Biden Ukraine Scandal Coming Out

„IF“ (innocent until proven guilty) the allegations are true, (which is almost a 100% true) his son at the very least will be going to jail!
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Bro, we are no longer in the locker room at Skelly just chatting it up. Yet you still talk like we are! Internet manners go a long way!
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It's just 'lockerroom talk'. Fox News is no better btw... they're both just propoganda.
Thank Obama for that! He opened Pandora’s box when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2013. It didn’t repeal the Smith-Mundt Act, but definitely lifted some restrictions on the domestic dissemination of government-funded media that have allowed media outlets to become propaganda tools.
Thank Obama for that! He opened Pandora’s box when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2013. It didn’t repeal the Smith-Mundt Act, but definitely lifted some restrictions on the domestic dissemination of government-funded media that have allowed media outlets to become propaganda tools.
Fox News has been propaganda since the late 90's / early 2000's. Remember how it handed Bush and the Iraq / Afghan wars? Pepperidge Farm remembers. I also remember Bill O'reilly and Glenn Beck who both predate Obama and were both wackadoodles at one time or another (O'reilly less than Beck)
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Fox News has been propaganda since the late 90's / early 2000's. Remember how it handed Bush and the Iraq / Afghan wars? Pepperidge Farm remembers. I also remember Bill O'reilly and Glenn Beck who both predate Obama and were both wackadoodles at one time or another (O'reilly less than Beck)
so that justifies cnn etal, to be all anti-trump all the time.
That's basically what the Republicans said in the Senate when they let Trump off.
All the documents from Obamagate and people now in jail for perjury that have come out since then have definitely debunked that whole impeachment lie.
All the documents from Obamagate and people now in jail for perjury that have come out since then have definitely debunked that whole impeachment lie.
Impeachment had nothing to do with the FBI or the people involved in monitoring Trump's campaign for illegal interactions with the Russians... (which certainly happened).

Impeachment was about Ukraine and Trump trying to use the Ukranian government as a propaganda piece for his reelection. (Which his party conveniently tried again today)
Biden has already incriminated himself for the same thing they said Trump did. Wish I could be appointed to run a company and make millions with no experience bc my daddy said so!
Biden has already incriminated himself for the same thing they said Trump did. Wish I could be appointed to run a company and make millions with no experience bc my daddy said so!
Uh.... you mean.... like every one of Trump's children and Trump himself?
Oh, and by the way... to say Hunter Biden was given a board of directors seat without any experience is a bit ridiculous. He certainly got a helping hand, landing his first job with a Bank that donated a lot to his dads campaign after graduating from Yale Law, but he subsequently worked for the US DOE, formed his own lobbying law firm (unaffiliated with his father) and was appointed by GW Bush to be on the board of Amtrak.
Compare that with Donald Trump Jr. who goofed off for a year in Colorado after getting an easy BS. Was then given a job at his dads company overseeing construction of several buildings (a job which he was unqualified for given his degree and his work history) and he then founded a Mortgage company that somehow failed when the housing market was still in a huge bubble. He then worked for a PR firm that got hundreds of complaints to the BBB.
Oh, and by the way... to say Hunter Biden was given a board of directors seat without any experience is a bit ridiculous. He certainly got a helping hand, landing his first job with a Bank that donated a lot to his dads campaign after graduating from Yale Law, but he subsequently worked for the US DOE, formed his own lobbying law firm (unaffiliated with his father) and was appointed by GW Bush to be on the board of Amtrak.
Compare that with Donald Trump Jr. who goofed off for a year in Colorado after getting an easy BS. Was then given a job at his dads company overseeing construction of several buildings (a job which he was unqualified for given his degree and his work history) and he then founded a Mortgage company that somehow failed when the housing market was still in a huge bubble. He then worked for a PR firm that got hundreds of complaints to the BBB.
What were his duties for th billion dollars
He must have been the world's fomost expert.
we need to see his tax returns, including all the under the under the table bribes he received.
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It will be very interesting indeed when the democrats sweep November 3 - presidency, house and senate - and see what happens afterward.
we nrrd to see his tax returns, including all the under the under the table bribes he received.
Pretty sure he's disclosed his returns. I'd love to see Trump's including all the money he was giving to the Mafia in the 70's, 80's, and 90's when they had a stranglehold on the cement businesses in Manhattan.

