Bernie is doing well

I want a return to normalcy even if it's just a normal Dem like Biden. I would disagree with him on 80%+, but in the same way I disagreed with Obama on 80%+. That said, he very well could go out and commit to doing some stupid crap and I'd just sit it out again.

The only one that might get me feeling a little Trumpy is comrade Grandpa Simpson
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Warren. Men have f*cked up the country long enough. I honestly believe she is the smartest person left in the race and the most thoughtful leader. Biden's meh, but I think he did some shady crap when he was first elected to the Senate that he's not being honest about. Bernie-I just don't think he can beat Trump because of the "socialist" thing. I think Warren and Biden can beat Trump and make him look ridiculous (not that it matters to the majority of Trump supporters who only want their bigotry validated).

Bloomberg- I don't think he actually wants to be the nominee. I think he wants to make sure Warren is not the nominee and I think he wants to do his best to make sure Bernie is not the nominee. His entry and staying right now is to help Biden. Bloomberg certainly doesn't want 4 more years of Trump.
Its hilarious that people dont think the dems are force feeding a candidate on the people...
Warren. Men have f*cked up the country long enough. I honestly believe she is the smartest person left in the race and the most thoughtful leader. Biden's meh, but I think he did some shady crap when he was first elected to the Senate that he's not being honest about. Bernie-I just don't think he can beat Trump because of the "socialist" thing. I think Warren and Biden can beat Trump and make him look ridiculous (not that it matters to the majority of Trump supporters who only want their bigotry validated).

Bloomberg- I don't think he actually wants to be the nominee. I think he wants to make sure Warren is not the nominee and I think he wants to do his best to make sure Bernie is not the nominee. His entry and staying right now is to help Biden. Bloomberg certainly doesn't want 4 more years of Trump.
I agree with this sentiment.

My current order: Warren, Biden, Bloomberg, Bernie.
Its hilarious that people dont think the dems are force feeding a candidate on the people...
I don't think they're force feeding any one candidate as much as a "Not Bernie" candidate...and maybe it's because Bernie isn't actually, nor has he ever really been, a Democrat.
Warren. Men have f*cked up the country long enough. I honestly believe she is the smartest person left in the race and the most thoughtful leader. Biden's meh, but I think he did some shady crap when he was first elected to the Senate that he's not being honest about. Bernie-I just don't think he can beat Trump because of the "socialist" thing. I think Warren and Biden can beat Trump and make him look ridiculous (not that it matters to the majority of Trump supporters who only want their bigotry validated).

Bloomberg- I don't think he actually wants to be the nominee. I think he wants to make sure Warren is not the nominee and I think he wants to do his best to make sure Bernie is not the nominee. His entry and staying right now is to help Biden. Bloomberg certainly doesn't want 4 more years of Trump.
the only think she has ever said that I agree with is that the IRS should first send me a statement of what it thinks my taxes should be. If I disagree then I can submit a counter proposal.
lol. Suppose the irony is that I’m less white than she is.
I only know one side of my family back to my Grandparents... so I could theoretically be American Samoan for all I know, but it's likely that I'm as white as white can be.

We lose the other side of my family at Eilean Donan in Scotland.
What is this thread about again? Between Rippin's non-sensical ramblings and the Orwellian argument between Aston and Redskin, I forgot the point.

I cam on to discuss how Buttigeig's retirement from the Democratic primary process will affect it. Most of Mayor Pete's followers will likely move on to Warren now although Mayor Pete himself has thrown his support to Biden. Personally, I think they're doing whatever they can to make sure Bernie isn't the nominee. It's OK to have the ideas Bernie has. His self-avowed claim of being a "Democratic Socialist" will get him destroyed by every GOP pundit out there. They've turned the term Socialist into a dirty word and have used it as an equivalent of Communist, Marxist and then interchange it with what happened under the Fascist military dictatorial regime of Stalin.

