Amnesty and the Backyard Analogy


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2004
OK, Obama is now pushing illegal immigration reform (AKA Comprehensive Reform), (AKA amnesty) in the media and with the lieberal establishment in order to once again put the Republicans on the political hotseat and further divide them. What is missing in the debate is what really happens if "amnesty" is granted with Obamas "pen" aka his magic wand.

First of all does anyone think the so called fines will really be levied on illegals already here? Fluent English? Background checks on felonious activity? Anyone that believes that isn't paying attention to what is going on in the WH. IMO none of what the lieberals say will be pushed by them because they are - well - lieberals.

But the most aggregious thing about granting amnesty to illegal aliens is that it will change our defintion of what a border is and means.

So here is an analogy. Call it the "backyard " analogy.


A person we'll call Al Leon is homeless and needs a place to "hang out", smoke dope and just enjoy the warm days and brisk nights in the state of California. So thanks to Presidnet Obama's program of open borders wo fencing, walls and little to no border enforcement, he decides to test the waters for a place to live since borders now mean nothing.

Al searches a nice neighborhood and sees a very nice house without a backyard fence. Since there isn't any barrier to the back yard and evidently no law against enforcing sovereighnty exists, he decides to "squat" and live in the backyard of someone we'll call Barry (the home owner). Al just shows up, pitches a pup tent, digs a hole to use as a bathroom, smokes his weed, drinks out of the hose in back, eats out of the garbage and lives the life of a freeloader at the expense of Barry. Why not?

What would you do if you were Barry? Well, most of us would call the cops and have him removed or jailed for trespassing. But if there was no enforcement or if the problem was so huge that the law couldn't be applied and even the athorities were encouraging that behavior, or if Al just kept doing it over and over, why shouldn't Al just thumb his nose at them and stay. And if Barry was to build a fence, what should be done with Al already living in his backyard? Should he be forcably removed by Barry since the authorities are powerless to act? Can Al invite his friends, relatives and companions to hang out in Barry's backyard too? After all it doesn't harm anyone, does it?

So is there a difference between Barry's problem and what the POTUS is advocating with his "reform"? Well, I think there is. The main difference is the "scale" of the problem. There really isn't much difference between what happens to Barry's back yard and what happens to our country when amnesty is allowed. And make no mistake, that is what is happening.

May I live in your backyard? Is there a fence? If there is one, may I jump it when I like and "stay" there when I want? Whats your address?

You say no I can't live in your backyard? Well, I think I'll do it anyway. Ha! Ha! Try to stop me.

Oh, and does your garage have a back door?

This post was edited on 2/3 1:54 PM by rabidTU

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