BAYLOR, Take 2

Of all the incidents that occurred where assistants were informed (none named), they immediately told CAB. CAB and McCaw seemed to have been integral in keeping things out of Judicial Affairs and the Title IX office. I'm not sure what culpability an assistant coach has IF they reported what happened up the chain and the higher ups did not do what they should have. Wonder if Monty realized what was going on and he decided it was time to abandon ship knowing what was coming.
Please stop typing random things you wonder on here. It's a type of rumor mongering. If you want to write down your thoughts, I will send a journal over.
Baylor has so many different outfits investigating them at this point it's amazing that they can stay out of each other's way.
I had hoped Coach Briles was suing those Baylor officials, not for any money, but rather to clear his name in the (doubtful) event he really didn't know what was going on. Why would he drop the suit if proof wasn't on the way? So much for Briles.
I had hoped Coach Briles was suing those Baylor officials, not for any money, but rather to clear his name in the (doubtful) event he really didn't know what was going on. Why would he drop the suit if proof wasn't on the way? So much for Briles.
That's where I am right now...and I had given Briles just a smidge of the benefit of the doubt thinking it was possible there was a rogue low-level assistant or two in charge of keeping guys on the field and out of trouble. Latest info/story does not appear to paint that picture at all.
WTF! Seriously is Baylor the portal to hell right now? New S&C coach got arrested in a prostitution ring. Why does this remind me of a bad HBO drama
No, the Big XII will and then give it to them later. It's a face saving measure only for the Big XII and Baylor will end up with all of its conference allocations anyway. The question them becomes...why just Baylor? Why not OU who has had a history of players who exhibited violence towards women and a fairly cavalier attitude about actually disciplining those players?
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The Big12 did something (hell anything) just so it could say "we did something". Any substantial penalties will come from the NCAA .
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No, the Big XII will and then give it to them later. It's a face saving measure only for the Big XII and Baylor will end up with all of its conference allocations anyway. The question them becomes...why just Baylor? Why not OU who has had a history of players who exhibited violence towards women and a fairly cavalier attitude about actually disciplining those players?

Because OU and TX are the true elite programs of the conference.
No, the Big XII will and then give it to them later. It's a face saving measure only for the Big XII and Baylor will end up with all of its conference allocations anyway. The question them becomes...why just Baylor? Why not OU who has had a history of players who exhibited violence towards women and a fairly cavalier attitude about actually disciplining those players?

Because it's a bigger crime to Boren if a bunch of drunk frat boys sing a racist song on a bus than if a star athlete beats a girl in a sandwich shop?
The Big12 did something (hell anything) just so it could say "we did something". Any substantial penalties will come from the NCAA .
The NCAA has already checked out. They released a statement over the summer saying they weren't investigating and didn't anticipate levying sanctions from their office because the school faced heavy Title IX sanctions from the Federal government.

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