Dems need to turn the argument around and hard. NO ONE IS TOUTING CHANGING OUR ECONOMY TO A SOCIALIST ONE. NOT ONE OF THEM. They talk about turning one aspect of our society and making it a taking care of Americans aspect with regards to health care. They need to use the argument that Americans deserve health care as much as they have the right to own guns. Personally, every Dem candidate has talked about it. Warren has the only plan to pay for it (although I disagree with using the phrase "wealth tax").
Why would Biden supporters move to Warren? If anybody they'll move to Biden.
Warren. Men have f*cked up the country long enough. I honestly believe she is the smartest person left in the race and the most thoughtful leader. Biden's meh, but I think he did some shady crap when he was first elected to the Senate that he's not being honest about. Bernie-I just don't think he can beat Trump because of the "socialist" thing. I think Warren and Biden can beat Trump and make him look ridiculous (not that it matters to the majority of Trump supporters who only want their bigotry validated).

Bloomberg- I don't think he actually wants to be the nominee. I think he wants to make sure Warren is not the nominee and I think he wants to do his best to make sure Bernie is not the nominee. His entry and staying right now is to help Biden. Bloomberg certainly doesn't want 4 more years of Trump.

I agree with this sentiment.

My current order: Warren, Biden, Bloomberg, Bernie.
Anybody who thinks Warren has a shot at beating Trump is banging their against the sanity wall. She's only a couple points better than Sanders 'gainst Trump.
The way the Dem establishment is ruthlessly taking people out of the race and forcing them to line up behind their guy is making me jealous. I wish the RNC played that cut throat
The way the Dem establishment is ruthlessly taking people out of the race and forcing them to line up behind their guy is making me jealous. I wish the RNC played that cut throat
Eh, they just want an actual Democrat to represent the party, not some guy who joined the party just so he could run for President. And the writing was on the wall for Buttigeig and Klobuchar...they have their base of support but they weren't ever really going to be able to sway Warren, Biden, or Sanders supporters their way during the primaries.

I am not a Sanders supporter for a number of reasons, and I've made it clear. I don't hold anything against people who support him, they're probably a little younger than I am. I also am not in Biden's camp. I have not seen from him anything that indicates he understands the problems facing the country today in terms of the economy and how it is shifting from hard goods to tech and idea based and how to use that to adapt and evolve the US economy. (This is a large reason why I was a Yang supporter before he dropped out). I think Warren understands most of this and while not her original platform, she has shown a willingness to be malleable.

As a whole I think every Democrat who was able to be on a debate stage failed in delivering a unifying message. They used divisive phrases like wealth tax and medicare for all. There are ways to deliver those messages to get the majority of voters (middle class, or what is considered middle class, about 85% of the electorate) to understand what your trying to do without pissing off the uber rich who can actually throw their money around and influence elections (which is why we have PACs, Koch Bros., and Bloomberg). Instead of medicare for all, universal health care and support it as a basic right guaranteed by God and the Constitution. I am sure there are phrases and clauses in the Constitution that support the federal government for being the general caretaker of the population.
My problem with Warren (and Sanders) is their policies fail to take into account the economic side of the equation. Reminds me of most academics who view the world in bubble without regard to the real world consequences of their agenda. I've discussed the issues with Warren's first day of office ban on all drilling on government property. Her support for the Green Deal and plan on immediate implementation. I believe these plans to be well intentioned but fail to take into account both short and long term consequences not to mention they completely disregard the current state of renewable technologies (see Germany). I've completely given up hope on addressing our national debt as have every Presidential candidate (and President). Of all the issues these people are claiming as important, our debt will be the one which is our undoing as to our quality of life in the long (maybe not so long) run....and it's the one we can actually do something about.
Warren is the candidate of performative, woke, online leftists. Unfortunately for her, these people exist on twitter and pretty much nowhere else. Hurling sexism allegations against Bernie was an embarrassing moment and probably ended any chance she had to win.

