2024 Election prediction/discussion

He should but will not. Of course.
Dems hands are largely tied from making it a legitimate issue given their coverup regarding Biden’s mental state over the last few years.

I’m not ready to concede the popular vote to Harris. Still believe she wins it by 1-2 points but need to see a few more national polls before I commit to that number. National polls have been moving Trumps direction but he should be close to his ceiling. I don’t expect any further significant movement in his direction. Will be watching the national polls closely this next week.
Dems hands are largely tied from making it a legitimate issue given their coverup regarding Biden’s mental state over the last few years.

I’m not ready to concede the popular vote to Harris. Still believe she wins it by 1-2 points but need to see a few more national polls before I commit to that number. National polls have been moving Trumps direction but he should be close to his ceiling. I don’t expect any further significant movement in his direction. Will be watching the national polls closely this next week.

Medical tests by the government's Dr,(not their own) releasing taxes, and stricter absolute restrictions on stocks and business dealings while in office should be a requirement to hold office. First one you break takes you out of office. Mental health related to dementia exams should happen annually for younger Presidents, and every 6 months for presidents past the age of 65. Tighter restrictions & time limits on returning classified materials after you leave office should exist as well. They should be on penalty of law, with an immediate jail sentence if not met to the letter.

You do this, and enforce it strictly with every president, then we won't have documents out there to be bandied about. We will have a better idea about the mental and physical health of our President. And we will have a much surer idea of the President's susceptibility to graft & corruption. We have left things open to interpretation on many of these issues, but now it has come to bite us on the tail. If we have no sense of the honor system in our Presidential office holder's, we need to make it a requirement.

If we take out of the Presidents hands, and go as far as putting a President out of office or in jail once or twice, they will hold to these regulations a little more resolutely. All of this should be put in a Presidential Regulations Amendment. I guarantee it would have a better chance of passing than just about any other Constitutional Amendment.

Granted if there are signs of senility and/or dementia there will have to be a wide latitude of how to deal with it, after diagnosed. Early on, those problems don't necessarily hinder the President enough to have to step down. There should be some testing guidelines set, that the President has to meet, before he can be taken out of office. Those guidelines should be lenient. When he doesn't meet those guidelines late in the process of evaluation, it should be put to a large panel of doctors, (maybe 10 doctors well recognized in that field) and require a super majority of 7 out of 10 doctors to say that he must step down.

Side Note:

We should do something similar for the Supreme Court.
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Two solid polls out for Harris this am. Reuters and Morning Consult show Harris up 3 and 4 points respectively. No slippage there. Are those outliers or do they show a momentum shift?
Medical tests by the government's Dr,(not their own) releasing taxes, and stricter absolute restrictions on stocks and business dealings while in office should be a requirement to hold office. First one you break takes you out of office. Mental health related to dementia exams should happen annually for younger Presidents, and every 6 months for presidents past the age of 65. Tighter restrictions & time limits on returning classified materials after you leave office should exist as well. They should be on penalty of law, with an immediate jail sentence if not met to the letter.

You do this, and enforce it strictly with every president, then we won't have documents out there to be bandied about. We will have a better idea about the mental and physical health of our President. And we will have a much surer idea of the President's susceptibility to graft & corruption. We have left things open to interpretation on many of these issues, but now it has come to bite us on the tail. If we have no sense of the honor system in our Presidential office holder's, we need to make it a requirement.

If we take out of the Presidents hands, and go as far as putting a President out of office or in jail once or twice, they will hold to these regulations a little more resolutely. All of this should be put in a Presidential Regulations Amendment. I guarantee it would have a better chance of passing than just about any other Constitutional Amendment.

Granted if there are signs of senility and/or dementia there will have to be a wide latitude of how to deal with it, after diagnosed. Early on, those problems don't necessarily hinder the President enough to have to step down. There should be some testing guidelines set, that the President has to meet, before he can be taken out of office. Those guidelines should be lenient. When he doesn't meet those guidelines late in the process of evaluation, it should be put to a large panel of doctors, (maybe 10 doctors well recognized in that field) and require a super majority of 7 out of 10 doctors to say that he must step down.

