
Moving my post over here...

I really need to see the opinion of undecided voters on that because I'm just flabbergasted at how much of a farce appeared it appeared to be. I literally turned it off a couple times and then said, "no I really need to watch this" but I couldn't finish it.

I literally had to turn it off at points because I couldn't stand the state of the debate. I used to ride a bus with a bunch of debate kids during 9th and 10th grade. We had better, more structured debates on the bus than that.
Two old men and an past prime moderator who wasted time telling them that they were wasting time. All three wanting their time. It has got to get better since it was like a rerun of commercials.
For anyone who’s wondering... this is what a presidential debate should look like.

To be fair I think Biden was trying to stick to the format and Trump just wasn’t allowing it. I also thought Biden missed about 30 shots that he could have taken at Trump is he was just more assertive and less corpse-like. The sad thing is that Biden has a lot of trouble articulating himself on the issues, so if Trump has just shut up and actually answered questions, he might have actually won the thing.

At one point in that Kennedy Nixon debate, Nixon is actually asked “would you like to make a comment on that statement” and he literally says “I have no comment.” Could anyone imagine Trump NOT commenting on an issue?
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I watched and enjoyed it fully. I picked up on a basic strategy and came away with 2 takeaways.

1. If any of you think that someone who was going to vote for Donald Trump now changed their mind, you are out of your mind. He didn't lose any of his base and this election is going to come down to turnout of the base.

2. He wanted Joe Biden to alienate the radical left to suppress turnout. He won that going away by getting Joe to claim he is the democratic party, that the "manifesto" is not his plan and that he doesn't support The Green New Deal. This will definitely suppress some turnout form the radical left. They weren't excited about him before and they are even less enthused now.

Neither candidate picked up any additional support, but Donald Trump didn't need to. His base will turn out in droves. His strategy from here on out is about suppressing the other side and from that perspective, he won last night bigly.
The Democratic party will show up to get Trump out of office, NGD or not. It was not news that he didn't support The New Green Deal. No small or large victories were won last night. Just as many radicals in the Democratic party who will be suppressed by last nights debate, were evened out by the few undecideds/independents who were swayed by Biden's better debate skills. A paltry few were suppressed or swayed last night. Waste of time. Every debate is probably going to be a waste of time.
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I watched and enjoyed it fully. I picked up on a basic strategy and came away with 2 takeaways.

1. If any of you think that someone who was going to vote for Donald Trump now changed their mind, you are out of your mind. He didn't lose any of his base and this election is going to come down to turnout of the base.

2. He wanted Joe Biden to alienate the radical left to suppress turnout. He won that going away by getting Joe to claim he is the democratic party, that the "manifesto" is not his plan and that he doesn't support The Green New Deal. This will definitely suppress some turnout form the radical left. They weren't excited about him before and they are even less enthused now.

Neither candidate picked up any additional support, but Donald Trump didn't need to. His base will turn out in droves. His strategy from here on out is about suppressing the other side and from that perspective, he won last night bigly.
I agree that was Trump‘s strategy. Make Biden say something centrist and reasonable that might piss off the far left and make them stay home. I just don’t think it’s a very good one. He underestimates how pissed off the left is at him. There will surely be a few disgruntled Bernie Bros that pitch a tantrum and sit it out, but a lot of those were already planning on it. It’s no secret that Biden is more left-center, so I have to agree with GMoney that it really isn’t going to move the needle all that much.

Trying to goad your opponent into saying something centrist that has a chance of actually getting some bipartisan traction in DC is a weird strategy and speaks to how polarized we are that it is even considered possibly viable outside a primary.
Three really interesting takes. I now see Joe winning, but it's not a lock yet. Just think, we get to watch two more of these "Debates Royale." Three if you count the VP debate. Trump over-played his hand on pushing and Biden may have ruffled some feathers with "I am the Party."

Anyway, with about 140,000,000 votes coming up, I won't have much say about the final might as well enjoy the free theater.
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I’m obviously no dem, so from someone that doesn’t really have a dog in the fight I’ll just say that :crap: show was 100% Trump’s doing. The guy is a child. And the thing is Biden was crap, but it didn’t matter because no one will remember anything but the constant interruptions.
If trump put down twitter, flat out said i denounce all racist groups and activities, and didnt interupt during debates, he'd win hands down.
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Honestly, I hope they don't change the rules.

Changing the to prevent Trump from being a child might actually make him look more presidential. I want him to keep int interrupting like the A*hole he is.

On a sidenote... No wonder so many in the administration have come out as having hated working with him. I imagine that is how he treats all of his staff / generals, only maybe a bit worse because he's not on national TV. Imagine being an intelligence official trying to give the President a briefing on an important issue like the Cuban Missile crisis or 9/11 and he's doing that to you. But, In this case, if you say "would you just shut up, man?" to him like Biden did he can just fire you.
If trump put down twitter, flat out said i denounce all racist groups and activities, and didnt interupt during debates, he'd win hands down.
I'm not sure he SHOULD win in that case either though. He makes lots of bold claims about how well he's done and how poorly Joe has done, but almost every claim Trump made in that debate was a lie.