Bernie has put himself in a real tough spot when he comes to the general election. Saying nice things about Fidel pretty much puts Florida out of play. Saying you're going to ban fracing completely might put Pennsylvania out of play. If you give those away out of the gate, there aren't too many paths to winning.
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My problem with Warren (and Sanders) is their policies fail to take into account the economic side of the equation. Reminds me of most academics who view the world in bubble without regard to the real world consequences of their agenda. I've discussed the issues with Warren's first day of office ban on all drilling on government property. Her support for the Green Deal and plan on immediate implementation. I believe these plans to be well intentioned but fail to take into account both short and long term consequences not to mention they completely disregard the current state of renewable technologies (see Germany). I've completely given up hope on addressing our national debt as have every Presidential candidate (and President). Of all the issues these people are claiming as important, our debt will be the one which is our undoing as to our quality of life in the long (maybe not so long) run....and it's the one we can actually do something about.
I can appreciate this. Warren does a better job of laying out where the money is coming from, but it's still short. But at least she has the plan. Sanders throws a lot out there but isn't sure of how it will get paid for or if the scale he is talking about is even achievable with less than a giant hike in all sorts of tax rates.

Of course, Trump had a ton of ideas and plans and ways to pay for it...and the only thing he managed to achieve is double the debt. We still have no wall, no funding for the wall, and to funnel money to the wall, he's basically moved somewhere around $3.5B in funding out of defense to the "wall" the last 2 years. He's gutted the EPA and the clean water protections, he's raping national parks to appease his big oil buddies. And he still has no replacement for the ACA which I believe he promised would be the 1st thing he'd do (which was essentially undo everything the black guy did.) It's remarkable how little he has actually done yet his mouthpieces constantly talk of everything he has done. They tout the growth in the economy...which hasn't actually been growth in the economy. Our brilliantest president doesn't understand that the stock market indices are not the economy. And let's not forget the markets are being propped up by companies buying back their own stocks. Job and GDP growth have been much slower than the propaganda machine has reported. Revised reports for those indicators usually show growth rate of 50%+ less than what was originally reported. Trump is in the process of doing to our country what he does to all his businesses...bankrupt them.
I can appreciate this. Warren does a better job of laying out where the money is coming from, but it's still short. But at least she has the plan. Sanders throws a lot out there but isn't sure of how it will get paid for or if the scale he is talking about is even achievable with less than a giant hike in all sorts of tax rates.

Of course, Trump had a ton of ideas and plans and ways to pay for it...and the only thing he managed to achieve is double the debt. We still have no wall, no funding for the wall, and to funnel money to the wall, he's basically moved somewhere around $3.5B in funding out of defense to the "wall" the last 2 years. He's gutted the EPA and the clean water protections, he's raping national parks to appease his big oil buddies. And he still has no replacement for the ACA which I believe he promised would be the 1st thing he'd do (which was essentially undo everything the black guy did.) It's remarkable how little he has actually done yet his mouthpieces constantly talk of everything he has done. They tout the growth in the economy...which hasn't actually been growth in the economy. Our brilliantest president doesn't understand that the stock market indices are not the economy. And let's not forget the markets are being propped up by companies buying back their own stocks. Job and GDP growth have been much slower than the propaganda machine has reported. Revised reports for those indicators usually show growth rate of 50%+ less than what was originally reported. Trump is in the process of doing to our country what he does to all his businesses...bankrupt them.

Do you believe job and GDP growth are subpar for where we are (ten years and counting) in the current economic expansion? I'm speaking historically of course.

The problem with Warren isn't where the money is going to come from imo. The problem is her policies have real economic consequences. We've discussed though time and time again.
Do you believe job and GDP growth are subpar for where we are (ten years and counting) in the current economic expansion? I'm speaking historically of course.
I think they were on the right path. It may have been slower under Obama, but it was steady and seemingly sustainable. I know Trump touted some huge job numbers early on and some fo the places and jobs he claimed he was going to save have begun disappearing. The Carrier plant in Indiana is one and if I'm the Democratic nominee I hammer away on the Trump promises and photo ops that have not panned out well. Coal mining is another he claimed he would save and that industry is just about dead right now. Mines closing all over the place. Farming-his trade war with China has forced the highest number of family farm bankruptcies in American history.

