Forgot about this

For news I mostly read the WSJ (for reporting), NYTimes (for reporting) and BBC/ PBS Newshour for coverage of issues and people that other groups ignore. I' spent over a decade on the business side of business media and know several reporters well and a bit about that side of the business. I respect the reporters I know for their integrity and the efforts they go to be accurate. Equally I've seen how Newscorp operates, first in Australia, then China, and now the US (Fox), and have zero respect for their values. After being purchased by Newscorp, however, the WSJ repertorial staff seems to have been able to largely keep its former standards, even to the point of publicly calling out the WSJ opinion writers for their sloppiness and inaccuracies.. I've posted the reporting staff's public letter on this board before.
As we’ve seen in the past few years, the impeachment process is a joke. It’s ineffectual and a wast of time. It’s essentially impossible to remove a president from office if their party controls the senate no matter to what extent the crimes they commit go. If you’re telling me that impeachment is the answer to the misuse of pardon power, then you need to tell that to the Republicans in Congress who were of the opinion that unless a specific crime was committed by the President that they weren’t willing to even hear evidence.

You talk about pardons for people who aren’t in a position to adequately combat charges, but we’ve had pardons for high ups in government, several millionaires like Roger Stone, etc... all of whom mounted rousing defenses yet were still found guilty of significant crimes. When I say, don’t allow pardons for political supporters I mean, don’t allow pardons for the president’s inner circle who have committed crimes for the benefit of the president or his personal office. The pardon wasn’t meant as an exculpatory measure to be used almost strictly for the executive branch or members of the president’s political campaign staff / advisors.

How often do we see congressional or judiciary staffers pardoned?
Both impeachment’s were a fraud and complete waste of tax payers dollars. The first impeachment was a joke but in my mind, it was necessary to draw out the swamp rats and show how corrupt and desperate the Dems and establishment Republicans were to get rid of Trump. The second impeachment is about the greatest theft ever! I’m looking forward to seeing what evidence the commission finds. I wouldn’t be shocked in the least bit to find out that McConnell and Pelosi were behind the riots 😂.
It’s been years since I’ve watched Fox News for more than 5 minutes. Unlike MSNBC, they do admit they are a news channel during the day and an entertainment channel at night. I’d say I’ve watched France 24, Sputnik, RT, and al-Jezeera more over the last year than any American news source regardless of medium except the Washington Post. If I want the news it’s the BBC World Service. It’s been putting me to sleep for forty years.
They don't admit that to their viewers, who seem to believe they are something more thruthful than the Daily Show.
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