America First Party


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Xmas Hallucinations. It's ok, you'll wake up next year, and it will all be the same.
Xmas Hallucinations. It's ok, you'll wake up next year, and it will all be the same.
It’s the transformation of the Republican Party. This movement continues to grow just as I told you in August when you laughed about it. Republicans are tired of seeing their leaders sell out to corruption.
It’s the transformation of the Republican Party. This movement continues to grow just as I told you in August when you laughed about it. Republicans are tired of seeing their leaders sell out to corruption.
I'm still laughing about it. It hasn't come close to true. It's just you and your theories, with no fruition. None of your predictions come true. What about the election he was going to win by a landslide. What about the militia juntas that were going to take over the US and have a rebellion. You are just a few million people going on every day and not doing anything but being angry. It would take somebody intelligent and organizing, and it would still be impossible.

Like I said Xmas dreams of 3 million and one Bob Cratchets. In two years when elections go on between republicans and democrats then we'll talk. If you guys do anything, you will just let Democrats win every election cuz you will split the vote. Now @astonmartin708 is starting to have his Christmas reveries, cuz he's dreaming of a spliiit Christmas, just like the ones he never used to know, when all the elections glisten all cheery and bluuuueee....
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While I don’t think a new party is going to happen, keep in mind that when the Whigs collapsed a new party was formed. Their leader was a tall odd looking guy who struggled at first. Now that party is one of the only two that count and his picture is on Mount Rushmore. Of course that was before 24 hour news.
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Dems are donkeys. Reps are elephants.
What would be a good mascot for the afp? Wise owl.
Mr. Owl... how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


Seriously though, is there a an animal famous for lying? I would make this party’s mascot a used car salesman...
Mr. Owl... how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


Seriously though, is there a an animal famous for lying? I would make this party’s mascot a used car salesman...
Don't you mean to get to the center of a mail in Election Ballot?

By the way, at the election precincts we tape our envelopes shut now. Don't want to give out any covid licker gifts to the people at the election board.

Now watch them go off on the envelopes not being sealed very well with tape.
Mr. Owl... how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


Seriously though, is there a an animal famous for lying? I would make this party’s mascot a used car salesman...
We won't let liars into our club.

No career politicians.
Only new faces.
Drain the swamp
Eliminate the power of lobbyists like bho promised
Wha? New faces still + liars. But if they were able to get that party off it's feet, I seriously doubt it would happen without their resident liar, Donald J Trump in charge.

U are so damned intelligent, give us more of your wisdom..
I would like to see a third party since I am not enamored with either party. They are self serving career politician that throw crumbs to the masses. We need a fresh start.
I would like to see a third party since I am not enamored with either party. They are self serving career politician that throw crumbs to the masses. We need a fresh start.
Yeah , u gotta be a troll, or at least smart enough to know I tweren't serious.

Either way, your trash talk's too stupid or too lame.
I would like to see a third party since I am not enamored with either party. They are self serving career politician that throw crumbs to the masses. We need a fresh start.
Everyone thinks of "read my lips" costing Bush 41 re-election. Enter Ross Perot.

H Ross ran as a third party, didn't get elected. But without his third party candacy Bush 41 would have stood a better chance. The conservative vote was split. Be carefule what you wish for. Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party didn't go far. Enter Woodrow Wilson.
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I think a lot if democrats are not happy with where their party is headed either.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Why certain fine people on here are even arguing against the point that people are fed up with both party’s and are actively working to start another party is asinine. When have these same fine people ever been right about anything on here or ever voiced an authentic, non brainwashed sentence about anything? The same fine people also said the Hunter Biden story was fake 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Those same fine people are eating lots of crow now👌🏽
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Yeah, you go on thinking that. We always eat crow on things you predict, that don't come true. First of all Hunter or Joe, or Trump, or Don Jr, are innocent until proven guilty. You already have them both convicted. (You sure didn't have Trump convicted at this point. )

It's the one thing that might have a shred of a possibility, that u kept going on about. And all the people who said/or implied Hunter was not guilty of anything were democrats. Myself, and iirc most other Republicans on here, just refused to buy your completely biased sources saying much of anything. Most of that crap you were going on about, even still, hasn't been talked about by the legit media. I will continue to wait for evidence to be looked at in court, instead of jumping to any great conclusion. You keep living in your fantasy world.
Brother, you are in a prideful, delusional, denial! You have fallen for the political psyop that has plagued our country for decades now and you need to wake up. Your definition of Alternative media is no longer alternative. Parlor, Rumble, Newsmax, OAN.......these outlets have replaced mainstream. Nobody trust CNN, MSM, CBS, ABC, NBC, or Fox. The people see through the lies and fake narratives. This election was the final straw. The people are saying NO MORE. The people are awake! The numbers don’t lie. Newsmax now gets more views than Fox News. You fixation on a flawed figurehead has clouded your ability to see the real movement and direction your party is headed towards. I encourage you to escape the matrix.
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Brother, you are in a prideful, delusional, denial! You have fallen for the political psyop that has plagued our country for decades now and you need to wake up. Your definition of Alternative media is no longer alternative. Parlor, Rumble, Newsmax, OAN.......these outlets have replaced mainstream. Nobody trust CNN, MSM, CBS, ABC, NBC, or Fox. The people see through the lies and fake narratives. This election was the final straw. The people are saying NO MORE. The people are awake! The numbers don’t lie. Newsmax now gets more views than Fox News. You fixation on a flawed figurehead has clouded your ability to see the real movement and direction your party is headed towards. I encourage you to escape the matrix.
Ha, ha. The obsessed Trump till I die brigade is not that big, they just put a lot of eyes in front of the tv because they are obsessed with their views and Trump supposedly making them happen. The mainstream democrats and mainstream republicans are not obsessed with their underdog views. That's the only reason Oann and Newsmax are beating out Fox on occasion.

This is the split that will tear the Republican and AFP apart and let the Democrats win election after election if the AFPites don't wake up and realize what they are doing. The democrats are more focused on keeping their party together. The ultraleft wing of the party will almost always give head way to the more centrist minded, because they realize the trap that lies in waiting. The far right doesn't care, at least not right now. They will lose Republicans and gain no AFP candidates if they carry on.

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