Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!!!!!


I.T.S. Head Coach
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2001
Good to see CBS still isn't checking out it's sources before airing stories.

Pretty simple...

Benghazi was a CIA base disguised as an embacy.

Al Qaeda knew this.

Al Qaeda coordinated a rather extenisive and planned attack against the base.

We were about as ill-prepared for an attack as one could get.

Not wanting to answer questions about the base, our lack of intelligence and lack of preparation, we make up a ridiculous story about a movie spawning a spontaneous protest which turned violent.

We make the people on the ground sign secrecy affidavits to ensure the true story never gets told.

I miss anything?
Inconveniencing people because of a political vendetta is complete crap. Happy to see the guy immediately fired when the emails came to light. If Christie any of the emails are from Christie himself he's likely done as a Presidential candidate imo. If he didn't know or there's no proof he knew then he's still damaged but the immediate firing of the person responsible stands in contrast to how the Administration has handled it's scandals.
Originally posted by lawpoke87:

Inconveniencing people because of a political vendetta is complete crap. Happy to see the guy immediately fired when the emails came to light. If Christie any of the emails are from Christie himself he's likely done as a Presidential candidate imo. If he didn't know or there's no proof he knew then he's still damaged but the immediate firing of the person responsible stands in contrast to how the Administration has handled it's scandals.
He was done before he started,... RINO in the mold of McCain, Dole and Romney.... Nothing there to get the base excited and a republican cannot win on the armadillo/oppossum vote.

This post was edited on 1/14 1:23 PM by noble cane
As many of us have been saying for over a year, Obama knew that the Benghazi attack was by terrorists and not caused by a video as he and Hillary and Susan Rice and Jay Carney and all the other administration liers claimed. Declassified doucments show that he was told within 30 minutes of the attack that it was a terroist group and he and his minions made up a story about the video to convince americans, prior to the presidential election, that it just happened and happened due to a video. What a bunch of hogwash.

Just like he lied about Fast and Furious, the NSA spying on americans and foreigners and govt's, the IRS targeting conservative groups (also an attempt to keep them from organizing, like democratic groups did, to get out the vote and thus another illegal activity directed by the White House to help Obama win reelection,) Also like he has done in changing Obamacare without congressional votes, to delay americans finding out that the act is a disaster. He also, without congress, delayed the implementation of the employer mandate part of thye aca until after the mid-term elections, to help dems who voted for the act to not face the heat when 80-100 million more americans will find out they will lose health coverage and have to buy more expensive coverage with less doctors and hospitals in their plan, after he repeatedly told everyone that you could keep your current healthcare and doctors and that the aca would cut your premiums in half and that you would get better coverage (tell that to people over 60 that have to buy maternity benefits and mental health programs). lol

Throw in the economy and the other uncontitutional acts by him, he should be impeached. He a total failure and is not fit to be commander in chief. What a joke.

Obama knew Benghazi was terrorist attack
IMO all politicians and their underlings somewhat deceive, distort and cover for one another. There just aren't many administrations that have shot completely straight with the american people over entire the course of their time in DC. But you are right about Obama. He has brought deception to a new level - a culture of lying - where the truth is seldom said. There is no transparency in his WH IMO. Even the term transparent has been thrown away - something he said was to be the pillar of his Presidency.

But my question is always like this. If a president puts his hand on the Bible and "truthfully" swears he will protect, preserve and defend the constitution and then ignores that oath of office - thus perjuring himself, isn't that grounds for his dismissal?

Bengazi is just one of the examples that Obama has played fast and loose with the truth.

Originally posted by Billy Packard:

As many of us have been saying for over a year, Obama knew that the Benghazi attack was by terrorists and not caused by a video as he and Hillary and Susan Rice and Jay Carney and all the other administration liers claimed. Declassified doucments show that he was told within 30 minutes of the attack that it was a terroist group and he and his minions made up a story about the video to convince americans, prior to the presidential election, that it just happened and happened due to a video. What a bunch of hogwash.

Just like he lied about Fast and Furious, the NSA spying on americans and foreigners and govt's, the IRS targeting conservative groups (also an attempt to keep them from organizing, like democratic groups did, to get out the vote and thus another illegal activity directed by the White House to help Obama win reelection,) Also like he has done in changing Obamacare without congressional votes, to delay americans finding out that the act is a disaster. He also, without congress, delayed the implementation of the employer mandate part of thye aca until after the mid-term elections, to help dems who voted for the act to not face the heat when 80-100 million more americans will find out they will lose health coverage and have to buy more expensive coverage with less doctors and hospitals in their plan, after he repeatedly told everyone that you could keep your current healthcare and doctors and that the aca would cut your premiums in half and that you would get better coverage (tell that to people over 60 that have to buy maternity benefits and mental health programs). lol

Throw in the economy and the other uncontitutional acts by him, he should be impeached. He a total failure and is not fit to be commander in chief. What a joke.
Originally posted by noble cane:

Originally posted by lawpoke87:

Inconveniencing people because of a political vendetta is complete crap. Happy to see the guy immediately fired when the emails came to light. If Christie any of the emails are from Christie himself he's likely done as a Presidential candidate imo. If he didn't know or there's no proof he knew then he's still damaged but the immediate firing of the person responsible stands in contrast to how the Administration has handled it's scandals.
He was done before he started,... RINO in the mold of McCain, Dole and Romney.... Nothing there to get the base excited and a republican cannot win on the armadillo/oppossum vote.

