Benevolent China


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jun 13, 2005

Good ole China back in the news. Hey, they don't work but it is the thought that counts. The benevolent Communists share with others suffering.

You could be taking medicines with similar quality control and wondering why you can't get your blood pressure down.
Makes you wonder how many infections they've really had if that's the quality of their testing kits
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Since we don’t really know the extent to which our population as a whole has already been infected (and when), and whether or not the outbreak will simply kick back into gear after we relax our policies again(we will have to), I’m hesitant to credit our actions with saving lives until more is known.
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Also, that was the second time it happened here.

“China’s gonna eat our lunch? Come on, man...” - the (elderly) person for whom you’ll be voting in November.

The truth is that China has been eating our breakfast, lunch & dinner for far too long. This proves it. This is A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE upon the USA by China in the only way they could get away with preemptively striking the USA. All China
T does is lie
Since we don’t really know the extent to which our population as a whole has already been infected (and when), and whether or not the outbreak will simply kick back into gear after we relax our policies again(we will have to), I’m hesitant to credit our actions with saving lives until more is known.
You can’t be serious. We’ve shut off travel. Cities are on lockdown. Gov Stitt has joined others (including liberalist of liberal governors) by calling for shelter-in-place. It can be said with absolute certainty that the measures we’ve taken have saved lives.

I agree with lawpoke - if only 50,000-100,000 people die from this, I’d be very happy. Unfortunately, from China to Italia they are lying about the actual deaths caused from the COVID. Seriously, China underreported & Italia is over-reporting. The reason that’s a problem is because we don’t have a country to which we can even come up with an even remotely accurate comparison to US therefore we have to wait & see what our own numbers are in 2-3 weeks.

Also, we at least have cellphone data points from spring breakers who partied on Florida beaches then went home (not all of them have tested positive for COVID but enough have that that those anonymous data points are of great analytical value). Also, these cellular data points aren’t anonymous to the Feds - thus if they get their act together (unlikely) they could truly track the spread of it. Interestingly, though, is that militares in TX are already going door to door checking for symptoms, asking about travel history & even checking pantries/basements in some cases.

Also, that was the second time it happened here.

“China’s gonna eat our lunch? Come on, man...” - the (elderly) person for whom you’ll be voting in November.

The truth is that China has been eating our breakfast, lunch & dinner for far too long. This proves it. This is A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE upon the USA by China in the only way they could get away with preemptively striking the USA. All China
T does is lie

You can’t be serious. We’ve shut off travel. Cities are on lockdown. Gov Stitt has joined others (including liberalist of liberal governors) by calling for shelter-in-place. It can be said with absolute certainty that the measures we’ve taken have saved lives.

I agree with lawpoke - if only 50,000-100,000 people die from this, I’d be very happy. Unfortunately, from China to Italia they are lying about the actual deaths caused from the COVID. Seriously, China underreported & Italia is over-reporting. The reason that’s a problem is because we don’t have a country to which we can even come up with an even remotely accurate comparison to US therefore we have to wait & see what our own numbers are in 2-3 weeks.

Also, we at least have cellphone data points from spring breakers who partied on Florida beaches then went home (not all of them have tested positive for COVID but enough have that that those anonymous data points are of great analytical value). Also, these cellular data points aren’t anonymous to the Feds - thus if they get their act together (unlikely) they could truly track the spread of it. Interestingly, though, is that militares in TX are already going door to door checking for symptoms, asking about travel history & even checking pantries/basements in some cases.

