local voter records of the dead and people who have moved.

Eliminate provincial voting ( day of registration/voting). Registration starts i January and is available up to x days before the election. if you cant get signed up in time, you never will.

Mail-in ballots should only be sent to registered voters who request one. The ballot signature must be validated, and received by election day.

The voting system must be consistent for the entire voting public; machines, rules, over cite.

the voting machines credibility must be beyond reproach.

no more hanging chads, no more ballot boxes found days after the election, no more precincts where more people voted than are registered.
Donald Trump has followed through or at least attempted to do so with several campaign promises he made to his fans.

Donald Trump also happens to be a self absorbed manipulator who brainwashes a large proportion of followers into following fringe theories and rejecting any type of consensus of reality.

All I can say is "Thank God we do not have to listen to him for four more years." He is in many ways a cult leader and not a politician.

I say this as a 32 year Republican until 2016 and an Independent ever since.

And no, Trump's true believers will not care what Barr says.
The dems filed over 300 lawsuits BEFORE the election to change the rules in several states.
has trump's team reached 300 lawsuit yet?
I am not a partisan. Never, ever have been. I also feel there is a generic sleaziness that comes with the practice of politics and I would never invest my belief in a party as having the keys to "the just society."

But Donald Trump is really something else. It is not his political stances. He is a cult leader. Good riddance to him and his minions, then we can watch carefully and criticize the next crew as needed.

And our elections are just fine! Just because Trump says otherwise over and over and over does not make it worthy of consideration. Take it to court and win something. Otherwise it is all just words.

It is already a great relief to avoid listening to him quite as much.
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We need to return integrity to our voting system.

1. Verify the person registering is legal to vote where he is registered and only where he is registering.

2. Purge existing local voter records of the dead and people who have moved.

3. Eliminate provincial voting ( day of registration/voting). Registration starts i January and is available up to x days before the election. if you cant get signed up in time, you never will.

4. Mail-in ballots should Tumblr only be sent to registered voters who request one. The ballot signature must be validated, and received by election day.

5. The voting system must be consistent for the entire voting public; machines, rules, over cite.

6. the voting machines credibility must be beyond reproach.

7. no more hanging chads, no more ballot boxes found days after the election, no more precincts where more people voted than are registered.
1. Would require a national system of identity, which many right wing voters are wary of.
2. Happens all the time, you are asking for something to happen that happens often. If you don't vote often you are purged.
3. That is a state dictated process.
4. State dictated as well, and you would be dictating a change in the law for just about every state, which has had the law on the books for a postmark, not arrival, by election day for 40 years in many instances. And this will not be a problem for the next election, as the vaccine will have had plenty of time to take effect, and mail in voting will go back down to normal levels.
5. Once again state rules. And it is properly spelled oversight not over cite.
6. How can you legislate this?
7. No precincts had more people vote than are registered. This is in your head.

8. Most of these changes you are demanding, are state regulated not Federally regulated. Federal regulations are the generally what Democrats like. The GOP would poo poo all this change over to Federal regulations.

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