Go Figure...

Republicans are a closed system. That is not a compliment.

Democrats are not necessarily going to change their mind any easier, but they will listen to the opposing views more easily. That is not necessarily a compliment either. The reason for this trait is singular, and it has it's good points and bad points. That reason? They are 'progressive.'
Democrats are not necessarily going to change their mind any easier, but they will listen to the opposing views more easily.

Could be true in general, but certainly not on campus. Closedminded doesn't even begin to describe it.
Is your campus interactive experience with democrats confined to the what used to be the granola central Wesley Center. There were and probably still are some extreme Democrats there who were pretty militant radicals. They would scream at you rather than talk with you. I don't think of those types as the general populace of democrats.
Hmmm, I'm not sure about the quantity of close minded liberals on campus (at least not outside of the liberal arts school).

Coming from a fraternity, which I would say was roughly 75% conservatives from middle to uppermiddle class backgrounds, I was dealing with that subgroup much more often. Then on top of that being in the engineering school... there were very few liberals. That's just the way TU is though. Some of the most prevalent majors at TU are in the business school or the engineering school.
Nah not TU. The time i spend on TUs campus is mostly confined to the business school. My undergrad time as a social sciences major...not always friendly lol.
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I was poli-sci undergrad and found my fellow majors quite open-minded, but I think social sciences are going to be that way in general.

TU had a good percentages of Catholic students and they can slant toward socially moderate/liberal. Some of my closest friends fit that description.

Was greatly disappointed SE Cupp isn't on the CNN panel this week. But my tweet did get liked by both her and Van Jones so there is that. I missed the first night entirely, stupid Astros.
Is your campus interactive experience with democrats confined to the what used to be the granola central Wesley Center. There were and probably still are some extreme Democrats there who were pretty militant radicals. They would scream at you rather than talk with you. I don't think of those types as the general populace of democrats.
Gmoney... What years was the Wesley Center composed of extreme Democrats?
Gmoney... What years was the Wesley Center composed of extreme Democrats?

When I went there in the late 80's and the early 90's is my memory of them. By the rumor mill I think they continued on for quite some time, maybe until today. They had meetings and per se protests. I can't remember what those meetings were called, but it was usually to talk about what ever was going on in society that bothered people. It was a lot of green peace type of activists. It seems like they had a lunch for those who wanted to come. It was a long time ago, and my memory has taken a few hits with the stroke I went through in '94, so don't crucify me if my recollection is not completely accurate.
I was poli-sci undergrad and found my fellow majors quite open-minded, but I think social sciences are going to be that way in general.

TU had a good percentages of Catholic students and they can slant toward socially moderate/liberal. Some of my closest friends fit that description.

Was greatly disappointed SE Cupp isn't on the CNN panel this week. But my tweet did get liked by both her and Van Jones so there is that. I missed the first night entirely, stupid Astros.
I had a couple friends who were poli-sci majors. They always made for great political discussion because they actually read about the topics they were discussing instead of just regurgitating the most popular opinion of either side.

One of my best friends (who did his undergrad in poli-sci) is someone who I would call a moderate leaning liberal but he's now working on the Republican side in congress. Great guy. Very knowledgeable. Hope he runs for something someday.
Gmoney... What years was the Wesley Center composed of extreme Democrats?

