How many debates

1. Foreign Policy
2. Domestic (Non-Economic) Policy
3. Economic Policy
4. Justice / Record / Outlook for the future.

Immigration isn't a big enough topic to require its own debate. Honestly, it will probably be 3.

the wall
free medical
sanctuary cities
work visas
border security

the wall
free medical
sanctuary cities
work visas
border security
That would be a really dumb a predictable debate. I'm sure they could work a question or two in about those in the foreign policy debate, considering that outside of China, Russia, NATO, and maybe the US' perception in the world, there wouldn't be very many questions on foreign policy.

I think you're more likely to see a debate on healthcare and tax reform than on immigration.
I think there’s only going to be one debate, on live TV, without a live audience present.
Trump could pull the "incumbent president" thing and refuse to debate, but I think he's so behind in the polls that he won't.
Trump could pull the "incumbent president" thing and refuse to debate, but I think he's so behind in the polls that he won't.

More like the cucumber president, considering Trump’s malapropisms.
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If biden is elected, the vp, pelosi and schumer will run the country. And they will do so unchecked by the media

Now that is scarry.
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If biden is elected, the vp, pelosi and schumer will run the country. And they will do so unchecked by the media

Now that is scarry.
When did Fox & the like anounce they were shutting down their network.
Lefties dont watch fox.
So. Righties don't watch MSNBC & CNN. All you can do is get the message out there. If half the media is biased one way and half is biased the other way, then you can't say either side is unchecked by the media. The media can only publish their facts, biased or not. What are you advocating, that all networks be like Fox? They are biased at least as badly as MSNBC. What a goofy statement to make.
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So. Righties don't watch MSNBC & CNN. All you can do is get the message out there. If half the media is biased one way and half is biased the other way, then you can't say either side is unchecked by the media. The media can only publish their facts, biased or not. What are you advocating, that all networks be like Fox? They are biased at least as badly as MSNBC. What a goofy statement to make.
Whose reporting got it right?
Russian interferance was the dems
The muller report was trash
Michael flynn was railroaded
Metoo is for the left only
The impeachment was bogus
The ukraine and biden threat of funds
bho irs targets conservative charities
Whose reporting got it right?
Russian interferance was the dems
The muller report was trash
Michael flynn was railroaded
Metoo is for the left only
The impeachment was bogus
The ukraine and biden threat of funds
bho irs targets conservative charities

Bengahzi resulted in a day long hearing with Hillary that proved absolutely nothing.

Russian interference was the Russians in the form of electronic interference for which multiple Russians were indicted. These were guys employed by same Russian government who multiple Republican leaders including Trump himself were budying up to.

Michael Flynn lied to the FBI and (if nothing else) was subverting the previous administration's attempts to admonish the Russians for doing things like interfering in elections and engaging in military actions elsewhere in the world. (The same guys we just found out were funding the murder of US troops)

The Mueller Report was legit, but Mueller was being subverted by multiple parties in the white house / DOJ which led to a less pressing report than it could have.

The impeachment was shut down by a Republican Senate. If Dems had controlled both houses, you can bet that there would have been a much more intense investigation into the Ukraine scandal and the merits of the President considering himself to be above the law and allowed to use the diplomatic powers of his office to conduct political investigations into his opponents via foreign agents.

You literally just spewed a bunch of false or partially false Fox News talking points which is exactly the problem with people that watch Fox News.
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Bengahzi resulted in a day long hearing with Hillary that proved absolutely nothing.

Russian interference was the Russians in the form of electronic interference for which multiple Russians were indicted. These were guys employed by same Russian government who multiple Republican leaders including Trump himself were budying up to.

Michael Flynn lied to the FBI and (if nothing else) was subverting the previous administration's attempts to admonish the Russians for doing things like interfering in elections and engaging in military actions elsewhere in the world. (The same guys we just found out were funding the murder of US troops)

The Mueller Report was legit, but Mueller was being subverted by multiple parties in the white house / DOJ which led to a less pressing report than it could have.

The impeachment was shut down by a Republican Senate. If Dems had controlled both houses, you can bet that there would have been a much more intense investigation into the Ukraine scandal and the merits of the President considering himself to be above the law and allowed to use the diplomatic powers of his office to conduct political investigations into his opponents via foreign agents.

You literally just spewed a bunch of false or partially false Fox News talking points which is exactly the problem with people that watch Fox News.

you blame fox news but fox news has nothing to do with the result. These items have been exposed by in depth investigation, email, testimony, and documents obtained from the fbi, doj, congress, wh, etal.
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you blame fox news but fox news has nothing to do with the result. These items have been exposed by in depth investigation, email, testimony, and documents obtained from the fbi, doj, congress, wh, etal.
The same people that pushed the Obama birther-ism story for over a year? The same ones that acted as a government propaganda station when we were in Iraq? Fox News has everything to do with the stories they run, just as much as CNN does with the stories they run.
This is why our government doesnt work today.

Reublicuans advocate for personal responsibility.

Democrats advocate for the government is the answer.

Not on the same page. Hell not even in the same book.