2024-2025 Men's Schedule


I.T.S. Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 4, 2003
Do we return games with NMSU and Missouri State? I know ORU comes here to finally lose......
Yes , Dickson and Carson picked Konkol over Lutz and Lutz is probably still fuming about that.
He shouldn't be upset. Konkol knew the lay of the land from having been here as a grad assistant. He had the knowledge about how to market himself appropriate to TU, for that reason. Konkol interviewed with a passing lane.
Cue the scene from Pretty Woman…. “Big Mistake. Big! Huge!”

You haven't even seen them matchup, or the players Konkol & Lutz has brought in this year, and the first thing out of your mouth is criticizing TU. With 'fans' like you, TU doesn't need enemies.
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That's just you wanting a fun trip. Ask to go on the foreign one. :)
From the crowds at the last couple it may only be me but, yeah, after not having one last year I’m ready for a November vacation to a warm climate with three TU games. If it Daytona or the Bahamas I can talk the wife into going with me.
He wanted assurances we wouldn’t give. I doubt he’s glanced back over his shoulder a single time.
That said….he's going to be coaching a team woefully undermanned to play in the Big12 this upcoming season. His first year could look a lot like Konkols.
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If he keeps signing the AAC freshman of the year and 4 star players, and finish in top of AAC, I think he might get an extension. But he could just quit basketball all together the way things are now.
Update on the tournament front. South Florida has accepted the Myrtle Beach invitational. There are 4 american teams not in one yet. Tulsa, Tulane, Rice and UTSA

tournaments with spots available for american teams

Cancun Challenge
Rainbow classic

I think there are a couple of tournaments that have not announced fields yet.
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Report is delay in schedule as some teams are still signing new players and are not ready to commit to a game without knowing who they have. Haven’t asked about foreign trip but if going should have known by now. Probably not enough money.
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Report is delay in schedule as some teams are still signing new players and are not ready to commit to a game without knowing who they have. Haven’t asked about foreign trip but if going should have known by now. Probably not enough money.
They still have plenty of time for a foreign trip. The bowl games are made like 3or 4 weeks out from the game. We still have 4 months till we tipoff and 4 and a half till the in season tourneys. I can almost be positive though that we won’t be in Cancun. My money is that we are in one of those worthless MTE again where we play the sisters of the poor

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