Oh and by the way, not all of them were militant, I would say about a 1/3 were. A few republicans would come every couple of three meetings and then the fireworks would come out.
When I went there in the late 80's and the early 90's is my memory of them. By the rumor mill I think they continued on for quite some time, maybe until today. They had meetings and per se protests. I can't remember what those meetings were called, but it was usually to talk about what ever was going on in society that bothered people. It was a lot of green peace type of activists. It seems like they had a lunch for those who wanted to come. It was a long time ago, and my memory has taken a few hits with the stroke I went through in '94, so don't crucify me if my recollection is not completely accurate.
I am a Board member for the Wesley Foundation at TU. I don't recall anything like that since my time as a student (mid 90's) until now. Now Charlie was a hippie, there is no denying that, but I would hardly consider him militant and I never heard him talk about politics around the Foundation. In my association it is more mainstream. A lot of the students do come from smaller towns with slightly more conservative values, but then their political leanings do tend to move left through college years...but that is really no different than most students when they go through college. Heck, you even see some of the move left among students at ORU (although not nearly as drastic. What happens is as students get exposed to different lifestyles they realize the individuals are not as evil as they have always been told when they were growing up in their small town sheltered church. They tend to go more socially liberal (although the abortion issue is one that they never seem to let go of really).
Apparently the Dems are outdrawing the Pubs by 3-5 million viewers a night during their convention and it's making Trump nervous...
The DNC has had the more engaging speaker list by far than the RNC had, IMO. The only dud has been Kaine (I can't say Pence was all that much more engaging to me). IMO Cory Booker, Sanders, Warren, Biden, Bill Clinton, and Obama have all been spectacular in their speeches. And Bloomberg...he has done so much for HRCs cause because I think people see him as an actual independent like them. The fact that he was once part of the GOP (when elected as NYC mayor) gives him more credibility with the undecided vote right now.
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I am a Board member for the Wesley Foundation at TU. I don't recall anything like that since my time as a student (mid 90's) until now. Now Charlie was a hippie, there is no denying that, but I would hardly consider him militant and I never heard him talk about politics around the Foundation. In my association it is more mainstream. A lot of the students do come from smaller towns with slightly more conservative values, but then their political leanings do tend to move left through college years...but that is really no different than most students when they go through college. Heck, you even see some of the move left among students at ORU (although not nearly as drastic. What happens is as students get exposed to different lifestyles they realize the individuals are not as evil as they have always been told when they were growing up in their small town sheltered church. They tend to go more socially liberal (although the abortion issue is one that they never seem to let go of really).

I'm not talking bout The Wesley foundation, I am talking bout weekly meetings that were held at the Wesley Center. I don't even believe Charlie was there for a lot of the meetings that took place, and he didn't participate. Wasn't referring to Charlie when talking bout militant Democrats. All of the militants were students. You need to reread my post with a little more focus. Everything that happened at the Wesley Center was not sponsored by the Wesley Foundation. And the discussions were almost always on political topics.
Ratings are an odd bird at times. Last night was the first night where the RNC ratings beat those of the DNC.....and that was with Obama speaking. No idea of how that happens.
I'm not talking bout The Wesley foundation, I am talking bout weekly meetings that were held at the Wesley Center. I don't even believe Charlie was there for a lot of the meetings that took place, and he didn't participate. Wasn't referring to Charlie when talking bout militant Democrats. All of the militants were students. You need to reread my post with a little more focus. Everything that happened at the Wesley Center was not sponsored by the Wesley Foundation. And the discussions were almost always on political topics.
OK. Not sure what other groups would have been allowed to use that building or the space there. I think the only outside group that had actual permission to meet there is the International Student Ministry group Jerry led. Granted you did say that most of this stuff happened prior to when I was a student at TU...and you know, some of those Methodist kids can just be crazy.
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Ratings are an odd bird at times. Last night was the first night where the RNC ratings beat those of the DNC.....and that was with Obama speaking. No idea of how that happens.
What else was on last night?
Two programs I watch played at 9pm last night. But that doesn't matter much these days with DVR's and such.
Ratings are an odd bird at times. Last night was the first night where the RNC ratings beat those of the DNC.....and that was with Obama speaking. No idea of how that happens.
The RNC ratings didn't beat the DNC Ratings according to that website or the CNN link I provided.
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I don't care at all about ratings, I care about tyrannically advising people to not even listen to the opposition.

I think if he can shut her down and gain a better %, then he hopes he can use it as one of his bombastic sound bite talking points. He is probably looking to turn the present lead by the DNC over the RNC in ratings into an advantage. He probably wants to say something to the effect that the public wanted to see everybody but Hillary.
No idea. Maybe it's CNN. Maybe it was the prelim numbers. Maybe the ratings referenced here were prime time versus prime time.
Have you bothered looking at the front page of that website? It's hardly unbiased. The article you linked is false. I will admit the numbers from Obama's speech last night didn't beat the RNC by much as they had the previous nights, but they did beat them.
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Have you bothered looking at the front page of that website? It's hardly unbiased. The article you linked is false. I will admit the numbers from Obama's speech last night didn't beat the RNC by much as they had the previous nights, but they did beat them.

Biased? The numbers are directly from which is an infotainment site. The site is anything but bias against Libs. Did you read the article and where the numbers were coming from?