Side Note:

We should do something similar for the Supreme Court.
I can’t even start to comprehend the political fights and shenanigans caused by selecting doctors to kick a President or Supreme Court Justices out of office. I would rather see a mandatory retirement age for Presidents and Justices. We have a minimum age for running for President. Why shouldn’t we have a maximum age ?
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I can’t even start to comprehend the political fights and shenanigans caused by selecting doctors to kick a President or Supreme Court Justices out of office. I would rather see a mandatory retirement age for Presidents and Justices. We have a minimum age for running for President. Why shouldn’t we have a maximum age ?
You could select a bipartisan panel of 10 doctors every 8 years, and the selection is from a blind panel who only knows his or her qualifications. And the testing of the president would be overseen by that panel of doctors, or by an evaluator who only reads the answers given not seeing the person being evaluated. That doesn't avoid the nitty gritty that later those doctors on the panel have to vote on his removal. But the first steps become harder to throw tests with 10 doctors who overseeing the testing. We nominate presidents who are of an older age for their wisdom.

Do we make it 70 or younger for any term? That would eliminate Biden altogether, and it would eliminate the second term of Reagan & Trump. I'd be ok with that, seeing as how the main issues of senility or dementia would be dealt with in all three Presidents we have noticed it affecting their performance. That doesn't account for early onset though.
You could select a bipartisan panel of 10 doctors every 8 years, and the selection is from a blind panel who only knows his or her qualifications. And the testing of the president would be overseen by that panel of doctors, or by an evaluator who only reads the answers given not seeing the person being evaluated. That doesn't avoid the nitty gritty that later those doctors on the panel have to vote on his removal. But the first steps become harder to throw tests with 10 doctors who overseeing the testing. We nominate presidents who are of an older age for their wisdom.

Do we make it 70 or younger for any term? That would eliminate Biden altogether, and it would eliminate the second term of Reagan & Trump. I'd be ok with that, seeing as how the main issues of senility or dementia would be dealt with in all three Presidents we have noticed it affecting their performance. That doesn't account for early onset though.
I believe 70 would be a good number. Each party spends $1B plus every four years to gain power and reap the financial rewards from holding office. As such, I’m highly skeptical that it’s possible to keep politics out of the selection of the doctors or influence on this doctors once selected. There’s just too much money and power riding on the decision to remove a President of Justice. Which is why I would prefer an objective line like age rather than a subjective one.
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Today's Updates:

NV - Harris +0.3%
WI - Harris +0.5%
PA - Trump +0.3%
MI - Trump +0.4%
NC - Trump +0.4%
AZ - Trump +1.8%
GA - Trump +1.9%

EC - Trump 296-242

The key is still the 3 in the middle - PA, MI, NC. The winner will need to take 2 of the 3.
The vaccine did not prevent all strains of Covid. It did greatly inhibit the lethality of the virus and saved many lives, I'm sure that some of my family might have appreciated having the opportunity to get it if only they had lived the extra few months to get it.

Saying that it "didn't work" is kind of like saying your seatbelt didn't work when you in got whiplash in a car wreck.

The people who whined the most about the mandate were the people who understood science the least. (They happened to be the same people trying to pass off Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine as legitimate cure-alls). The fact that we even needed a mandate in the first place should tell you how big of A-holes they were, and how wrong they were about the "sideffects" of the vaccine that they were so deathly afraid of. Again, similar to people who complained for years about being forced to wear helmets on motorcycles or seatbelts in vehicles. They probably complain about car seats too.
I’m a bit surprised but the New York Supreme Court has also found the mandate to be unconstitutional for government employees and granted back pay and reinstatement. Reasoning the same as I set forth.


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