I'm good with slower growth that is steady and sustainable. Upward growth is better than the Paula Abdul "Opposites Attract" dance
I think they were on the right path. It may have been slower under Obama, but it was steady and seemingly sustainable. I know Trump touted some huge job numbers early on and some fo the places and jobs he claimed he was going to save have begun disappearing. The Carrier plant in Indiana is one and if I'm the Democratic nominee I hammer away on the Trump promises and photo ops that have not panned out well. Coal mining is another he claimed he would save and that industry is just about dead right now. Mines closing all over the place. Farming-his trade war with China has forced the highest number of family farm bankruptcies in American history.

I'm good with slower growth that is steady and sustainable. Upward growth is better than the Paula Abdul "Opposites Attract" dance

We're on the back end of an ten year economic expansion. I'm not sure what people are expected at this stage in the cycle and with record low unemployment numbers. The available worker pool and expansion capacity simply isn't there. Add to that the Fed's tightening of the money supply over the last four years and we're much better off than most would have reasonably anticipated. The EU is always a good comparison as far as economic growth / conditions. Their now implementing negative interest rates to keep their economies afloat. Yet, many here want to implement their economic model. Just don't understand it. Our economy has been superior to theirs in every meaningful category for the last several years. We're due for a recession btw. The corona virus certainly could be the trigger.
We're on the back end of an ten year economic expansion. I'm not sure what people are expected at this stage in the cycle and with record low unemployment numbers. The available worker pool and expansion capacity simply isn't there. Add to that the Fed's tightening of the money supply over the last four years and we're much better off than most would have reasonably anticipated. The EU is always a good comparison as far as economic growth / conditions. Their now implementing negative interest rates to keep their economies afloat. Yet, many here want to implement their economic model. Just don't understand it. Our economy has been superior to theirs in every meaningful category for the last several years. We're due for a recession btw. The corona virus certainly could be the trigger.
You talk about the overall strength of Europe's economy, but you neglect to address the fact that the quality of life for their average citizen is better. Who cares if we have a booming economy, if the benefits are mostly going to a select few? I'd rather have stagnant overall growth but more benefits going to me, the average joe.
We're due for a recession btw. The corona virus certainly could be the trigger.
I think over-correction and manipulation of the growth by some of the Trump policies is the ultimate trigger. It's going to sort of be like the mountain climber game on the Price is Right. Rapid steep growth, but they're going to push too far and...CRASH! Coronavirus may trigger a stock market sell-off and decline, but I've said many times, the market alone cannot be used as an indicator of economic health. There are fewer and fewer average citizens who are able to invest as much in the market as they need to really make a difference later on. Much of the activity in the market as of late has been corporate buybacks of stock.

Economic health will be better predicted by a combination of jobs created and median wage growth (combined with low inflation...wage growth with moderate inflation does nothing to grow the economy). Problem is all of the trickle down things we've been told will lead to job and wage growth simply hasn't happened in the middle. Wage growth has increased most at the very top while normal middle class folks like most on the board have experience very little wage growth. And the COL has increased at a faster rate than middle class wages, so buying power for wants has not increased.
A couple months of dumb irrational panic is bad for my 401k but it's a great opportunity. People will likely adjust to the new normal and a lot of these stocks taking a hit will rebound and make a smart person some money.
Problem is all of the trickle down things we've been told will lead to job and wage growth simply hasn't happened in the middle. Wage growth has increased most at the very top while normal middle class folks like most on the board have experience very little wage growth. And the COL has increased at a faster rate than middle class wages, so buying power for wants has not increased.

That simply isn't true. The latest figures show the fastest increase in wages to be in the lower and middle income earners.

