How to ensure this never happens again


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
1) Any nation invoked with this type of research or guilty of releasing a virus like this cannot sell anything to the US for 50 (I’d rather it be 100) years. Anything made in that country cannot be sold in the USA & there will be 0 imports to that country. We will not allow you to have access to the US market. Period.

2) To the leader of such nation & any malicious or incompetent persons directly involved on the ground with the release of such virus, we have but one message which is a fact: we will hunt you down & kill you, your family, your extended family & all of your loved ones even down to your dog if you have one. We will send our special forces after you, they will come at you when you are asleep & can’t see & are groggy & they will kill you. They’d preferably kidnap you & torture you while letting you watch via livestream your family & loved ones die slow, painful deaths & then let you die slow, too, for good measure. Your entire bloodline will be erased.

3) We reserve the right to invade your country & rule it because if you can’t keep this from happening then we will come in & force your country, your people to comply.

4) All critical industries/products must be made in America. We cannot rely on anything from another country. We must be 100% self-sufficient - this is possible in the USA. It is necessary.

5) Foreigners cannot own land in the USA. This is drastic but necessary thanks to our previous corrupt politicians & even current corrupt politicians at the state level in some states. How on earth was it possible for China to own/control our most critical & international ports?! (This is part of why Tulsa is opening up slower than the rest of Oklahoma.). This can never be allowed to happen again. Foreigners are welcome (Some, not all) for tourism etc but you will not be able to purchase real estate.

6). Same goes for large corporations - foreigners without approval cannot own controlling stakes in companies that are vital to the domestic economy.

7) Foreigners cannot take jobs from Americans. That one is pretty self explanatory when you look at over 27 million people unemployed. It’s actually much larger than that, by the way. Before anyone digs at this, please understand that people coming from these countries come from cultures where they lie, cheat & steal ALL THE TIME - it’s normal to them. This includes China & Mexico & just about every other country other than maybe Japan & South Korea & parts of Europe. Australia & New Zealand. This is why I can’t stand when people who haven’t lived in another country, a third world country & can’t compare it to the us or parts of Europe try to talk about immigration policy - they know nothing. The people from these countries like China Mexico countries south of Mexico Russia etc they view you as a sucker because you are an honorable person & come from a high trust country.

8) No more immigration from any country unless that country has an average iq comparable to the USA & has a high trust culture aka very low corruption - this excludes China & Mexico & every country in Africa. It includes Central America, it includes South America. Even the millions of Chinese living in the USA are more loyal to China than the USA. Throw them out, don’t let them return.

9) Separate the RED areas of the country from the BLUE areas of the country. The left cannot live with the right & the right cannot live with the left. This is obvious & it would be relatively easy to do this peacefully. The left will still have to contribute & abide by the aforementioned rules but they would have full control of their little crime ridden cities & if they want to run wild & tax the hell out of their citizens then can.

10) No permanent immigration from red areas to blue areas nor from blue areas to red areas. The red areas do not want you coming & corrupting our areas.

challenge this if you want, call it extreme but it’s true & I can prove it.

credit to John Mark for putting this together. I agree with each point.