He claimed his economy has been one of the Greatest in American History. That's a lie. If we choose to ignore every boom in the American economy pre-Obama, we still see that even pre-covid his economy had only grown at a 2.5% GDP rate... something comparable to Obama's last three years in office which saw 2.3%. He touts job creation but his economy created fewer jobs per month than Obama's did.

He said the sheriff in Portland supported him. The Sheriff of Portland said that's a lie.

He said he'd bring down drug prices by 80-90%. That's just a fantasy.

He said Biden was against the China Travel ban. He wasn't, but he wasn't quick to come out for them either (remember though that he also did not have the intelligence briefings on it that Trump was having at the time).

He said Fauci said that "masks are not good". Which is a lie. Fauci said he didn't want the public to all make runs on masks and make them unavailable for healthcare workers.

He said his rallies have had no problems with Covid. That's a lie. Herman Cain died due to the one in Tulsa, and the one in Tulsa also has been attributed by Tulsa's cit-county health department as having 'likely contributed' to a dramatic surge in cases.

He said Biden didn't do well on Swine Flu. Biden wasn't leading the task force on swine flu. And the response to it was still dramatically better than Trump's administration.

He claimed Biden was stupid for forgetting where he went to college. When what Biden actually said was "I go way back with HBCU's. I got started out of an HBCU, Deleware State - now, I don't want to hear anything negative about Delaware State." He was referring to the fact that Delaware State was where he first announced his bid for Senate decades ago.
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Honestly, I hope they don't change the rules.

Changing the to prevent Trump from being a child might actually make him look more presidential. I want him to keep int interrupting like the A*hole he is.

On a sidenote... No wonder so many in the administration have come out as having hated working with him. I imagine that is how he treats all of his staff / generals, only maybe a bit worse because he's not on national TV. Imagine being an intelligence official trying to give the President a briefing on an important issue like the Cuban Missile crisis or 9/11 and he's doing that to you. But, In this case, if you say "would you just shut up, man?" to him like Biden did he can just fire you.

I dunno, if they keep the split screen and show Trump mouthing off inaudibly it would kind of have the same effect. That guy doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. Even if they don't do a split screen, if you can hear Trump quiet rambling in the background with occasional scolding from the moderator, it will still reinforce that Trump is a jerk.

I kind of think they just shouldn't do anymore of them. I don't think they benefit either candidate at this point. They are a mockery of a "debate". Changing the rules or even cutting the mic will not get Trump to suddenly conform to the expectations of a policy debate. Whatever they try to do, Trump will find a way to subvert it.

I agree with maverick that Trump would have a good chance at re-election if he put down the Twitter and actually answered questions in a debate. But that would also mean that Trump wasn't Trump. Trump can't do that, so it's a bit like saying that if my Aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.
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I thought intimidating your opponent was a debate tactic.
Literally no. No it's not. That's the point of debate. Do you think Lincoln went over and loomed over Stephen Douglas while Douglas was speaking? Do you think he interrupted him? Did you see Kennedy commenting on how sickly Nixon looked in the debates do to being hospitalized for an infected knee that he had slammed in a car door? Did Kennedy or Nixon once interrupt each other? No.

The third debate between Kennedy and Nixon actually saw them debating from different sides of the country as one was in LA and the other in NY. Even with the weird format... they still didn't interrupt each other and they maintained reverence for the proceedings. Moreover they actually answered the questions asked of them. If Richard Nixon is being held up as a moral example that you're falling short of... then you're a pretty crappy candidate.

In fact, I am having trouble finding a single presidential debate where any candidate interrupted the other outside of the primaries. Not Reagan or his opponents, not Bush 1, not Clinton, Not Bush 2 or Gore or Kerry. Not Obama or McCain.
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They do it in congress all the time.
It's pretty infrequent even in Congress.... and on top of that, no one likes Congress for that very reason. They never get anything done because they're too busy bickering to reach a consensus.
They don't have the public audience to convince as the point of the debate either.

They are trying to pass a law. Passing that law has many avenues of private conversation and influece wrangling, to compete with convincing their audience in the open debate before congress.
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Assuming future debates follow a similar format, I think they should mute the other person’s mic during the 2 minute time that they’re supposed to have uninterrupted on each topic, then once they get past those 4 minutes for each section, turn them both back on and let them (plus the moderator) go for it.
It should be 5 minutes for the initial question, 8 minutes for the other candidate's retort and 3 minutes for the first candidate's addendum. No interruptions. That's how the Lincoln Douglas debates went, albeit on a much larger time frame. (It went 60 mins for the first speaker, 90 for the opposition, and then a 30 minute followup for the first speaker)

It allows for one party to make their assertion, then the other party to make their counter assertion with time to explain their reasoning, and the primary party to explain their reasoning. If you aren't able to make your point in that amount of time without interrupting your opponent's time, then you've obviously not prepared a strong enough argument on the issue.
Maybe an unbiased moderator would help.
The blame for the train wreck of a debate did not lie with Joe Biden, and it certainly did not lie with the moderator. It lay squarely and intentionally on Donald Trump's head.

