• Henry Kendall
    Henry Kendall replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    I was initially a huge fan of this hire. Boy was I effing wrong. This staff doesn’t play to win, they just hope to not get blown out...
  • TU1NNJ
    TU1NNJ replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread. Halftime stats.
  • D
    drboobay replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Feels like we are now playing to keep the score relatively close. Our offense has been exceptionally disappointing this season.
  • TU Pilot
    TU Pilot replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    It's becoming apparent after 2 seasons that KW doesn't play to win. We're at home and people are booing the HC in season 2 bc he's...
  • D
    drboobay replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    You cannot get behind by two touchdowns to a triple option team. Plus they get the ball.
  • TulsaAM
    TulsaAM replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Well, that was a appropriate last play of the half for this Tulsa team. That's all I have to say, time to run some errands and see if I...
  • T
    TulsaBandit replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    I didn't think clock management could get any worse than Monty. Wilson proved me wrong.
  • TU1NNJ
    TU1NNJ replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Jackson needed to get OB
  • TU 1978
    TU 1978 replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    I’m sure Army’s defense finds it easy to defend our offense with this quarterback roulette we’re playing. Legas - run Francis - pass...
  • TU1NNJ
    TU1NNJ replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Either the wind held up that pass or Legas arm isn’t strong. Good adjustment by WR
  • P
    panicstricken replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    wounded duck throw couldve easily gone the other way....
  • Babe the Blue Ox
    They’re putting what appears to be an Army player on a stretcher on the sideline. Anyone with a better view?
  • P
    panicstricken replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    3 and why isnt Army calling time out here.
  • TU1NNJ
    TU1NNJ replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    We need a TD drive before half or lack of time will hurt us in second half.
  • P
    panicstricken replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Wheels coming off..... I can see an INT/pick 6 coming from Francis
  • P
    panicstricken replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    What a great read Great play
  • D
    drboobay replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Ok. But where to find such?
  • TulsaGrad07
    TulsaGrad07 replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    He looked good against Louisiana Remedial College. Both he and Presley should be punted for better receivers.
  • T
    TUGrad06 replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Ok. So we move the ball with legas. He has the legs and surely not a worse arm than francis...and yet kirk is who we go with the most...
  • TU1NNJ
    TU1NNJ replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Steptoe has to catch that out route. Hit in in the hands
    TULSARISING replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Bryson Daily is the kind of leader I would want in war with me
  • TU1NNJ
    TU1NNJ replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    On TV the east side looks pretty full
  • Babe the Blue Ox
    Way too much wind to kick from there.
  • P
    panicstricken replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    Its impossible not to like Bryson Daily Im taking my kid to west point in a few weeks for Army/EZU
  • P
    panicstricken replied to the thread Official Army Game Thread.
    The thing I like about Army/Navy is they just line up and run at you and then have a QB burn you when youre not expecting it looks...