The problem isn't the stock market. Remember, the market is a general reflection of the projected growth of companies earnings. The problem is the supply chains have been interrupted. US companies are having issues getting the materials they need from overseas. If and when the virus hits here those US plants will have the same issues as the ones in China and elsewhere. We haven't even discussed airlines, hotels, etc.... The market is the least of our worries.
Its hilarious that people dont think the dems are force feeding a candidate on the people...

I tried to hijack it but they refuse (typical for tiblard/rino ability to logically explain what they believe is best).

They don’t realize that the DNC will NEVER allow Bernie to win the nomination. That is, they can feel the burn as much as they’d like to feel themselves (which we all know they love to do - prop up their egos etc etc ). Bernie will not be the nominee.

It will be Bloomberg.

The worst part is that people who don’t understand laws are creating laws about very simple things about which they don’t understand the basics. It’s sad. People used to march for their rights. Now they’re marching to have them taken away.

Not me.
A couple months of dumb irrational panic is bad for my 401k but it's a great opportunity. People will likely adjust to the new normal and a lot of these stocks taking a hit will rebound and make a smart person some money.
Does that mean I won again by going long on Friday?
That simply isn't true. The latest figures show the fastest increase in wages to be in the lower and middle income earners.

The problem isn't the stock market. Remember, the market is a general reflection of the projected growth of companies earnings. The problem is the supply chains have been interrupted. US companies are having issues getting the materials they need from overseas. If and when the virus hits here those US plants will have the same issues as the ones in China and elsewhere. We haven't even discussed airlines, hotels, etc.... The market is the least of our worries.
Trickle down does work when you don’t have 30m illegal immigrants dragging down real wages for over 35 years...
Also, please remember - these are the people that support drag queen story hour. It’s sick.
Who created 23&me? Who is the wife of Michael Atkinson?

Who is Michael Atkinson?

I’m so above all this it’s stupid I’m even on here right now.

Who is Vincent Foster?

Who is Seth Rich?

Who is Kevin Spidell?

Who is Philip Haney?

I am so over it. I’m over the government thinking they have a snowball chance in forcing idiots to get their way (I’m sorry but as much as I disagree with the right you’re an idiot if you vote left). I know more than anyone on here about what has actually happened. I know what they want to do & how they’ve convinced Dems/libtards/rinos to vote for them.

I know what’s up & the worst part is these millennials / gen Z kids don’t realize they’ve been institutionalized their entire lives & therefore can’t think freely.

Where is Mena, AR?

I know it all.
You talk about the overall strength of Europe's economy, but you neglect to address the fact that the quality of life for their average citizen is better. Who cares if we have a booming economy, if the benefits are mostly going to a select few? I'd rather have stagnant overall growth but more benefits going to me, the average joe.

Imagine the money we could kick back to our citizens if we could find some country to spend hundreds of billions of dollars for our national defense.
And yet... we keep voting to up the defense budget every year.

Yep.....and people start yelling and screaming at the idea we cut funding for those we pay to defend. Imagine the outcry if we cut funding for our own defense?
That simply isn't true. The latest figures show the fastest increase in wages to be in the lower and middle income earners.

The problem isn't the stock market. Remember, the market is a general reflection of the projected growth of companies earnings. The problem is the supply chains have been interrupted. US companies are having issues getting the materials they need from overseas. If and when the virus hits here those US plants will have the same issues as the ones in China and elsewhere. We haven't even discussed airlines, hotels, etc.... The market is the least of our worries.
Per the Economic Policy Institute:
From 2018 to 2019, the fastest growth continued at the top (4.5% at the 95th percentile), while median wages grew 1.0% over the year and wages at the bottom fell (-0.7% at the 10th percentile).

From 2018 to 2019, wages of the lowest-wage workers grew more in states that increased their minimum wage than in those that did not.
Yep.....and people start yelling and screaming at the idea we cut funding for those we pay to defend. Imagine the outcry if we cut funding for our own defense?
I think people are angry that we're pushing support into the wrong places and the overspending on pet pentagon projects / border walls is completely unnecessary.
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