This post was edited on 1/14 1:23 PM by noble cane
A social conservative cannot win a national election. A business Repub from the old school that is socially progressive is the style of candidate that use to be successful. Until the Repub party gets away from the Rush's, Hannity's, etc. of the world they won't win. The culture war is over and the Dems won.

If the Repubs don't figure it out it becomes just what the Dems want, a party made up old white southern ex dixiecrats that live in some dream world from the 1950's. The Civil rights movement was the best thing that ever happened to the Dem party, it got rid of the dixiecrats and moved them over to the Repubs. the media just loves to bash the ex dixiecrats and by association the Repubs. A moderate Dem is the best chance conservatives have for now IMHO.

Go TU!!!
National elections are about the 20%-30% who aren't party ideologs. They are typically fiscal conservatives and moderates on social issues and registered independents. 90% of the Dems and Reps will vote for the candidate of their party. The electorate continues to move in a Democractic direction with immigration and population trends. The % of white males a Republican Presidential candidate must attract to win the general is much larger today than it was in say 1984. This trend will only increase too. Unless moderation occurs with their social agenda I predict troubled days ahead on a national level for the Republican party.
Originally posted by Tu Geo:

Originally posted by noble cane:

Originally posted by lawpoke87:

Inconveniencing people because of a political vendetta is complete crap. Happy to see the guy immediately fired when the emails came to light. If Christie any of the emails are from Christie himself he's likely done as a Presidential candidate imo. If he didn't know or there's no proof he knew then he's still damaged but the immediate firing of the person responsible stands in contrast to how the Administration has handled it's scandals.
He was done before he started,... RINO in the mold of McCain, Dole and Romney.... Nothing there to get the base excited and a republican cannot win on the armadillo/oppossum vote.

This post was edited on 1/14 1:23 PM by noble cane
A social conservative cannot win a national election. A business Repub from the old school that is socially progressive is the style of candidate that use to be successful. Until the Repub party gets away from the Rush's, Hannity's, etc. of the world they won't win. The culture war is over and the Dems won.

If the Repubs don't figure it out it becomes just what the Dems want, a party made up old white southern ex dixiecrats that live in some dream world from the 1950's. The Civil rights movement was the best thing that ever happened to the Dem party, it got rid of the dixiecrats and moved them over to the Repubs. the media just loves to bash the ex dixiecrats and by association the Repubs. A moderate Dem is the best chance conservatives have for now IMHO.

Go TU!!!
As an independent conservative, I can agree somewhat with that (the part about social conservatives). (I think its wise to de-emphasize those issues, but not abandon them). I have no choice but to vote republican since there's no present alternative other than the RP. But when you see the Reps beat up on the Tea Party instead of defending them, thats where I draw the line. What all you Reps have to understand, is this is an all out fight, not a gentle sparring match. And the opponent is in this to eat you up. They won't play nice. . . . ever. And if you let them set your agenda for you, you get what you deserve. That is not the "big tent" the RP wants - I assume. So get on your gloves and join the fight.

Two parties that are both the same (or perceived to be) are actually the same party to the independents. So it really takes away their choices. A democrat-like party is not what the RP should be IMO.

IMO The DC Republicans want first and foremost to keep themelves in power (individually) in their committees and caucuses - then they'll worry about electing those that are idealogically similar. The mainstream Reps are not following their basic principles and I think the american people see through that. Independents often don't look at the Reps as genuine, just political hound dogs ready to sell out everything to get reelected. An idependent like myself who has left the RP doesn't care about party affiliation, just the basic beliefs in small govt, free enterprise and old fashioned american values.

IMO what the Reps have to do, is re-establish their tried and true principles first, then worry about the next election. If the RP wants to continue, they need to emphasize the fact that they are the hope of the future - balanced budgets, freedom for all, values that we can live with, constitutionalism and the rule of law, fiscal responsibility, love of family, the Bill of Rights etc.

One more thing, stop allowing your opponents to pick your candidates. They will do that if they can and they always do. Wise up! People like me will support you if you say what you mean and mean what you say. Obama actually did that, but america wasn't listening and was too mezmerized to care "what" he said at the time - or maybe they weren't smart enough to catch on.

This post was edited on 1/15 12:07 PM by rabidTU
The five Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi are being counted on to defend the Obama administration's record as November's elections creep closer. All five voted against the special investigation and most have described it as a political stunt and waste of time.
Aren't the Democrats interested int the TRUTH?

What happened to BHO's promise of TRASPARENCY in his administration?

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