Chinese Election Meddling

Right on cue and as I predicted, The China controlled WHO now condemns lockdown as they move to the next phase of their plan. The election damage to Trump is complete !

Well, it appears all the conspiracy sites are running with this spin so, it must be true.
The way I read the article is that since we have learned that masking and social distancing work, the PRIMARY method of limiting spread should not be lockdowns because of the known financial side effects to the economy and the people.

Science changes and this recommendation is based on 8 months of learning but, yea, we'll go with a global conspiracy against jackass, LOL.
May 30th 2019, China published the following: “We advise the U.S. side not to underestimate the Chinese side’s ability to safeguard its development rights and interests. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!” the People’s Daily said in a commentary titled “United States, don’t underestimate China’s ability to strike back.” The publication is the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China.
  • The phrase “Don’t say we didn’t warn you” has been used by the People’s Daily in 1962 before China’s border war with India and ahead of the 1979 China-Vietnam War.
For those unaware of Chinese Warfare strategy and tactics, I encourage you to read the nine-book series that a committee of 21 Chinese generals published titled Strategic Lessons From China’s Ancient Past. It is very insightful into the way the Chinese think about war.

The China Dream,
published by the People’s Liberation Army (pla) Col. Liu Mingfu is another great document that outlines a 100 yr strategy for China to surpass and replace the United States as the world’s premier superpower.

Liu writes that China should strive to avoid directly antagonizing the United States too soon as the Soviet Union did in the Cold War. “The competition between China and the United States will not take the form of a world war or a cold war,” Liu writes in his book.

This US Military Research paper further analyzes Chinas Total War Strategy against the US.

Chinese rhetoric and their 100 yr plan for world dominance must be taken seriously!
My theory is that Trumps Trade War against China pushed China to develop an asymmetrical plan to leverage the US, acting under the Chinese strategic military rules of indirect confrontation with the US. It’s unclear if the virus was released intentionally or unintentionally, but once the virus was unleashed, China signed Trumps forced trade deal with a built in clause, allowing China to opt out if China faced something to the effect of a “devastating economic event”. China then used WHO as a tool to manipulate the US and world gov policies, pushing the Chinese style lockdown as the model for containment, destroying our economy and turning the public against Trump.

Many other world governments echo sentiment that China intentionally spread the virus through their lack of transparency and keeping international flights open. This is my theory. My theory comes from years of studying Chinese warfare and strategy. I predicted that once China had used the WHO policies to kill the US economy and oust Trump, the call for lockdown would end. Only time will tell if My theory becomes “Fact”.
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We didn't lock down because of WHO's recommendation. But the reason for WHO's recommendation against a lockdown now, was exactly as Weatherdemon said. And your 'prediction' of calling for one and then calling it off when Trump was weak is not a very prescient prediction, Also that fact is not verifiable with the logical and rationale reason they are backing down from support of a lockdown now.

It's an obvious prediction. The only way you would of had of 'proving' your theory would be from going into it in a bit more depth, as far as what they did on the other side of the advice to shut down. Because that is the side that is a little more controversial than their given reasons on their rationale for their current advice. Then maybe give some other reasoning for the present advice if you had some alternate theory for it. But more than likely, not citing the article. At that point you would just giving the explanation for the rational reason they are citing different advice now, but that you think that was matter of fact what they were planning all along, no matter if they had a rational reason for it now or not.

You acted as if you had some revelation with current rational change of advice. This is what tons of people on the conspiracy theory sites are talking bout. No real inside 'prediction' anyway.
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Covid is spread like any other virus. Odd to me that it took 9 months for the “experts” who have studied viruses their entire lives to deduce that masks and social distancing would effectively slow the spread. Something there just doesn’t add up imo. Shouldn’t that have been the first choice instead of bankrupting millions as well as local and state governments not to mention all those jobs which will never return.

Along those lines, common sense tells you social distancing works. I’m not totally sold on masks especially with studies coming out that wearing a mask doesn’t seem to reduce ones infection likelihood. Now maybe that’s due to a false sense of security which in turn leads to more risky behavior .
Covid is spread like any other virus. Odd to me that it took 9 months for the “experts” who have studied viruses their entire lives to deduce that masks and social distancing would effectively slow the spread. Something there just doesn’t add up imo. Shouldn’t that have been the first choice instead of bankrupting millions as well as local and state governments not to mention all those jobs which will never return.

Along those lines, common sense tells you social distancing works. I’m not totally sold on masks especially with studies coming out that wearing a mask doesn’t seem to reduce ones infection likelihood. Now maybe that’s due to a false sense of security which in turn leads to more risky behavior .

The issue of masks early was availability and the fatality rate of the virus where it was occurring. I think as it was determined that non N95 masks could be effective, they became a more accepted alternative.

In terms of studies saying they're not effective, I haven't seen any of those from legit sources and areas with mask mandates have had much lower community transmission and positive rates.

I also keep seeing comments everywhere insinuating this is a US issue. It hit other countries before the US and lockdowns were helping them. So it seems logical the US would follow those steps when they did.
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Covid is spread like any other virus. Odd to me that it took 9 months for the “experts” who have studied viruses their entire lives to deduce that masks and social distancing would effectively slow the spread. Something there just doesn’t add up imo. Shouldn’t that have been the first choice instead of bankrupting millions as well as local and state governments not to mention all those jobs which will never return.

Along those lines, common sense tells you social distancing works. I’m not totally sold on masks especially with studies coming out that wearing a mask doesn’t seem to reduce ones infection likelihood. Now maybe that’s due to a false sense of security which in turn leads to more risky behavior .
There wasn't evidence that low-quality masks were effective in reducing the transmission, and they were afraid that an even bigger run on high-quality masks would make things worse for essential citizens.
You guys must be seeing a very different group of people than I see daily. Less than 10% are wearing the N95 mask. Based on the ongoing situation I fail to see what the availability of that mask has to do with this discussion. They aren’t in widespread use.
You guys must be seeing a very different group of people than I see daily. Less than 10% are wearing the N95 mask. Based on the ongoing situation I fail to see what the availability of that mask has to do with this discussion. They aren’t in widespread use.
They aren't NOW but when the virus was first starting it was all that was verified as being safe.
You guys must be seeing a very different group of people than I see daily. Less than 10% are wearing the N95 mask. Based on the ongoing situation I fail to see what the availability of that mask has to do with this discussion. They aren’t in widespread use.

That's why I said until studies showed that non-N95 masks were effective enough to be recommended, they weren't.
That's why I said until studies showed that non-N95 masks were effective enough to be recommended, they weren't.

But we’ve had decades of experience with viruses. This virus isn’t spread any differently than others nor is it an unusual size. I’m not buying that we needed 9 months of studies to know to know what we already knew about viruses in general. As far as transmission, this thing isn’t unique.

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