The dems are making this election all about Trump.
For me its about the democrats who never accepted the 2016 election result and spent the last 4 years obsessing over it
Yeah, this info is Great! Some if not most is old. Bannon is using everything at his disposal right now to prevent himself from going to jail. Not sure this will keep him from doing jail time but it certainly provides him more leverage than what he had up to this point in time.
Yeah, this info is Great! Some if not most is old. Bannon is using everything at his disposal right now to prevent himself from going to jail. Not sure this will keep him from doing jail time but it certainly provides him more leverage than what he had up to this point in time.
At least it is fact, not opinion
Gnews is not fact. It is a literal fake news site. The above post should be removed.

How many times have we discussed issues that were not reported on by the left wing media or deemed fake news that later were proven to be real? The UN speech Trump gave last week about a world response to Chinas actions should make something click in your head, especially after world leaders have already made similar comments. It’s hard and Time consuming to really dig deeper and find the truth.
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How many times have we discussed issues that were not reported on by the left wing media or deemed fake news that later were proven to be real? The UN speech Trump gave last week about a world response to Chinas actions should make something click in your head, especially after world leaders have already made similar comments. It’s hard and Time consuming to really dig deeper and find the truth.
If someone else wants to pick up that story, I'll listen to it. As it stands, "" gets a worse rating than And it gets the same rating as If I posted something from and gave no other sources, would you take it as gospel? I think not.

Gnews has credibly been accused of simply making crap up. It's not worth my time to try and evaluate if they are telling the truth or not, especially when most of the claims are unsourced. They might get dibs on an actual story from time to time because they are willing to print rumors they hear without verifying them first. That can and does lead to the occasional scoop, but also leads to printing a lot of misinformation. If it's genuine though, it will, as you point out, eventually filter itself into more reputable source. But regardless, their brand of 'journalism' is crappy, irresponsible, and untrustworthy.

FWIW, the site I linked to only calls a source "Fake News" if the source has been guilty of deliberately printing 'news' that they know to be false. Gnews gets rated as "fake news" by them. Fox doesn't get hit with that label, nor does OANN. But Gnews does.
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Again, you have to dig deeper than the surface to understand what’s really going on. Bannon had ties to Hong Kong and heavily supported the anti Chinese movement there. Alegidly, his group helped several high ranking people who had dirt on the Chinese gov get out of Hong Kong and relocated to the US. This isn’t new info but they are reporting this bc Bannon is using it as leverage against his federal case. You really think a left network like CNN would report this to basically help Bannons case? Hell not even Fox likes Bannon. Dig deeper to avoid turning into the ignorant sheepish liberal Moderator who keeps censoring things!
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Again, you have to dig deeper than the surface to understand what’s really going on. Bannon had ties to Hong Kong and heavily supported the anti Chinese movement there. Alegidly, his group helped several high ranking people who had dirt on the Chinese gov get out of Hong Kong and relocated to the US. This isn’t new info but they are reporting this bc Bannon is using it as leverage against his federal case. You really think a left network like CNN would report this to basically help Bannons case? Hell not even Fox likes Bannon. Dig deeper to avoid turning into the ignorant sheepish liberal Moderator who keeps censoring things!
I find this amusing. "Dig deeper" apparently means "Trust known liars that have an admitted axe to grind".

Cnn does not get a good rating from them either BTW: They say it is leftist and has mixed accuracy in its reporting. It's a better rating than Gnews, but I certainly wouldn't recommend taking CNN at face value either.
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Bannon is not credible but you still can’t discredit the Hong Kong asylum seekers he brought over. Seperate the man from the Info.
Its not so much the over reporting the media does with Trump, but the under reporting on Biden, comey, dossier, impeachment, dems, blm, antifa, Seattle, Portland, riots, good cops, aoc, hrc, bho, lynch,
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Interesting contrast of two whistle blowers.
One reports third party information and he is protected.
The other has video evidence of a crime committed by a charity and this person is treated like a criminal.
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Please define a contriversial, is that a contriversial person, or contriversial alien(space or illegal/legal, you pick)

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