Biden Ukraine Scandal Coming Out

He repeatedly comes on here plastering silly points all over the the board that add nothing to the conversation. He is so comical that myself and many other posters question whether he is a troll or really that clueless. You support him because the only 'constituents' who will support you in everything you say are aTUfan & Rabid. So you defending him pretty much holds no weight. In fact the three of your viewpoints hold no weight. All three of you are considered crackpots as a whole. Some people even consider that Rabid may be a troll, just because of the ludicrousness of his views. The only reason nobody considers you as a possible troll, is that we all know your history and association with the university. I don't trash anybody on this board that isn't completely wacked out far left, or wacked out far right. We don't have any ultra liberals on here, only the three of you who are about as far right as you can get, and go on spouting conspiracy theories, or beliefs and/or facts that likely come from conspiracy theories. Aston, Watu, etc, etc don't even compare to you three.
If you haven’t noticed, I treat you how I treat an opposing fan cheering from the stands. I Respectfully engage when I deem necessary but mostly i ignore your comments and focus my attention on my team and helping the team win!
Your 'team' is not on this board. Besides you do nothing to help your team win by posting on this board. Nobody does.
Your 'team' is not on this board. Besides you do nothing to help your team win by posting on this board. Nobody does.
I don’t respond to you, I respond so all the others who read this and don’t know the topics being discussed in detail can research for themselves and formulate their own opinion. Hearts and minds!
Oh yeah, we all look to you for guidance.
I’m just a pawn on a chessboard playing my role. There was someone before me playing this role and there will be someone after me playing this role. The idealism will not die!
Reality Check: Not one thing we do on Crossfire is of any importance. This is entertainment. This is a sports board site and Crossfire was put down here to keep this crap off of the sports sites. Especially my junk posts. Neither Pelosi nor Trump read this.

I get into arguments, too. Mostly because it goes that way. But this is all a tempest in a very small teapot.
Reality Check: Not one thing we do on Crossfire is of any importance. This is entertainment. This is a sports board site and Crossfire was put down here to keep this crap off of the sports sites. Especially my junk posts. Neither Pelosi nor Trump read this.

I get into arguments, too. Mostly because it goes that way. But this is all a tempest in a very small teapot.
Change and awareness start from the ground up. These virtual communities help shape thoughts and mindsets in our small community but reach thousands. There is no greater tool than this!
Change and awareness start from the ground up. These virtual communities help shape thoughts and mindsets in our small community but reach thousands. There is no greater tool than this!
You think you change minds here. You think those changed minds go out and change others.

Then why have you been on the sports board so long without ever posting over here?

Inconsistently delusional.
You think you change minds here. You think those changed minds go out and change others.

Then why have you been on the sports board so long without ever posting over here?

Inconsistently delusional.
I post on the Oklahoma board and have been since 2009.
With your premise that you can change the world from here and/or there, you couldn't post on both boards? So I guess you have quit posting on the Oklahoma board. Nice non answer. And you are not an idealist.
With your premise that you can change the world from here and/or there, you couldn't post on both boards? So I guess you have quit posting on the Oklahoma board. Nice non answer. And you are not an idealist.
Never had a desire to post here previously plus I love sparring with you and Ashton.
Why don't you just admit that when covid shut down sports you started looking around at the other boards on here, out of distraction.
I'm sure ITS will take the klicks even when they don't agree with them. More klicks equals more paying commercials. It's the American way. It has been good for the board and good for all of us not to go bat sh1t crazy with sports shut down. I just think it is odd to think that someone is going to change the country from (a very good) local sports board.
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Sports are the one thing in the US that touches almost every household. We even adopt it into our everyday vernacular. Never underestimate the power of the Pub!
Sports are the one thing in the US that touches almost every household. We even adopt it into our everyday vernacular. Never underestimate the power of the Pub!
So you are going to come on here and change the future course of the nation.

Good luck.
So you are going to come on here and change the future course of the nation.

Good luck.
Track and trace technology should open your eyes to the possibilities 👀 one person can be the epicenter for a outbreak that spreads to millions

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