Do you ever feel like you’re just screaming into the void? Because you are
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I think everything gets better if we just get easier access to testing. Quarantines will be more selective.
I think everything gets better if we just get easier access to testing. Quarantines will be more selective.
Not everyone needs the current test, but everyone should get a physical for blood work once they have the antibody test complete and certified. Those that don't already have immunity built up will need a vaccine.
Not everyone needs the current test, but everyone should get a physical for blood work once they have the antibody test complete and certified. Those that don't already have immunity built up will need a vaccine.
That's IF we can make a vaccine. Everyone seems so sure of a vaccine being created. I'm hopeful, but not positive it will happen.
That's IF we can make a vaccine. Everyone seems so sure of a vaccine being created. I'm hopeful, but not positive it will happen.
I feel fairly certain it will happen. The problem is when. Long term we might not have to worry about this virus being any more serious than the flu, with shots for those vulnerable. But I think that's a year, year and a half away. Short term is the problem.
Capitalism will see to it that we have a wildly available vaccine within the next year. Just like it has ensured we have a 15 minute virus test coming out this week.
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Capitalism will see to it that we have a wildly available vaccine within the next year. Just like it has ensured we have a 15 minute virus test coming out this week.
Hasn't worked for HIV, or several other viruses for that matter. (Granted, some have been developed for other strains of coronaviruse)

They can't produce tests fast enough though.
Hasn't worked for HIV, or several other viruses for that matter. (Granted, some have been developed for other strains of coronaviruse)

They can't produce tests fast enough though.

There’s never been 250M Americans lined up to take an HIV vaccine like there will be for the corona vaccine. Apples to oranges as far as a customers. Especially since treatments and now a cure for HIV have been discovered.

More and more tests are coming out everyday. I would expect test availability to triple in the next ten days. Pretty remarkable stuff considering the hole the CDC placed us in.
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There’s never been 250M Americans lined up to take an HIV vaccine like there will be for the corona vaccine. Apples to oranges as far as a customers. Especially since treatments and now a cure for HIV have been discovered.

More and more tests are coming out everyday. I would expect test availability to triple in the next ten days. Pretty remarkable stuff considering the hole the CDC placed us in.
I posit that it's more likely that we'll see a drug regimen that mitigates the effects of the virus prior to a vaccine being developed, but I could be off base.
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I posture that it's more likely that we'll see a drug regimen that mitigates the effects of the virus prior to a vaccine being developed, but I could be off base.

I absolutely agree. There are several drug combinations currently in trials. Hopefully one of them works.
You are only getting half the story. The other half is that China suppressed the numbers of the disease while they quietly went out and bought up large portions of the commercially available medical supplies in several developed countries, mainly Australia and the USA. The news bots want you to think the USA was unprepared due to inept leadership. American minds will always be divided on that issue or any issue to some extent. If you are complaining that your local hospital is out of supplies, it’s not the fault of the White House. It’s the 2.3 billion pounds of medical equipment that China admits in state run media they imported from the USA in January. Australia is only now figuring out to the extent they were duped but hundreds of Chinese operatives in their country, many who entered as students. It is comical how some of the politicians are so clearly in the bag/compromised/in the bag for the CCP in the way they refuse to even discuss the situation. Same for the WHO for that matter. Heck, the State Department sent some of that paid by you. A lot of these junk test kits and other worthless donated supplies is a hasty effort at damage control/propaganda/disinformation so that if they ever actually get called on it, they can say they helped "once they got it under control" in China. Which is a tiny part of the reason you are seeing that language come out the country now. Historians will be unkind to China’s role in this crisis, if they are allowed to write it.
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The fact that the WHO was stating in late January that there was no evidence of airborne transmission is one of the more egregious acts in this entire play. I will be disappointed if the US gives another cent to that organization.
It's still our government's responsibility to keep our people safe. Of course, they're going to have limited access and intelligence at times... but the news we were seeing in December to January should have made our government officials suspicious of the Chinese government's reaction. There certainly should have been someone in some federal office somewhere monitoring the amounts of PPE we were selling to them.

Our government (not just at the top) wasn't really tooled properly to handle a threat like this. That should be seen as a colossal failure and one that needs to be remedied so this never happens again. This should be the viral equivalent of pearl harbor. We got caught with our pants down, be it due to ineptness from an a midshipman, an admiral, or the president himself... we can't allow it to happen again and we have to fight what has already happened.
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Don’t mistake inaction as inept.

The long term consequences of stepping in one direction are often greater than the perceived harm while standing in the fog.

Sometimes nations do evil things and the most prudent course is to monitor and react later.
It's still our government's responsibility to keep our people safe. Of course, they're going to have limited access and intelligence at times... but the news we were seeing in December to January should have made our government officials suspicious of the Chinese government's reaction. There certainly should have been someone in some federal office somewhere monitoring the amounts of PPE we were selling to them.

