giving up without a fight

Any person that could write that nonsense is not in touch of any reality I know of, not a quantitative one. Since 2009, 121% of income gains have gone to the top 1% (top 1% got 11.2 percent richer, while the bottom 99 percent got 0.4 percent poorer). What are you barking nonsense about dude, turn off the right-wing noise machine, and use your brain for a change. Embarrassing.
Originally posted by eastcane:
Any person that could write that nonsense is not in touch of any reality I know of, not a quantitative one. Since 2009, 121% of income gains have gone to the top 1% (top 1% got 11.2 percent richer, while the bottom 99 percent got 0.4 percent poorer). What are you barking nonsense about dude, turn off the right-wing noise machine, and use your brain for a change. Embarrassing.
So what was the thread about? From reading your response to whatever it was, I asume the thread was in some way demeaning to you in a personal way since your reply was also demeaning in its response.

Here's the drill most of us abide by - but not all. We attack an issue or a "public figure" because we do not agree with their position or their politics. But that is usually OK since we are not directly communicating with them. But some of "US" see fit to personally attack one another (who we do not know but share a common bond with i.e. TU), who are NOT public figures. The differing opinons of those political events is the reason this forum exists as I understand it. But to the best of my knowledge, there is no forum that exists on this site to personally attack, demean, belittle or attempt to humiliate another poster.

BTW if you happen to find that site on ITS, please keep me informed. Thanks!
Facts disproved Tufan's point in a very profound way, hence the deletion, no way to defend such nonsense. Income inequality is worse in my country than at any point in nearly 100 years, where national income growth is going to the top 1% percentile almost entirely. I don't know how any one defends what is happening in this country, we're clearly heading toward an oligarchial state, thanks to the five Republicans on the Supreme Court,and their overturning of campaign rules designed to limit corruption, and allowing virtually unlimited influence for a select well-to-do few.The Republican Supreme Court has set forth a landscape where elected officials are wholly owned by their monied interests, with virtually no restrictions in campaign suitcase cash coming through the front doors. Nice going, heck of a democracy we have going, real good job, wave that flag as hard as you can, cutting a sweat now. Red, white and blue baby!!

This post was edited on 4/10 4:20 AM by eastcane
Originally posted by eastcane:
.....The Republican Supreme Court .....

This post was edited on 4/10 4:20 AM by eastcane
Funny I dont remember you calling it a Republican Supreme Court when jurist Roberts decided that the ACA was constitutional.....

And as to the income inequality... current Fed policies are pumping the market with cheap money and making it more profitable to buy and sell paper than create wealth that will benefit the masses...

This post was edited on 4/10 8:54 AM by noble cane
where national income growth is going to the top 1% percentile
Congress writes the rules(rep and dems) Check the wealth congress creats for itself;
ie. Nancy pelosi owns a manufacturing compay, she passed a Union favorable bill, but her company was exempt.,...
Originally posted by eastcane:
Facts disproved Tufan's point in a very profound way, hence the deletion, no way to defend such nonsense. Income inequality is worse in my country than at any point in nearly 100 years, where national income growth is going to the top 1% percentile almost entirely. I don't know how any one defends what is happening in this country, we're clearly heading toward an oligarchial state, thanks to the five Republicans on the Supreme Court,and their overturning of campaign rules designed to limit corruption, and allowing virtually unlimited influence for a select well-to-do few.The Republican Supreme Court has set forth a landscape where elected officials are wholly owned by their monied interests, with virtually no restrictions in campaign suitcase cash coming through the front doors. Nice going, heck of a democracy we have going, real good job, wave that flag as hard as you can, cutting a sweat now. Red, white and blue baby!!

This post was edited on 4/10 4:20 AM by eastcane
What nonsense? If the original post was deleted, maybe the reply should be as well. But here is the problem from that reply to a reply......... What nonsense? You see, there is no nonsense left on the board - the post vanished.

Secondly, you referred to "my country", don't you mean "our country"? Thirdly, can you define what "income inequality" really is - communism maybe? How'd that work out for the USSR, eastern block, Asia, Cuba etc.?

Next, you referred to the "1%". What and who are they and (if I get your meaning correct) there shouldn't be a 1%? Are you saying that we would be better off if there was no 1% and that everyone should have absolute income "equality" (make the same amount no matter what their level of work, talent, risk etc)? That is what I believe you are saying. Right? That noone should be in an upper 1%?

You also say we are headed to an oligarchy. I certainly hope not and we obviously agree on that point. But if we have more and more power in the hands of, you know, the executie branch of government, then isn't that already "oligarchical"?

And lastly, since I'm an independent, I suppose I can clarify this point. - - - - To the best of my knowledge, there is no Republican SCOTUS. Both dems and reps have appointed members to the present court. There is however a democrat POTUS, senate as well as Attourney General who often play fast and loose with our founding document which is called the Constitution. BTW, if we shouldn't have Republicans on the SCOTUS, can we just discard every opinion they voted on and passed? ACA isn't the only one. How about every opinion by that Republican named Earl Warren?

This post was edited on 4/10 10:50 PM by rabidTU