Hillary would consider manditory gun buy back---NYTimes

She deamonizes the NRA, but she fails to acknowledge that we dont get our gun freedoms from the NRA; they come fom the Bill of Rights.
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Since we talk about the second amendment so much, maybe to make this forum fair, we should petition Chris to change its name from "Crossfire" to something else. Don't want to offend anyone who may be overly politically correct and offended by it. :(:confused::eek:o_O:oops:;)

Even better would be if someone doesn't like the name, just stop posting altogether. :cool:
Another lady (Rebecca Hamilton) was killed this weekend in the small town of Beggs, OK, from a home invasion. She was 62 years old and evidently surprised an intruder in her home. As I have said, women most of all need to have the ability to defend their lives from this very kind of violence from the very thugs who Obama and his ilk are letting out of prison right this very moment. But of course the lieberals look at this poor unfortunate woman as collateral damage to their ideal "greater good" society.

Its too bad she didn't live next door to me. I'm an alert neighbor.
She cant buy my guns back. I have already sold them all. I no longer own any guns.
like her "comprehensive" immigration reform.

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Another home invasion last night in the Tulsa area. It occurred on the 3000 block of 5th Place and an unidentified elderly lady was injured with deep lacerations to her hand. The male suspect got away with her purse and some medications. The lady also was taking care of her teenage granddaughter at the time.

Should the "invader" have left witnesses? He obviously had a knife - a deadly weapon - and was a man - probably stronger than the elderly lady and her teenage grandchild.

Why didn't the home intruder have a gun? I mean if Oklahoma is such a gun crazy state and he resides here, why didn't he produce a gun? Think it might be because he can't get one? Should the lady have had one since she could have been killed instead of "cut"?

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