Our government (not just at the top) wasn't really tooled properly to handle a threat like this. That should be seen as a colossal failure and one that needs to be remedied so this never happens again. This should be the viral equivalent of pearl harbor. We got caught with our pants down, be it due to ineptness from an a midshipman, and admiral, or the president himself... we can't allow it to happen again and we have to fight what has already happened.

Sounds like the entire system has been retooled to be better equipped to handle the next crisis. I understand not receiving the best info from China. What I fail to understand is the crap the WHO was putting out in late January. Those are the people that the rest of the world relies upon for information regarding infectious diseases.
You are only getting half the story. The other half is that China suppressed the numbers of the disease while they quietly went out and bought up large portions of the commercially available medical supplies in several developed countries, mainly Australia and the USA. The news bots want you to think the USA was unprepared due to inept leadership. American minds will always be divided on that issue or any issue to some extent. If you are complaining that your local hospital is out of supplies, it’s not the fault of the White House. It’s the 2.3 billion pounds of medical equipment that China admits in state run media they imported from the USA in January. Australia is only now figuring out to the extent they were duped but hundreds of Chinese operatives in their country, many who entered as students. It is comical how some of the politicians are so clearly in the bag/compromised/in the bag for the CCP in the way they refuse to even discuss the situation. Same for the WHO for that matter. Heck, the State Department sent some of that paid by you. A lot of these junk test kits and other worthless donated supplies is a hasty effort at damage control/propaganda/disinformation so that if they ever actually get called on it, they can say they helped "once they got it under control" in China. Which is a tiny part of the reason you are seeing that language come out the country now. Historians will be unkind to China’s role in this crisis, if they are allowed to write it.

What has really been shocking to me is our media being in the bag for the CCP. That government is Soviet level evil and has not put out a single bit of accurate information. The response from our media has been to not just ignore it, but to repeat without question CCP propaganda.
What has really been shocking to me is our media being in the bag for the CCP. That government is Soviet level evil and has not put out a single bit of accurate information. The response from our media has been to not just ignore it, but to repeat without question CCP propaganda.
I'm not sure that's what I've seen from the media. The media was pretty straightforward with what they reported early coming out of China. There were a lot of news stories in December, January, and February that expressed concern with A) the pandemic occurring in China and the possibility of its spread and B) the positive and negative aspects to the response of the Chinese government. I wouldn't argue that the American media has been extremely dismissive of the Chinese role in this. I'm still seeing a lot of criticism regarding their response, especially regarding their continuing trade in animals, their poor testing kits, etc...
It's ironic that, in a time when the phrase "gone viral" has become transcendent in our culture, we've actually been bit in the ass by a contagion that's "gone viral".
What has really been shocking to me is our media being in the bag for the CCP. That government is Soviet level evil and has not put out a single bit of accurate information. The response from our media has been to not just ignore it, but to repeat without question CCP propaganda.
Because they own the platforms or service debt from the companies that do. Sadly, many of the anchors and columnists are straight on the take. Cash payments. They think of themselves as equals with the left wing political leadership and Hollywood types they socialize with. But few have the salary to do that. Foreign governments make up the rest, usually with business opportunities not straight cash payments. Sadly, a lot are degenerate gamblers and alcoholics and divorcees desperate for cash. The American people would be shocked at the number of “syndicated columnists” and “foreign policy analysts” appearing on all the major networks that are on the take. And they cover for each other. It’s common knowledge in DC. Some own their own lobbying shops. So they write in the New York Times some anti-Trump pro-abortion article for a few bucks, then go downtown in the afternoon and lobby on the Hill to ignore the slavery that continues to endure in Mauritania a decade after it was outlawed. Or make apologies for Pol Pot or Castro. They rake in millions. A lot of it from China. The real gold rush on the China money with reporters was in the 90s amongst reporters with access to Clinton. Another problem is the sponsors. You don’t want to be at Fox News when corporate calls you and says your biggest sponsor, Coca-Cola or whoever has called up Fox corporate and says cool it on some CCP story or we are gonna pull ads, because they are getting push back from the CCP importing their own products. Heck, they’ve done that to movie studios. Had product placement sponsors in movies call them and tell them to change scripts. They bought up a lot of our movie theaters so if they don’t like the script, and don’t want a rChinese audience to see it, they put the squeeze on by saying they won’t play the movie in their USA domestic theaters either. It’s subtle but they own us in so many ways and we have no idea. Who knew until a month ago they make 90% of our antibiotics AND have controlling interests in many of their potential competitors here in the USA
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Heck, they’ve done that to movie studios. Had product placement sponsors in movies call them and tell them to change scripts. They bought up a lot of our movie theaters so if they don’t like the script, and don’t want a rChinese audience to see it, they put the squeeze on by saying they won’t play the movie in their USA domestic theaters either. It’s subtle but they own us in so many ways and we have no idea

