Forbes magazine: Which Presidents were biggest and smallest spenders?

Seriously, posting an article from 2012 and claiming it to be relevant news is beneath you.
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Updated to 2016....$8T in debt and a still growing federal debt under Obama are the only number in the end which really effects us going forward. Think....we've had almost as much debt added during the Obama's administration as we've had under every President before him....and yet neither party talks about it because neither wants to stop the cash from flowing out.
Updated to 2016....$8T in debt and a still growing federal debt under Obama are the only number in the end which really effects us going forward. Think....we've had almost as much debt added during the Obama's administration as we've had under every President before him....and yet neither party talks about it because neither wants to stop the cash from flowing out.
Updated to 2016....$8T in debt and a still growing federal debt under Obama are the only number in the end which really effects us going forward. Think....we've had almost as much debt added during the Obama's administration as we've had under every President before him....and yet neither party talks about it because neither wants to stop the cash from flowing out.

Once again, the glass is totally empty approach to the President. Of course one has to ignore:
Bush doubling the national debt and handing off a deficit laden budget to Obama along with the worst economic disaster in 70 years. Obama has also lowered the number of federal employees (FTEs) from Bush era. But that's 'blaming it Bush" right? It was 7 years ago. But when it comes to Trade pacts, it's blame it on Clinton (22 years ago) and ignore how central those pacts are and continue to be to Republican policy and Republican Congressional focus.
I'm one of the few on this board to have cast blame on both parties for our trade mess. Reminds at bit of the housing and lending crisis which began with Clinton's home ownership initiative and was continued and at times expanded by every President and Congress thereon because the people who mattered were getting there pockets filled and the added money from the refis were keeping the economy afloat. You inclination to either ignore or absolve the Dems for NAFTA when Clinton and Gore were the ones who pushed it through and signed the damn thing is disingenuous at best.

I would be a little less inclined to hurl stones at Obama for his record debt if he didn't declare it to be unpatriotic for a President to run up $4T in debt. What in the hell does he define $8T as?
Isn't there already a thread about NAFTA? WATU didn't like the way it was going so he started another with an article that is 4 years old about Obama spending less, which he has done kicking and screaming about budget cuts forced by Congress, first by short term fixes then by sequester.
A basic idea which all individuals, local and state governments must abide by is the rule which you can only spend as much as you bring in. A concept which has been abandoned by the federal government for years....see our $20T in debt. Granted there are time which deficit spending is required such as war and financial crisis. The problem occurs when spending never goes back down to pre-war or pre-crisis levels.
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Can I blame LBJ and FDR for this whole freaking mess then? With WATU Everything seems to back to GWB but without the godfathers of American socialism all of our current discussions would be moot
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