I do take exception to calling site bias (even though the numbers came from Deadline) when your reference is CNN.
I am a Board member for the Wesley Foundation at TU. I don't recall anything like that since my time as a student (mid 90's) until now. Now Charlie was a hippie, there is no denying that, but I would hardly consider him militant and I never heard him talk about politics around the Foundation. In my association it is more mainstream. A lot of the students do come from smaller towns with slightly more conservative values, but then their political leanings do tend to move left through college years...but that is really no different than most students when they go through college. Heck, you even see some of the move left among students at ORU (although not nearly as drastic. What happens is as students get exposed to different lifestyles they realize the individuals are not as evil as they have always been told when they were growing up in their small town sheltered church. They tend to go more socially liberal (although the abortion issue is one that they never seem to let go of really).
Although Charlie was an old hippie in the 60's when I first met him when he came to TU he was a strong Republican. To my knowledge he still is. I do know that every semester he has a C.S. Lewis study going on there. I will have to check with a former roommate and Dr. friend if he knows any of this as he has stayed close to the Wesley Center over the years. There is a weekly noon lunch there one day a week that is open to any and all students on campus where they have a Christian speaker, However, that lunch has been going on since the 60's. As with any student group except maybe they young Republicans or the young Democrats there will be a variety of political beliefs!
Biased? The numbers are directly from which is an infotainment site. The site is anything but bias against Libs. Did you read the article and where the numbers were coming from?

I do take exception to calling site bias (even though the numbers came from Deadline) when your reference is CNN.
I was referring to which you linked. said the DNC beat the RNC and they provided numbers for both. (who's front page is drivel) said the DNC was 18% lower than the RNC which is just not the case according to multiple other sites.
Biased? The numbers are directly from which is an infotainment site. The site is anything but bias against Libs. Did you read the article and where the numbers were coming from?

I do take exception to calling site bias (even though the numbers came from Deadline) when your reference is CNN.

I find it hard to believe that Cruz got 29.5m viewers. I will wait for someone other than deadline news to report it because before I looked at your article reporting The Daily Caller's interpretation of deadline news, I actually looked at deadline news directly. Their reports were not very clear in the way they reported it. The only night that came anywhere close to 29.5m viewers was Trump at 32m viewers, that makes sense, 29.5 from the night before doesn't.
Obama's Speech was actually really good. He essentially gave what would have been the Republican response to Trump, but tailored to a liberal audience. He also smartly chose to distinguish between Republicans in general and Trump, which I appreciated.
I find it hard to believe that Cruz got 29.5m viewers. I will wait for someone other than deadline news to report it because before I looked at your article reporting The Daily Caller's interpretation of deadline news, I actually looked at deadline news directly. Their reports were not very clear in the way they reported it. The only night that came anywhere close to 29.5m viewers was Trump at 32m viewers, that makes sense, 29.5 from the night before doesn't.

Thanks for taking the time to break down those numbers. I read the deadline site but couldn't make heads or tails as to their breakdown.
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Is Chelsea introducing her mom?

No Astros tonight so I'll be able to pay closer attention. Do my part to boost "ratings". :cool:
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Obama's Speech was actually really good. He essentially gave what would have been the Republican response to Trump, but tailored to a liberal audience. He also smartly chose to distinguish between Republicans in general and Trump, which I appreciated.

My registration as an independent is in the mail though. Won't have to worry about being lumped in with him
Looks like Trump outdrew Clinton by roughly 1.6MM viewers for his speech, but on the week, the DNC outdrew the RNC by something like 16MM viewers. I wonder what it will mean as we go on....

The biggest advantage Hillary is going to have (besides likely being better at debates), is that she'll have an army of great orators to go to places like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc.. to campaign for her in spots where she can't be. Trump doesn't have quite those heavy hitters to go out and woo the "swing voters" in the swing states.
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The biggest advantage Hillary has is MONEY. Had to smile last night when she was talking about the need to overturn citizen's united and that she will go after wall street and big banks.
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The biggest advantage Hillary has is MONEY. Had to smile last night when she was talking about the need to overturn citizen's united and that she will go after wall street and big banks.
I don't think she specifically will go after citizens united... but I do think she might have to opportunity to swing the supreme court a bit more liberal and that might make it a bit more likely that someone who brings a campaign finance law in front of them gets the decision reversed.
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She wants a constitutional admendment to overturn Citizens United. We all know that is a no go and is being floated to the low information voter. Chipping away at the law is the best route imo.
That's a good point on people rallying for them in battleground states. I ran through a list of governors endorsing Trump and didn't see many helpful ones. His events probably really need him there to gain much traction.

I'm pretty sure Hillary explicitly said she's going after citizens last night?
That's a good point on people rallying for them in battleground states. I ran through a list of governors endorsing Trump and didn't see many helpful ones. His events probably really need him there to gain much traction.

I'm pretty sure Hillary explicitly said she's going after citizens last night?
She did, but she's a key user of superpacs... I'm not sure she'd do it. Especially before her re-election cycle (if she got one).
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