Odom- A complete player..... 53% FG, 30% from 3, 4.4 reb, A/TO ratio of 2.0 and avg 13.3 PPG.
Willis- 39%FG, 38% from 3. 82% FT 13.3 PPG
Garcia- 46% FG, 29% from 3, 64% FT, 4.2 RB, 9,6 PPG
Barnes- 42% FG, 33% from 3, 59% FT, 4.6 RB, 9.3PPG
Archie- 39% (46% last year) FG, 27% from three (37% last year) 58% FT (77% last year) 9.3PPG
Carrington- 35% FG, 34% from 3, 73% FT, 4.8RB, 7.4PPG
Smikle- 54%FG, 49% FT, 5.5RB, 5.5PPG
Amadi- 58% FG, 54% FT, 3.2RB 4.6PPG
Reed- 39%FG, (44% last year), 29% from 3, (same as last year), 71%FT, 2.4RB, 3.5PPG
McWright- 37%FG, 33% from 3 (34% last year) 43% FT ( 86% last year) ! 2.8PPG
Haggerty- Memphis stats are identical to last year at TU except he shot 38% from three compared to 29% here last year.
Willis- 39%FG, 38% from 3. 82% FT 13.3 PPG
Garcia- 46% FG, 29% from 3, 64% FT, 4.2 RB, 9,6 PPG
Barnes- 42% FG, 33% from 3, 59% FT, 4.6 RB, 9.3PPG
Archie- 39% (46% last year) FG, 27% from three (37% last year) 58% FT (77% last year) 9.3PPG
Carrington- 35% FG, 34% from 3, 73% FT, 4.8RB, 7.4PPG
Smikle- 54%FG, 49% FT, 5.5RB, 5.5PPG
Amadi- 58% FG, 54% FT, 3.2RB 4.6PPG
Reed- 39%FG, (44% last year), 29% from 3, (same as last year), 71%FT, 2.4RB, 3.5PPG
McWright- 37%FG, 33% from 3 (34% last year) 43% FT ( 86% last year) ! 2.8PPG
Haggerty- Memphis stats are identical to last year at TU except he shot 38% from three compared to 29% here last year.