Will the students and the fans show up for ORU?


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Gold Member
Dec 4, 2003
Our team has not showed any fire against the Titans (oops Golden Eagles) in the last two games. For the sake of the seniors, I hope Haith lights a fire under their A## and that we show up to get the win TU deserves. Go away ORU Voice. Ha.
Will be there. Even the baby will be there. Who knows on our fickle crowd? Good that there's no football that anyone around these parts cares about.
I would think so... the ORU games in the last several years have been decently attended by Tulsa fans. The students should be able to come, though I do think finals are approaching.
ORU finals begin Monday but my guess is they will show up strong with ORU's decent start. 3pm game Saturday is a tough time for basketball. We will be there 4 strong. No kid's soccer, no HS football to worry about.
I've said the past two year's that TU would win the Mayor's Cup game by 20 points. I've been way off, both times.

I have to think that TU's seniors will play light's out and roll, similar to Caleb Green's senior year, when we had won 3 straight in the series and TU won handily at the RenCen.
Just have them wear a "We don't have a curfew" t-shirt....that'd be hystericalk
Students had them for Wichita state as well.
But half the students who got the shirts at the WSU game left before the opening tip...pass the good stuff out at halftime.
And not stop laughing with the accompanying "You Conn't Do That!" chants from the student section that night.
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Just have them wear a "We don't have a curfew" t-shirt....that'd be hystericalk

But half the students who got the shirts at the WSU game left before the opening tip...pass the good stuff out at halftime.

We had a very good student crowd for WSU. Actually, student turnout for basketball last year was very good. They need to continue the shirt giveaways as long as they are proving to be successful.
Nothing quite as embarrassing as Memphis' players revising them to "Beaten By Memphis" and then that photo being blasted everywhere.
If you want the students there, then pass out free coupons for a Mazzio medium size pizza to every student when they present the student ID...
No. That will not work. It may scare students off. Just win and let them have fun. Free beer wouldn't hurt, before and after.

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