This is the Republican Party

The Dems are doing just fine focusing on vital issues facing the country such as this. These wackos are running for mayor in San Francisco btw. No need to moderate here

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The rampant crime in San Francisco? Why is this place one of the most expensive in the United States? Since 1980, more wealth has been created in Washington and the Valley than in any other small area in history. The list is endless. You know those liberal bastions.

Dinesh doesn't go talk about the crappy parts of Jacksonville or Miami, or Shreveport. He needs to go away. The guy is a felon and openly promotes BS conspiracy theories as a total grift to the dumbest parts of America. He knows better. It's sad how many people buy his and Fox News conspiracies. Even after all the Fox voting machine lawsuits, they still buy the grift.

San Francisco probably has lots of gay people. It is important to their voters, or these idiots think it is.
I wonder if no other parts of the debate focused on crime or homelessness. I am guessing there were. He should have had a full link. He didn't. He and his distributor are getting sued for defamation for his BS conspiracy movie 2000 Mules and is going to, hopefully, lose everything he owns.

It is kind of like this video yesterday with Fox.

Agree that the press is under playing and over playing the cognitive issues of the President.

Agree that’s probably because people click on it.

Agree that’s a problem because it’s obvious the man needs a Silver Alert about once a month. And half the time he’s cogent he’s cringe.

Agree that’s a problem we should all be discussing as a country and it’s not possible with the current media climate on both sides.

Agree that doesn’t really matter because minds seem to be made up on that point.

The public’s anger grows and the administrations efficacy shrinks the more they try to tell people not to believe their eyes. Fox running edited clips just frustrates the obvious and they need to cut it out.
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The Dems are doing just fine focusing on vital issues facing the country such as this. These wackos are running for mayor in San Francisco btw. No need to moderate here

If transgender issues were a point of disagreement between the two, then this might be legitimate, especially in a place with as much of a pride movement as SF. Maybe they both agree on what needs to be done about crime?

Probably not the case. The mayor is probably stupid. But it’s feasible.
With all the hom
If transgender issues were a point of disagreement between the two, then this might be legitimate, especially in a place with as much of a pride movement as SF. Maybe they both agree on what needs to be done about crime?

Probably not the case. The mayor is probably stupid. But it’s feasible.
Have no issues debating transgender issues. However, the question had zero to do with any policy positions. The question “Name 3 drag queens” has to be an all-time bizarre question for a mayoral debate in a major U.S. city. This is wacky California though.
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With all the hom

Have no issues debating transgender issues. However, the question had zero to do with any policy positions. The question “Name 3 drag queens” has to be an all-time bizarre question for a mayoral debate in a major U.S. city. This is wacky California though.
I agree it is an all-time dumb, dumb question. I mean seriously, dude.
With all the hom

Have no issues debating transgender issues. However, the question had zero to do with any policy positions. The question “Name 3 drag queens” has to be an all-time bizarre question for a mayoral debate in a major U.S. city. This is wacky California though.
RuPaul, Starina, Radar
More than a single man who's allowed to do anything he wants? With no fear of repercussion for himself or his associates? So you fear legislators more than dictators? Well you better just crown your King now.
Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the protest getting out of hand; by her own admission
Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the protest getting out of hand; by her own admission
“Protest” = “Riot”
“Out of Hand” = “A bit of lite Treason”

Good to know that when he is needed, in order to defend Democracy, that Trump is willing to turn a blind eye…. Regardless of the actions (or inactions) of any Democrat.

Not only did he ignite the treasonous activity, when it turned violent and disrupted the proceedings of Democracy, he was the quietest we have ever seen him.
“Protest” = “Riot”
“Out of Hand” = “A bit of lite Treason”

Good to know that when he is needed, in order to defend Democracy, that Trump is willing to turn a blind eye…. Regardless of the actions (or inactions) of any Democrat.

Not only did he ignite the treasonous activity, when it turned violent and disrupted the proceedings of Democracy, he was the quietest we have ever seen him.
Pelosi and the democrats threat to democracy; spying on opposition candidate, bogus 2 1/2 year Mueller investigation, 2 kangaroo court impeachment, Pelosi didn't ask for the NG, . .
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This is exactly why I refuse to be part of either party. One side says it's all their fault, the other side says its all their fault....neither wants to take accountability. There is no crossing lines on any subject between the groups now...If you do then you are a traitor to the party. It's ridiculous. I hate the 2 party system.
This is exactly why I refuse to be part of either party. One side says it's all their fault, the other side says its all their fault....neither wants to take accountability. There is no crossing lines on any subject between the groups now...If you do then you are a traitor to the party. It's ridiculous. I hate the 2 party system.
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This is exactly why I refuse to be part of either party. One side says it's all their fault, the other side says its all their fault....neither wants to take accountability. There is no crossing lines on any subject between the groups now...If you do then you are a traitor to the party. It's ridiculous. I hate the 2 party system.
I hate partisan politics, my way or the highway.
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Pelosi and the democrats threat to democracy; spying on opposition candidate, bogus 2 1/2 year Mueller investigation, 2 kangaroo court impeachment, Pelosi didn't ask for the NG, . .
It's amazing to me that you don't even know who started the Mueller investigation::: an assistant attorney general appointed by Donald J. Trump.