One of the funnier examples of this, though I shouldn't think it's funny, is with the new Top Gun movie. In the original Maverick's leather jacket has a Taiwan flag patch. In the new one it has been intentionally removed. That's extreme pettiness.
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Because they own the platforms or service debt from the companies that do. Sadly, many of the anchors and columnists are straight on the take. Cash payments. They think of themselves as equals with the left wing political leadership and Hollywood types they socialize with. But few have the salary to do that. Foreign governments make up the rest, usually with business opportunities not straight cash payments. Sadly, a lot are degenerate gamblers and alcoholics and divorcees desperate for cash. The American people would be shocked at the number of “syndicated columnists” and “foreign policy analysts” appearing on all the major networks that are on the take. And they cover for each other. It’s common knowledge in DC. Some own their own lobbying shops. So they write in the New York Times some anti-Trump pro-abortion article for a few bucks, then go downtown in the afternoon and lobby on the Hill to ignore the slavery that continues to endure in Mauritania a decade after it was outlawed. Or make apologies for Pol Pot or Castro. They rake in millions. A lot of it from China. The real gold rush on the China money with reporters was in the 90s amongst reporters with access to Clinton. Another problem is the sponsors. You don’t want to be at Fox News when corporate calls you and says your biggest sponsor, Coca-Cola or whoever has called up Fox corporate and says cool it on some CCP story or we are gonna pull ads, because they are getting push back from the CCP importing their own products. Heck, they’ve done that to movie studios. Had product placement sponsors in movies call them and tell them to change scripts. They bought up a lot of our movie theaters so if they don’t like the script, and don’t want a rChinese audience to see it, they put the squeeze on by saying they won’t play the movie in their USA domestic theaters either. It’s subtle but they own us in so many ways and we have no idea. Who knew until a month ago they make 90% of our antibiotics AND have controlling interests in many of their potential competitors here in the USA
Like that was really hard to know. The chinese don't just own a lot of our debt. Not hard to know they are have the power to mind our business on many levels. That's what you get when they are a major player in the global market.
History is also not going to be kind to Congress. A lot of the attacks from the Hill against a slow response from the President and the career non-partisan scientists in the FDA and CDC is pure smoke screen or in the case of those Democratic Senators that repeatedly skipped the classified briefings that the executive branch was conducting and urging Congress to attend, it’s a desperate hope that a good offense will hide the fact that they are on the defensive. They were busy in the meaningless impeachment proceedings while a world pandemic was brewing.
History is also not going to be kind to Congress. A lot of the attacks from the Hill against a slow response from the President and the career non-partisan scientists in the FDA and CDC is pure smoke screen or in the case of those Democratic Senators that repeatedly skipped the classified briefings that the executive branch was conducting and urging Congress to attend have a lot to answer for. They were busy in the meaningless impeachment proceedings.
A lot of it is coming from reporters who were repeatedly asking Trump about it and being told they’re fake news. Also, what is congress supposed to do about it? They don’t control the CDC. They don’t control the borders being shut down.
Brings the lulz. Number two guy at WHO won’t even acknowledge Taiwan exists.

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The World Health Organization maybe looks the worst out of all of this. Basically just parotting everything coming from the Chinese government and insisting all the way up until mid January that the virus was not passed human to human.
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