The first thing this will do is give us a guaranteed home MBB game against WSU every year instead of every other year and because they travel so well, should sell out. That means more revenue and excitement for a conference rival game. It also does the same for all sports we play. The best thing is that they travel so well.
Since WSU doesn't have football, I'd be for a designated home FB game against Memphis, SMU, Tulane or Houston with maybe discount tickets and an area where they could tailgate. Give them the AAC football experience so to speak. Allow them to cheer for their conference brothers whichever one they choose.
Just a thought.
Offering an olive branch 2 WSU fans
2 adapt another AAC f-ball team is
a great idea!
Having lived there 4 the past 3 yrs
I guarantee many WSU fans would "buy"
N2 this idea
The week of the game
Local media would PR the game
which would promote TU f-ball
2 the city of Wichita
Offer Shock Top Beer @ the game
Allow WSU fans 2 have tailgate parties
Allow their mascot, band, & cheer leaders
2 B included
Give a % of f-ball tix's sold @ WSU outlets
to the WSU Athletic Dept &/or Local Wichita Area Charities
TU players could wear a WSU sticker
on their helmet 4 that game.
Perhaps Coach Marshall or another WSU coach
Could give a pep talk 2 the team
B4 the game.
Strike while the "fire" is Hot
I think TU fans might B Shocked
how supportive many Shockers fans
might B w/ this type of proposal
Even IF Tulsa just offers a "one time"
in celebration of WSU new AAC membership
I'd choose the WSU promo 4 home opener w/ La La Louie
Easier 2 advertise & promote in the Wichita area
It'd B a good opening gesture & prosper good relations