7 Republicans voted against Trump in the Senate (the most by an opposing party against their own party) after he led his pitful attempt at Jan 6 insurrection. You don't like calling it because how could the law party you know not to support the law? Instead, they went all in on internet conspiracies, and Fox went all in to make a buck. They knowingly said he was full of trash behind closed doors, but they went on TV and pumped the mania because my pillow, silver coins and the other adverts pay the bills.

It would have been even more if we knew the full extent of what went on. We seem to learn more about how deep the plot to overturn votes is every week, as there are more indictments and charges.

It's amazing how easy it is to blow this stuff. With the trump people, it is always a few things:

1. Total ignorance. They don't understand history, for instance, how a special counsel was appointed. A special counsel that led to lots of investigations.

2. Willful ignorance. So many don't want to read the facts about his circumstances. It is more fun to go to the parades and meetings and talk about how he is treated so badly.

3. Acquiescence. Mitch McConnell believes in the party over everything else. So, no matter how many times Trump does stuff that flies in the face of this country and conservatism or makes fun of his wife chow-chow, he is still all in.

4. Tired. He wears people down and doesn't think there are any consequences.
It's amazing to me that you don't even know who started the Mueller investigation::: an assistant attorney general appointed by Donald J. Trump.

7 Republicans voted against Trump in the Senate (the most by an opposing party against their own party) after he led his pitful attempt at Jan 6 insurrection. You don't like calling it because how could the law party you know not to support the law? Instead, they went all in on internet conspiracies, and Fox went all in to make a buck. They knowingly said he was full of trash behind closed doors, but they went on TV and pumped the mania because my pillow, silver coins and the other adverts pay the bills.

It would have been even more if we knew the full extent of what went on. We seem to learn more about how deep the plot to overturn votes is every week, as there are more indictments and charges.

It's amazing how easy it is to blow this stuff. With the trump people, it is always a few things:

1. Total ignorance. They don't understand history, for instance, how a special counsel was appointed. A special counsel that led to lots of investigations.

2. Willful ignorance. So many don't want to read the facts about his circumstances. It is more fun to go to the parades and meetings and talk about how he is treated so badly.

3. Acquiescence. Mitch McConnell believes in the party over everything else. So, no matter how many times Trump does stuff that flies in the face of this country and conservatism or makes fun of his wife chow-chow, he is still all in.

4. Tired. He wears people down and doesn't think there are any consequences.
who took a totally bogus dossier to a fisa court??
hrc, the democrat party, ...
Homey, you are so fai

Since abortion ban,Texas fetal deaths are 6.5 times national average.
Do you think they care? They don't care about gun deaths for children. Why do you think they care about that? The friggin baptists are going in on being against IVF. The absurdity is unbelievable.

Watch out if a kid wears a dress though! That is the end of society.

For once I agree with Mr. Walters. I do hope every teacher starts teaching about the bible and how it helped shape the country.....

In history class how it has been used as an crutch by morally corrupt conservative Americans for centuries, who wanted to control the freedoms of other Americans. They used its passages to argue that slavery was permissible, that women shouldn't vote, that homosexuality should be a crime etc... all while ignoring many of its more important principals like "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Turn the other cheek, love thine enemy, love your neighbor as yourself....", and even the more minor ones like like don't wear mixed threads.

In literature I will teach how its many variants and translations have basterdized it and allowed people to shape the connotation of its translations to fit their agendas.

In art class I would teach both how the bible was used as an excuse to censor creativity, and how many artists were both patronized and persecuted by the church.

In science I would teach about simply how incorrect many passages are, and that many commandments were resultant from early societies adapting to scientific phenomena they didn't fully understand.

I would maliciously comply so hard with Mr. Walter's directive. If you want me to teach about a religious text in relation to its place in our society then I will, but I'm not going to pull any punches and if you try and stop me we're going all the way to the Supreme Court..... and if they try and stop me then we're going to the streets.
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Drag queens versus bibles in our public schools. Can we get back to simply educating our children without the political agendas?
Drag queens versus bibles in our public schools. Can we get back to simply educating our children without the political agendas?
How many wars have been fought in the name of Rue Paul?

How many cities were sacked to defend a man’s belief he should be able to wear a wig?

When was the last time people were beheaded, tortured, or exiled for not believing Lady Gaga is the best instead of Beyoncé?

I agree, that as best we can, we should endeavor to make education apolitical, but let’s also not create a false equivalency.
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How many wars have been fought in the name of Rue Paul?

How many cities were sacked to defend a man’s belief he should be able to wear a wig?

When was the last time people were beheaded, tortured, or exiled for not believing Lady Gaga is the best instead of Beyoncé?

I agree, that as best we can, we should endeavor to make education apolitical, but let’s also not create a false equivalency.
Zero room for bibles or drag queens in schools. Zero wars over the Bible have been fought since the left started pushing drag queens as well. Regardless, we need to educate and drop the political crap in our schools.

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