Bernie is doing well

Our current situation must seem like utopia for Bernie; nobody works and the government pays for everything.
Was it Orwell or Marx who said healthcare was the way to take over a civilization? I think it was both. Anyone screeching for big brother to come save them from this is out of their minds as private sector is always more efficient & better at this stuff.

Ps chloroquine cure is real for anyone who happens to get touched by this virus. Hydrochloroquine or hydroxichlorquine & one other drug... combined but I’ve been told chloroquine alone has a 100% cure rate. I’ll find the name of the other drug & post them together in a separate post.
Was it Orwell or Marx who said healthcare was the way to take over a civilization? I think it was both. Anyone screeching for big brother to come save them from this is out of their minds as private sector is always more efficient & better at this stuff.

Ps chloroquine cure is real for anyone who happens to get touched by this virus. Hydrochloroquine or hydroxichlorquine & one other drug... combined but I’ve been told chloroquine alone has a 100% cure rate. I’ll find the name of the other drug & post them together in a separate post.
It's already been posted(azithromycin) like 3 or 4 days ago. And you are wrong on chloroquine having a 100% cure rate, it's 70% alone, 100% with azithro..., in a SMALL trial. Quit posting false info. Just quit posting altogether.
It's already been posted(azithromycin) like 3 or 4 days ago. And you are wrong on chloroquine having a 100% cure rate, it's 70% alone, 100% with azithro..., in a SMALL trial. Quit posting false info. Just quit posting altogether.
Lmao that’s not even the right name AT ALL! Wow...
Who is this Bernie of whom you speak? Seems like I sort of remember him yelling a lot. I think he was an Assistant under Wojcik.