• astonmartin708
    Federal Law is probably not strong enough. It's too easy to repeal a federal law, or dismember it gradually.
  • R
    rusty-c replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Their going to share enough to buy members and stick it to the defectors by keeping the conference from folding and allowing them to get...
  • Weatherdemon
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • C
    chito_and_leon replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Dammit LEC, look what you started!!
  • TU1NNJ
    TU1NNJ replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    George Strait? If not at least he can pack a stadium. 😁
  • Babe the Blue Ox
    Babe the Blue Ox replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    I’ve seen 2 Swift concerts and she does put on a pretty good show. I recently saw my 8th Rolling Stones show and they just keep getting...
  • C
    'Cane-man replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Taylor Swift may have held all top 10 spots on the charts at once but I'll bet I haven't listened to any of them.
  • C
    chito_and_leon replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    IDK, I was just trying to help LEC bring his musical references into the post Gerald Ford era. I personally think a playoff of big10...
  • Babe the Blue Ox
    Babe the Blue Ox replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    And this thread just jumped the shark.
  • D
    dougheffking replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Taylor Swift is a no talent ass clown
  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    You've got to be kidding me, that you are comparing the Beatles to Taylor Swift. She doesn't hold a candle to them. I could easily...
  • C
    chito_and_leon replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Beatles, please. One artist, and only one in history, had all 10 of the top 10 spots on the charts....
  • noble cane
    noble cane replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
  • noble cane
    Meanwhile we cant meet our recruiting goals..
  • Babe the Blue Ox
    Babe the Blue Ox replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    We’ve made the Waiting List for ESPN’s bottom 10.
  • L
    Not shocking to most of us but it turns out fighting a war makes one better at fighting a war. I was a little surprised to see the...
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Democratic Party..
    As far as the Fed, I would have rather seen a .25 basis point move. Inflation is still our #1 enemy especially considering out huge...
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Democratic Party..
    Ironic that history only matters to some when it supports their current political position :) As far as Rowe v Wade the court made the...
  • astonmartin708
    Which is a bad decision, and no matter how much Trump lies to you and says that’s what everyone wanted, it wasn’t. Maybe the Civil War...
  • Chris Harmon
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Democratic Party..
    Most people don’t understand what a rate cut means. They correlate Fed funds rate cut with lower mortgage rates. Home loan rates...
  • Bill Lowery
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread This is the Democratic Party..
    I'm getting tired of hearing about this jumbo, gigantic, huge, monumental interest rate cut. It's either a normal cut of 1/4 or a large...
  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread This is the Democratic Party..
    Yeah it will be almost 50/50 then. Probably 45 states give or take a couple will not allow it at all and/or after 6 weeks, if the...