We could have this debate between many of the Republican's in Congress and Governorships across the nation. It would have been much more civil, much more rational, and a lot closer to honest. And before Trump got in office we could have had this between Joe Biden and even more congressman and more governors in office. We could have maintained a much higher level of civility and coherent thought with those other than Trump's supported replacements or body snatcher politicians.

Trump has either helped replace or given a small but loud group of politicians in office, the gumption to publicly become more like him. This was a debate unlike any other in the entire history of the US. Civility went out the door because Trump opened that door, drop kicked civility very hard, and then slammed the door shut.

Don't act like it was the moderator's fault. He did not force Trump to act uncivil, Trump did that all on his own.
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The blame for the train wreck of a debate did not lie with Joe Biden, and it certainly did not lie with the moderator. It lay squarely and intentionally on Donald Trump's head.

We could have this debate between many of the Republican's in Congress and Governorships across the nation. It would have been much more civil, much more rational, and a lot closer to honest. And before Trump got in office we could have had this between Joe Biden and even more congressman and more governors in office. We could have maintained a much higher level of civility and coherent thought with those other than Trump's supported replacements or body snatcher politicians.

Trump has either helped replace or given a small but loud group of politicians in office, the gumption to publicly become more like him. This was a debate unlike any other in the entire history of the US. Civility went out the door because Trump opened that door, drop kicked civility very hard, and then slammed the door shut.

Don't act like it was the moderator's fault. He did not force Trump to act uncivil, Trump did that all on his own.
I really wanted to know what my HS's debate coach, or any college debate coach would have said if that had happened in a debate put on in front of them.
Flabbergasted, disbelief, derisive laughter, failing grade for the side that made it happen. If they existed, an elementary school debate coach would have given it the same reaction. Maybe a pre-kindergarten debate coach would've given it a participation based passing grade.
Flabbergasted, disbelief, derisive laughter, failing grade for the side that made it happen. If they existed, an elementary school debate coach would have given it the same reaction. Maybe a pre-kindergarten debate coach would've given it a participation based passing grade.
I'm pretty sure the kindergarten coach woulda given him a timeout and maybe a dunce cap. Probably woulda made him apologize to Biden after recess.
Best solution I've seen all week...

I think Nickelodeon should host the next debate and impose a sliming penalty when a candidate speaks out of turn. Mark Summers would moderate, of course.

If nothing else, seeing Trump get slimed about 1,000 times in the span of 90 minutes would be incredibly cathartic.

Next best comment:

128 times in 90 minutes.

Assuming the candidates got roughly equal time, and that the moderator spoke maybe 10 minutes, that's 40 minutes for Trump, 40 minutes for Biden, and 10 minutes for the moderator.

So in 50 minutes where Trump wasn't talking, he interrupted 128 times.

Every. 23. Seconds. On average.

Trump couldn't go half a minute without talking over somebody else.

Conservatives: is this your king? Is this weakling who can't keep his mouth shut for 25 seconds the man you idolize?
I'm pretty sure the kindergarten coach woulda given him a timeout and maybe a dunce cap. Probably woulda made him apologize to Biden after recess.
I am sure a dunce cap is no longer acceptable, but your point is well taken.
Separate but not equal.

Both candidates held town halls. Again media bias at it finest. Trump again hounded about extremist right groups even though he has denounced them many times before.
While for Biden no question about left wing radical groups that burn, looted riot, demand the death of cops, tha support him. No questions about Ukraine corruption, grabbing a private part, failed aca, past comments on race, how to pay for his agenda other than tax the rich, plan to spy on Trump, why he criticized Trump for closing the border for covid too soon, how his one size fit all covid program works in NYC as well as Jenks.
Separate but not equal.

Both candidates held town halls. Again media bias at it finest. Trump again hounded about extremist right groups even though he has denounced them many times before.
While for Biden no question about left wing radical groups that burn, looted riot, demand the death of cops, tha support him. No questions about Ukraine corruption, grabbing a private part, failed aca, past comments on race, how to pay for his agenda other than tax the rich, plan to spy on Trump, why he criticized Trump for closing the border for covid too soon, how his one size fit all covid program works in NYC as well as Jenks.
He just denounced extremist right groups for the first time a couple of three weeks ago, with extreme prejudice. His 'bogus" plan to spy on Trump didn't exist, as witnessed by the Trump manufactured case dying a relatively quiet death.
He just denounced extremist right groups for the first time a couple of three weeks ago, with extreme prejudice. His 'bogus" plan to spy on Trump didn't exist, as witnessed by the Trump manufactured case dying a relatively quiet death.
wh records show he was present at meetings. still waiting for jb to denounce antifa, blm
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No, I just rail against extremist right and left. Extremist right make the party look bad.
FACT.......Trump has more black friends than you 😂 Keep trolling and pushing the CNN „Trump supports Hate Group“ talking points lefty!
FACT.......Trump has more black friends than you 😂 Keep trolling and pushing the CNN „Trump supports Hate Group“ talking points lefty!
I wonder if he disses them behind their backs the same way he disses televangelists. Don't get conned prominent black voters mixed up with 'friends'. I'm betting all those 'friends' don't get spoken to once he's out of office.

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